
Nail Art Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"Do you have boring nails? Just add a Holo Taco and it's not a problem anymore."
"It was like a get ready with me but for my nails."
"I'd much rather do them myself with regular polish for me, and nail art has become a form of self-care and a little bit of time out."
"Stamping is a great way to get nail art, super complex designs, and there's so many different ways to be creative about it."
"I love a good french tip if you didn't know, now you know."
"I'm using that clear holographic foil and the foil transfer gel..."
"Sometimes you don't have to get crazy with a lot of nail art to make a statement."
"I just wanted to give people the fun and freedom to layer on different combinations of different things so that they make their nails not boring anymore."
"What a journey! So this is the finished product of my nails."
"This glitter acrylic is not for strength; this is strictly for decoration."
"I'm convinced anything and I mean anything can be put on a nail and shaped like a nail."
"I love it, my nails did pale yellow with a chrome on top of course."
"Just add a holo taco, cremes aren't boring anymore."
"This is actually how you do tortoiseshell Nails."
"It's a cool way of getting very detailed nail art without having to have any freehand skill."
"...it was almost opaque in the first coat so this is a great nail art yellow I love that like golden coloring to it also it definitely makes it feel like the perfect fall shade."
"I love meeting all the people in the nail community. I feel like, you know, we all just need to network and, you know, everybody's doing her thing."
"It kind of just melts into the nail so once I pair this with linen over it, it looks so soft and light again."
"Painting your nails can be such a fun and creative thing to do!"
"But don't worry – today I'll show you lots of simple but mind blowing nail hacks that will change your life!"
"It just feels like a neutral manicure but a little bit advanced with having that little stripe of magnetic in there and it almost makes the base color look a little bit more jelly-like which I thought was so pretty."
"Let's do another nail. This would be so great for Valentine's Day, I just can't even."
"...I feel like this kit is going to really lend itself well to doing gel nail art so I definitely want to do that very soon."
"I've literally just been doing my nails since sixth grade and I'm 20 now so I've just been practicing it for a very long time and I love doing them."
"So I'm just gonna go ahead and repeat this over all of my nails and then we can get into the last few layers and we will finally be done with this application."
"Every nail tech should have flower elements for stamping."
"Practicing the quick move to remove paint from the plate is essential for successful stamping."
"Reverse stamping requires attentiveness and filling the image with colors using a thin brush."
"Using acid-free primer creates a sticky film on the surface, allowing the stamping to easily adhere."
"Honestly, I cannot get enough of this flash reactive trend. I think it's such a cool thing to add into nail polish."
"I always get so many aquarium Nails submitted I figure why not just do a whole draw my nails dedicated two aquarium nails."
"I love the little cow, I think that is so cute especially then topped with the UFO and it's like such a good complete design."
"Let's get into that so I will be making some of our aquarium tips but for this one and a couple others I'm going to be using these pre-done aquatips from Sydney 33."
"Creating these beautiful baby boomers is so much easier when you have the right product."
"Literally everything we need to finish off our beautiful acrylic nail set."
"I just love everything about these duck nails."
"Here's how they are looking so far and now we are just going to get into the nail art."
"Some of my favorite nails to do are definitely Charm Nails. I just love charms, they just add so much to a nail set without having to do too much."
"I just couldn't decide on a nail set to be honest."
"I have so many nail designs that I want to get through, so let's hopefully see if we can get through as many as we can."
"Literally tons of different press-on nails and sometimes I use press-ons like if I don't feel like actually sitting down and doing a full set I'll just throw these on."
"...you can do this technique with hybrid gel, hard gel you can do it with nail polish if you want."
"...when you're learning but when you're shorter it can be less of those issues and there's not much of an apex."
"Nail videos are the most time-consuming to create, but I find them so creatively fulfilling."
"I just think it's funny how we always try to not get bubbles in our nails and then this trend is all about putting as many bubbles in your nails as you can. Why are we like this?"
"I feel like a neutral tone, long acrylic nail is the perfect canvas for nail art."
"Like just look at these these are just the perfect Spring Nails."
"These are like my favorite nails so far, like, I'm not even kidding."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this Halloween-inspired aquarium liquid nails. These are like my favorite nails so far, like, I'm not even kidding."
"The diy butterfly ones were super fun but as you can see you can move around dance around nothing's gonna move on you."
"Just something really, really simple I feel like any and everybody can do no matter what stage you're in in doing your nails."
"I felt like I enjoyed everything that was included in this kit and I also enjoyed doing the nail set it wasn't too hard or anything like that."
"I just really think this nail set is great for spring and I was just so impressed with myself how well I did for my first time using acrylic."
"Stamping allows me to get images onto the nails that I wouldn't be able to hand paint myself."
"Little images like this really just make a set pop."
"Stamping is a very useful addition that you can add to your services."
"...hybrid gel has the benefits of acrylic and the benefits of gel combined into one product."
"With this method we're almost cutting out the filing because you're going to be so precise on how you layer in your ombre."
"Two steps that's application of course two steps you're white and then your pink comes together."
"Take your time take a breath don't try to think you can tack it all at once."
"That's in now, I'm just going to make sure that there's a 10 mil gap."
"And now, I'm going to top coat them, so they're nice and secure. And they won't fall off."
"Adding that purple chrome on that black nail just made it fit in so perfectly. I love that, I literally love that."
"I really love how this French tip ended up looking."
"I think this set came out so cute, I love them!"
"Possibly one of my nicest sets I've done in a while."
"It really wasn't that hard. Drip nail art is so easy."
"If you want the colors to be as intense as on those nails, you have to sprinkle it with the clear acrylic powder."
"I love them so much, such a delicate work."
"I just scammed a full set of nails and I got them completely decorated and decked out by Max did you like them I love them."
"Thank you for joining us on how to learn how to do nails beautifully and sometimes for yourself thank you guys catch you guys in the next video."
"I feel like when I buy nail supplies, I skip all of the basic stuff you normally get and just go into like weird fun stuff that I definitely probably don't even need, but also need at the same time."
"That's a good thing about encapsulating nail art, once you're done applying that acrylic, that's it."
"After I've done the art, I am going to go ahead and just top coat this nail."
"The base coat is a very essential part of doing polygel, so I highly recommend you not skip over that step."
"This morning I painted my nails each of the four shades so you can see what they look like on the nail."
"I appreciate all the Menchie gang members and just the new Chatters old Chatters everyone making this stream chat just a wonderful place to celebrate now polish to be positive to to ask questions like qas and nail polish and stuff."
"But y'all, my nails are fire; my girl does not play."
"Keep your brush connected to the surface of the nail and just kind of float over the surface."
"I'm going to show you three designs that every nail tech should know."
"Layering the glitter gives the nail a really cool multi-dimensional effect depending on how the light hits the nail."
"I love seeing the glitter come back to life when applying a top coat."
"Painting your nails is like a super fun way to add that alternative thing to your outfit."
"I'm absolutely in love with them, and I'm gonna be showing you guys how I use rings to take my nail photos and how you can really, really make your pictures stand out."
"This is just such a beautiful representation of how you can just elevate your nail photos."
"Thank you for making my nails look pretty; like I'm a woman, just like I am."
"I'm going to be doing some pink neon nail art which was so cute."
"I'm trying to get my spark back for nails again."
"I got to be honest, I really love how the komaromi nail art turned out."
"Hi, I'm Susie, welcome to my channel Nail Career Education."
"Clear polish, gel polish makes it come alive."
"Look how beautiful, I love it. I keep the same color, but I put this detail in each one, so each nail is different."
"I help current and aspiring nail stylists become thriving entrepreneurs by mastering all of their general services using soft gel."
"I highly recommend iridescent flaky or glitter toppers over light bases."
"I think it just makes them stand out really nicely."
"Multi-chromes look incredible with a flaky holo top coat."
"I love the look of these neon smoke or rainbow smoke nails."
"The best tip for anyone that wants to do nails is just practice. It takes so much practice; it's not something that's going to come to you overnight."
"I really encourage you to start investigating the properties of your gel because it'll help you understand how it's going to behave on the nail."
"It's a beautiful combination I've done it so many times in my little nail career."
"I really love beginner-friendly nail art, just because it's super easy, super quick, and I just love how it makes the set look in the end."
"You already know since this is the Christmas season, we have to do a Christmas nail set."
"This is the finished set, as you guys can see the shape looks flawless, that nude color is to die for."
"It's so satisfying to me to watch me filling in this little Frenchie; that's my favorite part to watch."
"If you're not new, you probably already know that my most popular videos on this channel are nail tutorials."
"I've gotten probably more compliments on the jealousy set of nails than on any other ones that I've worn probably in the last year or so."
"I would definitely recommend this kit to get just so you can have everything else that you need to start doing nails."
"Nail art is a hobby, is a passion of mine."
"Congrats to Sandi for being one of the OG nail art tutorialists on YouTube."
"I think this design is going to look gorgeous if you use clear or any kind of Aurora Chrome powders."
"Learn how to do nails... learn how to install a wig."
"I love getting the Holo Taco packages, I have such a cool collection now."
"My biggest passion, as you can see, is nail art."
"I love the way my nails turned out, I love the Fall colors that I chose."
"I feel like it was a very pretty nail set and turned out super cute."
"Have you seen the beautiful aurora nails?"
"Traditional nail art for Christmas usually includes colors like green, red, sometimes it's blue, but I decided to go with the beige and brown colors this time."
"I'm so excited; I can't wait to pump out nail videos for you guys."
"The combinations in terms of nail art or accenting or just a little french tip are almost endless with this one."
"I'm super satisfied with the acrylic and the monomer."
"I really love this nude set; it's kind of funky and edgy but nude at the same time."
"If you can train your eye to see what the nail structure should look like, you can train your hand to do anything."
"When you add glitters and things into your nail designs, it's going to be so much more fun."
"This is by far my favorite nail design I've done in my whole 22 years of life."
"If you haven't watched my C-curve and apex video, please go back and watch it because understanding why we do apexes and why we create C-curves underneath nails is very, very important."
"I really hope you guys love these nails as much as I do."
"I love a matte nail, sorry, I just do."
"The consistency of this gel polish... it's just so much more different and in such a good way."
"Summer's not over yet, and I thought this nail design with the cherries would just be really cute for the summertime."
"I love long nails, I always do long nails."
"I had a lot of fun doing this nail set, and I really liked the outcome of these nails."
"I love simple nail sets like this, such a cute design but it's also kind of simple."
"I wanted my videos to be almost like mini nail art classes."
"Once you get the liquid and powder mastered, you're halfway there; you can start working on yourself, and it makes it so much easier."
"I recommend doing double top coats on nail art to ensure that everything is really sealed in."
"The most important technique in all of acrylic and gel application is the overlay."
"I love getting new nail art; it is the most perfect way to accent my best features."
"The best thing about nail art like this is that you can be really fun, you can be kind of messy with it, and it'll still come out cute."
"I love how the nail looked, it looks so pretty marbled, kind of like a melted chocolate type of vibe."
"I'm going to show you how to make your very own nail stickers."
"It's really important that we can get more nail education out there for those of you who are interested in learning and taking your skills to that much higher level."
"One of my favorite things about gel is it has an incredible shine, and the clear is super clear; it's like glass."
"This is pretty much it, this is how I make nail stickers for my nails."
"I love supporting other nail techs; it makes me so happy when they start all these different kinds of businesses."
"We're gonna do a much requested nail design because loads of people have asked me to do it."
"I hope you guys find value in this video because I'm going to be showing you five different ways to do an alligator slash reptile type nail."
"I absolutely loved their nail tips; I think they are amazing quality."
"I love them so much, the little bit of glitter and the floral stickers just make them give off a very spring vibe."
"Having the pre-designed french tips on these nails were a total game changer and time saver."
"I love doing nails, so I don't mind at all."
"Flaky Holo Taco, my personal favorite Holo topper."
"Nails are looking fabulous, went for a lovely pink with a bit of sparkle."
"One of the most important assets to being a nail ninja is you have to have amazing electrifying skills."
"I tried nail art with the Sailor Moon concept! How is it? Do you remember Sailor Moon?"
"I'm not really into nail art... I do like to do different things sometimes like with different colors or using like glitter, just very basic things but in a very classic way that still looks really fun and just done nicely."
"Adding the dried flowers on these nails were so soothing."
"I think this nail art turned out so cute."
"It's literally perfect and it's my favorite nail for sure."
"I was really proud of this nail art and how it turned out."
"I'm so excited, these are the longest press-on nails that I've ever created here on the channel."
"The reflective gel polish is so beautiful."
"I've got the most gorgeous outline of florals on my fourth finger and my first finger, and I think this is my favorite nail art I have ever seen."
"I switch up my nail color probably like every two days."
"When it comes to nail art in my nail studio, it has to be organized."
"I think the nail art turned out so good."
"I love the nail art I did; I think I'm getting a lot better with the nail art."
"I really like this one especially for winter manicures and like nail art; it just gives a really nice frosty feeling to your manicures."