
Gameplay Style Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"If you're brand new to the game and want to run things down with horses, play as the Khuzaits; if you want to play a little bit slower paced but you're also kind of new or you're maybe a returning veteran and you want to really enjoy some strong playthrough, play as Vlandia."
"Play the way you like. Develop your own style with deep character customization and abilities."
"Being an assassin isn't the default option, it's a choice, and it's yours to make depending on how you want to play the game."
"It's not just what you play, it's how you play it."
"The levels are thankfully shorter and easier to navigate than Princess and the Pauper, and rather than being a strategic environmental puzzler, this one feels more like a straight platformer, which I think works better for the younger audience."
"Junglers especially, for example, Malrang brought this crazy non-stop up-ganking style to EU and everyone had to get a kick up the ass and figure out how to play against it."
"Slow the [ __ ] down for this game, play a different game."
"I thought red mage was like one of the coolest... like as soon as I saw what it could do, I was like, it's lit. We're playing it."
"When we add a new fighter we don't simply make their attacks or their movements a little different instead we try to offer you a whole new style of play."
"It's a meandering game, it's not a game where you're meant to play perfectly, you're supposed to just wander around and have a good time."
"Gameplay in Watch Dogs 2 is nothing like the first game... it discourages any approach that doesn't involve hacking."
"The only wrong way to play this game is to not play it at all."
"But it's also not so much something you play as it is something you experience."
"Why do I prefer skill-based versus assigned class ability games? I just do."
"Soraka has a very similar playstyle to Janna where you just sort of sit in the back behind your team and just heal people up."
"Personally, my favorite Nevillette teams are either electrocharged or hyperbloom as the ones that I have been having the most fun with."
"Each class has its own identity, feel, and play style, so choose the one that best suits you."
"Offensive play is more attractive to the fans in every sport."
"This is United now, we're playing the way we should be playing."
"His hero pool is just perfect for the kind of comps and chaos comps while the Chengdu Hunters want to run."
"The majority of your audience enjoys the spontaneous group gameplay."
"We're really trying to make Vamana play more aggressively."
"These weapons allow you to play aggressively and minimize your downtime between attacks."
"It's like cookie clicker but with lots of violence."
"No time limit, no move, that's how we like to do it."
"Bringing back the intense visceral boots-on-the-ground gameplay our fans love."
"Unfortunately, it was entirely a hazard machine and that lent itself to a certain passivity that eventually would be taken advantage of."
"I love this play style, she might be my favorite new hero."
"I'm not killing nobody in today's stream, okay? I'm not killing people today."
"I hate it okay it drives me insane yeah like I've been wanting to basketball to me is made to play like this game."
"Chaotic fast-paced games create more roam opportunities."
"Lucio's pick rate may increase, narrowing down play styles."
"Nisei facilitates that style of play, that enjoyment perfectly."
"So what is dead by daylight well dead by daylight is kind of similar to Friday the 13th and yes there's going to be various comparisons to Friday the 13th in this video just because they're similar in gameplay style."
"I'm gonna play this the way I want to play it, I'm gonna have fun the way I like to have fun."
"Every single time you reach 20 trades, you're richer than you were before."
"Embrace the sandbox aspect of this game and just enjoy it."
"I almost never take off Deviljho armor. It looks so freaking cool. I don't care about the buffs other armors give me and there's nothing this all I need."
"It's a top-down shooter that's a lot slower and more methodical than what the genre typically serves up and the boss battle they showed off looked cool and you get to be a snail with lots of guns so I'm giving this one the benefit of the doubt."
"This game has so much PS2 energy right the difficult unbalanced fights that can't be patched away the QTE mini games the kind of goofiness the bite-sized nature of it yeah it's all very very very PS2."
"Invaluable for sandbox style open-world play."
"It's snappy and it is nothing like the Mass Effect combat in that way. This is legit, is what I wanted, and that's... hopefully with that didn't want a fist in his face."
"It was flashy, and the players had some swagger."
"The iron bomber feels like it's just doing more damage with the exact same play style."
"I prefer to be doing constant aggression, always looking to expand or do something fun rather than sit around for several years."
"The loremaster really holds a unique gameplay style with a variety of induction-based damaging spells, debuffs, and some fellowship support spells even."
"You can only play one that's not min maxing that's just I want to have some fun."
"Frankly, I was satisfied with understanding the combat well enough that I could ignore it and focus on the story."
"What's the point of playing a game if it's all about finding completely silly ways of playing it?"
"The play style is essentially just relentless. It is 'don't stop can't stop won't stop' for any reason or rhyme."
"So yeah, gee, I wonder what kind of genre a triple-A game released in 2009 is gonna be: third-person shooter."
"This game is fast paced has a similar Call of Duty styled feel with the mechanics."
"I think the slower pace nests of it is fun it can be more tactical."
"I rarely lose hardcore characters because in softcore I don't care."
"The most important thing is to play the game the way you want to play it."
"You can play this game as aggressively or as passively as you want to."
"Nero's style of gameplay is super unique and took me no time at all to get into."