
Family Concern Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"She was an adult and could do as she pleased, but she would have never left her parents worrying."
"I have my kids at home. Please help me, please. I can't take it, please."
"If anyone has any information on where Sigmund might be, his family would really like to make contact with him."
"Always in the back of their minds is the anguish families are feeling."
"We're starving, our food's gone, I haven't seen my family."
"It's about a very serious issue, and I think it comes from a place of care about her sister and her sister's family."
"Sorry if I'm a little distracted, my mom had surgery today and she's she sounds like painkillers or something."
"Could Amy have left the ship without telling her family? Her parents don't think so." - Robert Stack
"I love my parents. I worry about them. My dad just bought a gun for the first time in his life, which is very scary because he's 65."
"The last known picture of JJ is of him sitting on the couch eating yogurt."
"If her friends and family know she's okay, that's all that really matters."
"It says, 'I am still in EB because when you get here we need to talk. Mom found several bags of pills in your computer bag.'"
"I need to get the ghost out of there. It's pestering my sister's business, her livelihood."
"Ms. Heslop's family and friends are desperately worried for her, but with each passing day, the likeliness of her being found alive dwindles."
"Her family still seeks answers on what really happened that day."
"I know my cousin's voice and I never heard him terrified as much as I heard on that call."
"I'm generally concerned for the safety of my family."
"Nobody's even looking for my daughter anymore."
"She would never leave her daughter behind... that told the family something's not right."
"Lost memories of Edgar Latulip... vanished into thin air... his family feared the worst had happened."
"We're just relieved to know Maddie is alive and not in physical danger."
"Mom, I'm eating healthy, if you were worried about it."
"A grandmother was deeply disturbed after capturing an image while monitoring her grandchild's room."
"I remember my mom coming up to me saying, 'How are you feeling?' And I'm like, 'I'm fine.' She's like, 'We're good, Terminator 2 Judgment Day didn't happen.'"
"We have to go back to this idea... I don't think he just rolled into the house and said, 'Hey guys, I'm home without Gabby, what's up?'"
"She's my baby girl, and to think that we could lose her because of alcohol, it just... it tears me apart."
"I'm fine, I just... well, our Lily is so confused."
"There's nothing scarier than having a family member or yourself have something wrong, and no one can tell you what it is."
"She's a devoted mother who would never ever leave her son. We have a ten-year-old boy at home that's looking for his mom and we just need to find her."
"Family wants to ensure that the same situation doesn't happen to anyone else."
"The police do have information and the investigation will eventually get there but for my children's sake and our family's sake we'd rather have answers."
"I don't think I'm going to see her next year. I don't even know if she's going to make it to Christmas."
"If she was alive she wouldn't have missed a minute of their day, never mind a birthday party." - Mary
"Imagine being a mom or a dad with a kid with type 2 diabetes knowing you need that insulin and you don't have the insurance. It's wrong."
"Her family believed that Carol was out there, you know, somewhere just looking for a better life."
"All I could think about was my kids and never seeing them."
"At the end of the day, you know, it's awful. It's awful if it turns out that it's not Nicola, it's someone else's daughter, mother, partner, grandma, it's somebody else isn't it."
"Was it Jay who really cared about the family?"
"There's no way she would leave her son behind."
"I'm worried about my brother, you know. I love him."
"After it felt like an hour, Peter's dad returned, but something was not right. He had large cuts on his cheek."
"My mama called because she heard I got death threats."
"Your health is important; if you get sick, mom and I will worry about you."
"She's my only daughter... she's sick and lonely and she misses me."
"Grandma asked if I'm depressed, and it inspired me."
"Dad, Hannie is not happy, she can't marry Jeremy, he is a psycho who never loved or respected her, she's scared, Dad."
"Worried about her daughter, Randa decides to take her camping and tells her that she needs to tell her something."
"I have a daughter in California that was holding fainting spells, and the tests revealed that she had the traits of sickle cell anemia."
"I made it to my parents' house where my mom was already waiting at the door, worried."
"We are back home, we got glass bottle Cokes, and my mom is a nervous wreck about if vegetables are washed."
"The worry about her three sons, the acute food shortages, the blackout, the nights in the bomb shelter, and the grisly tales of people burnt or buried alive had taken their toll."
"My mom once asked me if I was depressed because she didn't give me enough hugs."
"I just want to know that the kids are alright."
"If it was your mother, will she not mind you if you are sick?"
"Dear mother, I was made quite sad by your letter... I am concerned that you're not taking proper care of your health."
"It's a matter of course; there's no child that wouldn't worry about their parents."
"A dementia diagnosis can bring worry both for the person who is diagnosed but also their wider family."