
Metaphorical Description Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"A friendship identified by generations of leaders as stronger than steel, sweeter than honey, and deeper than oceans."
"It all ties together. Doesn't it? Wow, it's just layers and layers of interweaving (beep) like some kind of awful tiramisu, tiramiscat, disgusting."
"That brother had an embodiment of cosmic light that was unprecedented, almost Christ-like in my pantheon."
"He is a virus that grows exponentially, gorging on violence, mayhem, and suffering."
"Going on the FBI's plane is basically like jumping into the mouth of a great white shark."
"Stepan Sterns is a walking Enigma, a prophetic Peter Pan as it were."
"Humanity has throughout its long span risen to Heights and plunged into depths... like a drunkard stumbling."
"He's like a nightmare on the battlefield, just a nightmare."
"Her scent hit me like a battering ram, like an exploding grenade. There were no images violent enough to encompass the force of what happened to me in that moment."
"He's the hero putting out the fire but he's also kind of the arsonist who started the fire in part."
"It's gonna be like the wild wild west but like he wears his heart on his sleeve."
"This decade I believe is going to be a decade of roller coasters, and I call it the decade of the roller coasters."
"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth and its people are like grasshoppers."
"Our entire economy is a house of cards built on a skateboard built balancing on a BOSU ball on the moon on rollerblades."
"She had this light... it was almost like she had a little light in her dress or something that's shown on her face."
"It usually is like a slow death when somebody gets out of an MLM."
"Ultimately at the end of the day the mastermind is this criticism is something which is actually healthy and unhealthy heat tsunami."
"The walls crumbling faster than all the rest of it."
"Close your eyes if that's what heaven is like."
"It's worse than death, her trap is more worth worse than death itself."
"Watermelon Sugar is like an experience you're wading through."
"What age oh am I not deferring it any longer is it just basically the bus is really speeding up and I'm more and more stuck cuz I'm old I can't move in the road and this is just like a horror film now but anyway."
"She's not free low she's not easy peasy lemon squeezy she is challenging challenging pineapple challenging."
"What about her says velvet and honey? When I look at her, neither of those words are things I would associate with her."
"America is a house on fire and flooding simultaneously."
"In fact, his son Victor said that his father was like a ship with a broken rudder."
"Our universe was born Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes of the old Universe."
"He's like if Loki and Satan did a Fusion Dance."
"Addictions are like ropes tying your hands behind your back... you can't really do anything with your life."
"Arya is kind of like a weapon, and now she's honed."
"It’s easy to liken it to a city because the reality is that it is a city."
"Imagine you're mining for gold... That's what AmazeOwl does, the heavy lifting for you."
"We're starting to hit that phase of drops of information to waterfalls."
"Audi is a winner. She is a fighter. She is a warrior. She is a soldier."
"Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, his mouth was like the mouth of a lion."
"It's like knowing that you have this big train track and some of the rails have been removed and trains are going to keep going down this track and one by one they're going to fall off the track and implode."
"The zero is a brilliant boxer with a great right hook but a glass jaw. It has a punch. It's fast. It floats. It's Muhammad Ali in terms of its offensive capacity, but it's a terrible fighter as a defender."
"You can't stop because that pen is in their hand they're marking up the bill there's a pen on one ink on one side and there's an eraser on the other side."
"He is quite literally and metaphorically a beast."
"Nancy Pelosi is she the ultimate street fighter."
"It feels like you're swimming in the ocean on a beautiful pillow cloud or a wave just soothing your entire body all through the night."
"Thus the initiation is going to be harsh indeed it's going to be hellacious."
"Monopoly is good when you're winning no Monopoly Monopoly is not no Monopoly is not no Monopoly Monopoly is the feeling of sliding down a wet Cliff slowly."
"The next day was like some kind of hellish nightmare."
"The memory of those lifeless eyes served as a chilling reminder that beauty can conceal horrors beyond imagination."
"Animal is actually the word. This thing is a monster through and through."
"I feel like this feels like a boxing ring, but for Giants with lots of power."
"It's like a virus, it's spreaded and it's building."
"The Eastern Church is this living bridge... kind of like a living bridge."
"Amami is a root of evil like they have never seen before."
"He appears to be hanging on to his job... by a thread that is invisible."
"Some have characterized permafrost as a time bomb. I think it's more like a wildfire that's already doing damage." - John Holdren