
Continents Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Istanbul spans two continents and is divided by Bosphorus Strait; on one side of the city lies Europe, and the other side Asia."
"Australian animals can easily rival their Amazonian counterparts."
"In Europe, Asia, and Africa, you can find countless structures that are hundreds to thousands of years old still in use today."
"New Zealand and the United States of America are on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean in different hemispheres."
"By harnessing the power of the geomantic web, the Slann split the single continent into many smaller ones and created the vast ocean that separated them, called the World Pond."
"...how many continents you believe there are completely depends on where you studied."
"Both continents enjoy reasonably high standards of living and are considered developed by the rest of the world."
"Geologists hope to learn more about the forces that led to the birth of the world's eighth continents."
"And that's why I want to travel to all nine continents. The problem with that is that there's only seven continents."
"Asia is the largest continent, it's even larger than Africa. It's the biggest continent in the world."
"Egypt is both in Africa and Asia."
"You may have heard of Pangaea where during the Permian all the continents came together and formed this mass single landmass..."
"Continents shifted, seas rose, and life flourished."
"I think there has been an increase in success in our missionary efforts in Asia and in Africa."
"We have over 40 species from every continent except Antarctica."
"We don't have fossil evidence for plants on the continents but we have isotope evidence that establishes that vegetation was abundant on the continents for at least 200 million years before the first appearance of animals on the face of the Earth."
"The word continents there is just referring to asceticism."
"It does this amazing thing that I appreciate in a story where it doesn't just tell the story of the entire world, it centers on certain continents and you know that there's these other events that are happening in other places."
"The flood shaped our entire planet, just like the Bible said, including reconfiguring the continents."
"The World Cup has only ever been won by two continents: Europe and South America."
"If I stand in the middle of this bridge, on the left is Europe, on the right is North America."
"Antarctica is actually the only continent on Earth where you won't find any countries."
"Africa is not homogeneous... Africa is a continent that is comprised of many different countries."
"We are trying to hit all seven continents this year, so one down, six more to go."
"If we lock the continents together using the continental slope and the shelf break, we can actually lock the continents together with extremely good accuracy."
"What is the fourth largest continent by area? South America."
"Every blanket opinion on an entire continent can never be complicated enough to be true."
"I once took a stone from one continent and left it in another one."
"Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America, and Africa; colors of people, brown, tan, and cream, seven continents holding hands like you and me."
"Asia and America are so different in many ways."
"We finally put our feet on the Antarctic continent, continent number seven."
"It's so big in fact that it is the only continent to border two others by land, Africa and Europe, as well as almost border two continents by sea, which is Oceania and North America."
"The fit of the continents suggests they were once joined together like a jigsaw puzzle."
"As we view the video backwards in time, we observe the changing positions of the continents and plates over millions of years."
"We have one tectonic plate that includes the continent of Australia, all this ocean crust of the Indian Ocean, and India."
"The city of Istanbul in Turkey is the only major city that sits on two different continents."
"Now this is great, but what I would like to do is to group these based on the continents that they are coming from."
"In 250 million years, all of Earth's continents will be fused together like Pangea."
"What at first seems like a crazy theory is a real case for some people: the existence of another secret continent."
"Turkey sits in two continents: Asia and Europe."
"The world is split into seven continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Asia, and Antarctica."
"The city sits at the intersection of two continents, half of it in Asia, and half in Europe."
"We've got Australia parked right here next to our old craton of North America for a hell of a long time."
"Africa is the only continent with land in all four hemispheres."
"Gyres are big circular systems that occur in our oceans due to the continent positions and those different wind patterns."
"We are like two brothers from two continents."
"The continents were together at one point and weren't always separated."
"Each ring represents a different continent; there's Europe, America, Africa, Asia, and this one represents a broad region including Australia, New Zealand, as well as the Micronesian and Polynesian countries known as Oceania."
"The tectonic and Olympic approaches could be easily combined, including both Antarctica and Oceania, giving us a nice problem-free six continents."
"The underlying question in all of this is, why does it matter how many continents there are? Should we even care which one we belong to?"
"On Mira, there are three continents: Dalbooked, Onfair, and Neath."
"Far the nine continents, their realms displayed."
"Over 175 million years, our tectonic plates started to break up into the seven continents that exist today."