
Plastics Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Plastics are so important for Modern Life, and the very qualities that make them so useful for things like straws or take-out containers also make them an absolute nightmare when it comes to throwing them away."
"We have the equivalent of one dump truck every minute of plastic waste being dumped into our oceans. We might have more plastics in our oceans than fish by 2050, by weight."
"Plastic content could become the norm in all the world's water supplies and we don't yet know what impact that will have on the health of animals, plants, and ourselves."
"Plastics ended up being much more complex and interesting than I thought."
"Straws matter because they were kind of that again, like that kick starter to the whole conversation around plastic."
"You always want to break these plastic rings holding bottles together to prevent animals from getting stuck."
"The most prevalent debris in the ocean is throwaway plastic."
"Since the 1950s humans have produced about 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic."
"Plastics and fossil fuels are inextricably linked."
"We are not facing a situation where it would be nice if people used less plastic. We have a crisis on our hands when it comes to single-use plastic."
"I propose that the solution to the way that we're destroying the Earth partly with plastics is not to stop production of plastics."
"We are very much involved in sustainability and plastic reductions."
"There's concerns about the effects of plastics on circulating estrogen levels."
"In a five-year plan, phase out all plastic materials unless they are medically necessary."
"Most of us don't think about plastics that often, but if you take, for instance, an electric car, the two largest components of that car are steel and plastic."
"This gentleman here, not only is he one of the biggest eclectic car collectors I've ever met in my life, he spends his life dedicated to removing plastics at the ocean."
"Recycling helps to make use of plastics time and time again."
"maybe Plastics aren't very friendly after all"
"It's estimated that the volume of plastics in our oceans is six times greater than the plankton population."
"The idea of using plastics in loudspeaker cones was something absolutely revolutionary."
"Plastic straws are gonna go away, they're gonna stop being a thing."
"We don't use alkenes as plastics; we use them to make plastics."
"We have produced over 7 billion tons of plastics so far, and more than 80 percent of them are ending up in the environment."
"Plastics take around a thousand years to degrade."
"Whenever we can be environmentally friendly with plastics, it's probably a better thing."
"Plastics are usually non-biodegradable, that means they are not broken down by bacteria."
"It can take up to a thousand years for plastics to completely decompose."
"I work in the plastics industry. ABS is a standard for a reason."
"My goal was to create a device that processes any type of plastic and anybody can use."
"Plastics can even help save toddlers from trouble."
"It's an amazing thing, these plastic things are an invention of Tom Ross shortly after World War II."
"We're able to get 80% of the plastics out of the boxes."
"91% of plastics produced have not been recycled."
"Thermoplastics can be melted and reshaped over and over; they can be easily recycled."
"The future to me is a world without single-use plastics."
"Components and products are increasingly being made from plastics, and there's a wide choice of manufacturing techniques which can be used."
"We're trying to minimize plastics at our home."
"Plastics contain chemicals that can harm any living organism as they slowly break down."
"It's quite fascinating really that from that crude oil that has made millions of years ago from crushed organisms that were floating around in the sea, we can now make our everyday plastics."
"Bro, I love you but what the f on the water bottle. No single-use plastic, come on."
"We're trying to cut down on our single-use plastics."