
Mishaps Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"I think it's important when things like this happen—mishaps or miscommunications by somebody—I think it's important to at least figure out how we can improve a situation."
"Skateboarding gone wrong, but actually funny."
"This is the legit first thing you're doing, throwing up into a sink."
"No, no, she didn't see that. I've hit like 800 things, you see your wheelchair doing burnouts?"
"I just ran into the um cloak room in the hallway and nothing was plumbed in and I went in and I crapped in their toilet and it wasn't plumbed in I ran out of there so quick."
"Your fireworks made fire, Iowa fireworks, fireworks, right?"
"I have piss hands I'm not allowed to catch it I learned that working running SRAM with Mitch."
"Number 8: Clumsy kangaroo hits fence while hopping out of backyard."
"Accidents do happen. In this instance, when the missile was ejected from its tube, something malfunctioned."
"Dude, that is the most aggravating thing when you accidentally tp because of uh, like for me it was always like an explosion from like a geo or something like that."
"He got drunk and emailed his teacher... Keep slaying boy."
"Do you have any idea how much had to go wrong for that to happen?"
"Mistakes: Moving the RV without unplugging from the power pedestal was a bad day."
"So you've been hit by golf balls. You've been almost dropped off the back of a milk truck, you have had to be a bouncer in a hospital, and the hardest job that you've had was dealing with teenagers."
"It's not a paint day if you don't get it on your pants."
"I flew a spaceship today okay you crashed it."
"It's hard not to feel grateful for all the mishaps that have led us to this campfire right now."
"The weekend long date that went super awry."
"The best part of the Oscars is when something goes wrong, when something goes wrong or off the rails, or an authentic moment."
"When I was three, I put a bunch of small rocks in both of my ears... Fast forward to when I was nine, I put popcorn in the microwave for seven minutes to cook it... well, there was black smoke, I threw up, and my father beat me."
"The cow's most memorable move came when she stuck her head between Clarkson's legs and jerked it upward, smashing his privates."
"Mine would either have to be that time when I broke my arm and they had to reset it, or when I broke my pinky toe against the wall walking into my bathroom."
"This trip did not go over too well. One son Jamie ran through a window and cut his eyelids open."
"Not all such mishaps happened by accident."
"I love when like [ __ ] up [ __ ] happens as you just knock something over."
"...crashing his drone into the team's scoreboard was asked to stop Flying his drone at spring training and accidentally cut his finger open with a drone before it starts in the ALCS."
"...a comedy of errors one thing happens and then the next and the next and it kind of just spirals..."
"...taking the Hastings cut off caused a series of mishaps and delays."
"Hand hits definitely happened a lot."
"You were the stylist for Jennifer Lawrence in the era where she fell down a lot because she was wearing all those gashes."
"I watched in person at Tampa Lewis Tolantino tie the world record when he was hitting the bar that he was trying to ollie over for the world record, his board wasn't hitting it, his butt was."
"...you know, let's hear it real quick oh yeah cuz you're this one I just had a little snafu with this thing and lost a bunch of stuff."
"I sneezed and my foot slipped off the clutch, and the car jumped forward and bumped into the back of the police."
"It's not a true Disney trip until you lose at least something once."
"Blowouts can happen anytime anywhere, just always bring this blowouts happen at the worst times I swear."
"That's what creates the memories, where would the memories be if someone didn't get stuck?"
"Couldn't the turntable gone the wrong way? I just won album of the year and my performance like got [__] up."
"Everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong."
"There is nothing quite as funny as seeing your best friend fall off a roof."
"Even monkeys fall out of trees you can have a mishap, so don't worry about that."
"Last time we did lose Sushi when we first moved into this house, but she was in a cupboard."
"I've done the classic of being a student and just taking a big gulp of gone-off milk, not realizing."
"I've made huge mistakes, like when I almost caught my house on fire with popcorn, Aaron."
"He put the bean back in his kid's ear."
"I was definitely jumping off stage way too much in them shoes and I broke the lights."
"Wouldn't be a day trapping if you didn't have a couple of little mishaps."
"Funny enough, you actually have to get the tooth replaced every 10 years. This is my second tooth because I pulled out the first one eating a piece of Taffy."
"Here's Sean Malto now a backside noseblunt slide almost broke his skateboard razor might have had a little bit too much wax on their knees straight out onto the top and it got away from me."
"We thought we'd do a family thing and go pick up the Uber Eats out the front of the hotel together and then we were just locked out of our, like, hotel for a little bit."
"I can't believe Norm just got one on a completely unfunctioning rod and then he just snapped it."
"Randy had a hard time getting the damn casket started. I was just off camera and was taking large poopoos in my pants while this was going on because Randy had a hard time getting the damn casket started."
"there's no better way to start thy day than watching Anna go pick up a table she smashed by driving over it"
"Some people say your wedding day is the best day of your life, so I guess they've never had two candy bars drop out of the venue."
"Oh no, I spilled the sticky purple stuff."
"And as frustrating as it might get we just have to learn to work through mishaps like this laugh them off yes they raise our blood pressure make us sweat a little bit but it's okay."
"Great movie, guy just tries to make Christmas happen to the nines and everything goes wrong."
"He is friendly and polite, and he tries to do things right, but he gets in sticky messes just the same."
"The highlight was when my dog rolled in the mud, and I got to hose him down."
"Throwing the bowling ball backwards is something we've all done at least once in Wii Sports bowling."
"No worries, guys, it always happens. Legends."
"It's been one cupcake catastrophe after another today."
"I filmed TikTok, ate a large fry, actually I had to film that twice, I totally messed up the first one."
"It's that lovely spot in the show that goes wrong every week."
"The trips with the worst mishaps make for the best campfire stories."
"It's the things that go wrong during our tradition that make the best stories and memories later."
"Just when we thought this was going to be a smooth sailing trip, we ended up losing one of Lloyd's suitcases."
"British Airways is my most flown airline, they have my heart but they do not have my luggage."
"If your family camping trips don't quite go according to plan, you won't feel so bad. It happens to all of us."
"Async void is like... you stand in line for 40 minutes with your kids, you're trying to get an ice cream... and then you drop the ice cream in the sand."
"There's nothing funnier than your mate running into something."
"Hey, it's vastly reassuring to see that even Brian Goulet can have an ink disaster."
"Failure is not an option, unless you drop the keys."
"Watch them weave through funny encounters and entertaining blunders."
"I had an amazing time. I saw giraffes, I got attacked by a bee, I locked myself on my balcony."