
Data Backup Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Thankfully, I did save a backup of this world before I went into the Nether, just in case."
"A good analogy perhaps too, since a backup is essentially a type of life insurance."
"Backblaze are the backup professionals. They have restored over 25 billion files."
"It doesn't hurt to make backups in more than one location. Use an online cloud storage, USB drive, whatever suits you."
"The real reason that you should be making backups if you don't care about your own personal self."
"Back them up, you'll care later. I haven't cared now, you'll care later."
"You can backup all of my files... I can access these from anywhere."
"And we have our backed up image of the PS4 hard drive."
"Make sure you have your own backups. Make sure that you're not downloading any shady things."
"Make a backup, share it with whoever you want to share it with because this is one of those teachings where I think it's just gonna be like BAM revelation."
"So we have taken a snapshot of our home folder just like that. That was super easy."
"It's only worry-free if you have a good backup solution."
"All in One WP Migration is probably the easiest backup and migration plugin."
"The single most important thing you need to do to avoid corruption is making backups. This entire guide could essentially be scrapped and just replaced with two words: make backups."
"Take a screenshot of your keybinding profile and save it somewhere safe."
"If they had a system like this where it would automatically backup your last five to ten replays... would have a lot of people out like me who forget to save the replays."
"Robocopy will find all of the files that are under that Documents folder and copy all of them to my USB drive."
"I think it is a combination of factors...have a hardware wallet...store a safety backup seed...in paper or better yet in metal in a safe deposit box."
"Technically I don't just have my footage stored in one place it's technically stored in two places on the same computer hard drive failure is a real thing and it's an absolute pain to try and get that video footage off of a failing Drive."
"I like the fact that you have the backup configuration preserve configuration restore so once you get all the settings set you can back them all up and uh in case you have to replace the motherboard you could just put all the settings back in."
"Especially when you deal with... clients that work specifically in the design field... having a full image backup on a regular... is possible with Synology."
"So what do you think about Proxmox Backup Server? Is this something you could see yourself using in the future?"
"It's also a great way of backing up your system drive to a clone or an image so if you have one of the inevitable failures that happen in computing you can recover that failure fairly painlessly."
"If all else fails, factory reset your device, make sure your data is backed up."
"These hidden folders are important if you want to backup your files and your settings."
"Snapshots are incremental and automatically compressed."
"...backup your data...you know that you can restore a system and get your data back easily and quickly if it goes wrong."
"You want to have like three copies of a critical file, two backups on different media, and one stored offsite in a geographically remote location."
"So be prepared Clonezilla doing a sector by sector copy is going to take hours."
"You can then put that project backup onto one of your cloud storage or your G drive to make sure that it's safe."
"A combination of having your notes in iCloud, using a Time Machine backup, and occasionally backing up using a shortcut like this will really protect you pretty well against data loss in notes."
"The best practice in backups is the three-two-one method: three backups, two on-site, one off-site."
"Virtual machines live as just files and we can save those and back those up in multiple locations for recovery purposes."
"You have no backup of this thing you have invested a year into with these emails stored locally on the cloud."
"It doesn't hurt to have your files in more than one place."
"Finally, make multiple copies, share it to the cloud, make backup disks, share it with your family, and also please share it with the public at large if you're comfortable doing so."
"Then you have a nighttime job that copies everything from one to the other, and then actually what you've got is an actual backup of what's on the other drive."
"Back up your data for safekeeping."
"Not only does an iCloud backup make it super easy to transfer your files from one phone to another, it also gives you the peace of mind."
"With a large drive like this external four terabyte you can do a daily differential on a computer like this for probably four or five years so you can go back every single day for four or five years you have extremely granular restore capabilities."
"Carbonite, it's automatic once you set it up you don't have to lift a finger."
"Carbonite backs up your files while you work without slowing you down."
"Backups and maintenance, really worth getting into the habit of doing."
"Once you've kind of set up all the things that you want it to do, you can just click on backup now."
"Backing up your data can be a bit of a hassle, and you may not know where to start."
"Even if you lost that, you have a snapshot from maybe a minute ago or whatever you set in your policy."
"It's a really effective way to make sure that all your trophies can be saved in case you have a bad accident."
"You get a flash drive that's got all your files on it and if you ever have a fire tornado theft why throws them off the balcony whatever we can we can make you an exact replica anytime."
"It's a great way to be able to actually back things up using snapshots and ZFS replication, making our server bulletproof."
"Backup your Raspberry Pi's SD card, that way if anything goes wrong, it's easy to revert it without needing to reconfigure everything."
"When a virus hits and your hard drive quits, but you backed up all your shit you get sprung!"
"If you want a fresh install, which I recommend, I would probably back up your current personal files and then reinstall from scratch."
"Lucky Backup uses Rsync, so does Time Shift."
"Keep backups. If you don't test your backups and have a tested recovery plan, you do not have backups."
"Back up your stuff; for as long as folks have been working in IT, we've been talking about the need for backups."
"Having a backup in place can protect you from the risk of human error and the evil cryptolocker virus."
"Never underestimate how important having backups in place is when you have a website."
"Make 2020 the year that you finally start using a password manager and backup all your files in two locations."
"If you have a backup, it's great to know that you're backing up your files, but if you don't test the restoration of those files, you can't be confident that the backup is actually working."
"Whether you're building the next tech startup or just looking for an affordable place to back up your data, Server Pronto has a solution for you."
"Part of your ongoing security policy should be the verification of a good set of backups."
"It sounds like a dump truck in reverse gear; I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean when they say you should back up your projects."
"Remember, back up your data on a regular basis and store it in three different locations."
"Three copies of your data, two stored locally on separate drives, and one in the cloud."
"Every single person in this entire digital world that we're living in should have all of their digital world backed up to three locations: two physically on-site, one off-site."
"We're a big fan of Backblaze, that's one of my ones I like, and you can pre-encrypt everything."
"Automation leads right into backup."
"Always make sure you have a backup because there is that higher risk that not only could you lose something from a hardware failure, now you have an extra layer of risk because you could have a memory failure of your own memory and forget the password."
"You can backup your project to a place that lets you store your documents online in the cloud."
"Backing up without ever testing the restore is just wishful thinking that the backups are there."
"This is one of my favorite tools because it allows me to automatically backup all of the files that I have in my documents folder to my NAS."
"Since this is Nextcloud we're talking about, we do need to back up our data folder that contains all of our files."
"That's everything that we need to do to back up this entire Nextcloud server."
"If you have multiple versions or multiple copies of that same file, you save yourself that heartache of losing that valuable information."
"A simple backup drive is all you really need for the vast majority of catastrophes."
"It's always recommended to create a copy of the snort file because it would have all the rules required to run snort on your computer."
"It's so expensive, like you can spend a couple hundred bucks now to back everything up and to save it, or you can spend like tens of thousands of dollars down the road to recover."
"Grandfather Father Son is a rotation scheme that provides a regular recurring schedule for backing up data."
"The advantage of serverless backup is that it doesn't use host resources because the data is copied between the storage devices."
"Tape is still used today as a backup medium as it has stability and low unit cost."
"Multiplexing allows backup clients to send their backup data simultaneously."
"Backup to disk has become more reliable and less expensive than in the past."
"Don't forget guys to back up your pie now would be a fantastic time to do that since you've got your base right where you want it and you know that everything is working correctly."
"It's always a good idea to make a backup of your EEPROM, always a good idea because you never ever know when the proverbial may hit the fan."
"Hyper Backup allows us to back up selected folders on the NAS to numerous locations and create a really distinct backup strategy."
"One of the best tools when it comes to double your backup strategy is Hybrid Backup Sync."
"Another big benefit is reliability; they make backups of your data, they make sure that if one data center goes down, you don't lose access to your service."
"It's a good idea to keep a backup of the files before you delete them."
"Your body is being backed up as data; any injuries you sustain in a dungeon will be fully healed upon exiting."
"We have our new project already saved in the cloud because we did like automatic backup."
"Thankfully, this is not sponsored, I don't care what company you use, but if you have hard drives, please pay for a backup service."
"Backup and sync basically means it's going to scan your device and copy everything onto Google Photos."
"Every image that you shoot will be saved twice, so one on memory card 1 and one on memory card 2."
"Useful way of just backing up your photos on a regular basis so they all collate on the server."
"Download a GEDCOM file, which is merely the data from your tree."
"It is critical to backup your data on a regular basis to ensure that you can recover from any unforeseen events like data corruption, hardware failure, or accidental data deletion."
"I recommend doing a Time Machine backup of your files and immediately installing the update across all of your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and macOS devices."
"Just because one backup is not enough for me, then I backup that to my home server."
"Time Machine is perfect for backing up your entire computer without you guys having to do anything really."