
Military Life Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"If you've ever shotgunned coffee powder from an MRE packet and you could hear colors, go ahead, hit that subscribe button."
"Joining the military is not for the faint of heart."
"Life on a fortress world is steeped in military discipline... they train and operate as a military unit."
"Joining the army was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life."
"Matthew's career saw him deployed for short periods of time."
"What in the end when it all comes down to it it's mostly the blokes you with your mates them the men who you went through training with who face death with you that that's what helps you to get through it."
"Life on Alcatraz was similar to those who grew up on a military base."
"Defeat is a common fate of a soldier. There is nothing to be ashamed of in it. The great point is whether we have performed our duty."
"The average grunt in the United States Army makes just over twenty thousand dollars a year."
"The lack of clear and achievable goals makes soldiers feel adrift."
"Every day that you're in actual combat you know before you go out that all of you aren't coming back."
"Extraordinary fortitude for our relatively low-ranking grunt."
"That is how Civil War infantry will wake up in the mornings usually at 5am."
"We have it so much better than anybody else. We had three meals a day, we were dry, we had one box free eight from from cavers would lend on it."
"Wives of Military Officers... agents of stability and development." - Aisha Buhari
"In the military, there's no room for individualism; we all have to fight together."
"All over England at this exact moment American air crews are being roused from their sleep."
"The military unifies people in a way that the civilian world will never unify people because the civilian world does not challenge the individual in the way that the military challenges the individual."
"A soldier isn't something you do, a soldier is someone you are."
"Considering how war-prone the Spartans were, this didn’t bode well for the average soldier’s life expectancy."
"The very positive side of it was camaraderie."
"The military is like this giant Skinner box of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement."
"The worst day on the battlefield beats the best day in the classroom."
"Soldiers cannot afford to have a tax of conscience."
"If we can survive a military career and a war crimes trial and within one year I'm seeing healing and restoration."
"Once I started to manage my own salary, my military paycheck..."
"Being guardsmen, we knew that the best way to prepare for an assault is to eat a good meal and catch as much sleep as possible."
"Hours of boredom punctuated by minutes of mayhem."
"Somebody parks a humvee in this same spot every single day."
"The life of military personnel is the highest value. We will still return to Avdivka. Glory to Ukraine."
"You will very likely never have to fire a shot in anger, but you will have to eat."
"The main characters being soldiers who are literally living on ticking clocks that are built into the weapons they need to fight."
"Imagine, I mean just try to put yourself in the shoes of a soldier in trench warfare on these battlefronts. It's muddy, it smells awful."
"Everything you do in the military or in life is an opportunity to build trust both up and down the chain of command, side to side with your peers."
"Alaska is an incredible place to be stationed."
"I was actually able to get an associate's degree while I was in the military."
"It was a fitting end for someone who wanted nothing else but to just be another French soldier before his life was completely derailed."
"The project turned out to be highly effective, and sailors greatly appreciated it from the very start."
"The military set up my life where I can succeed; it's a life changer."
"The military that I see is different from the military I served in."
"A mission could last days, there is constant training and learning."
"If you're a soldier or a soldier for life, we think that it's very important to give back to the community."
"No one engaged in Warfare entangles himself with the Affairs of this life."
"We moved a lot in the military, and each time my wife would carry this large suitcase of tapes."
"It was nice having someone to talk to that wasn't just talking about battle strategies or war campaigns."
"The camaraderie in the squadrons was absolutely incredible."
"Live and work aboard ships artillery and missile officers may work in locations such as underground launch command centers or submarines."
"You know, these stories... it's funny because even when we were in base, we never knew a lot of the details."
"It felt like we were at War, it felt like we turned up for some very normal kind of military induction stuff which is very slow paced and boring."
"When you're in the military, you're part of something greater than yourself."
"I've seen my fair share of the good, the bad, and the ugly that comes from being part of SOCOM."
"Once the soldiers finish their training, they receive the usual speech about fighting for their future."
"Being in the Marine Corps is like being in an unfaithful marriage because Semper Fidelis is a one-way street."
"The only happiness in my daily life in the military was having an americano at PX after a lunch."
"Rigorous training is the cornerstone of life on a destroyer."
"I had just got post five for the night, and I was tired. I just wanted to go to bed. The grass cutters come in, and they said, 'Wilson, get your ass up. We've got to go do escorts for the grass cutters.'"
"I'm sleeping, half an hour later, they call a security alert. W everyone gets up, jumping out of bed, running outside, 'What's going on?'"
"It made it actually I think worse for Christina because when you're on a regular schedule getting a phone call from your husband every 3 days while he's in Iraq or Afghanistan when he doesn't call for a week and a half you're you become very worried."
"You know, as there a lot of folks out there in the audience know, you know, when you're young, you know, you fall in love and, George, I didn't know much about the Navy. George Ann certainly didn't know much about the Navy."
"The Navy side is the good life, it's the structured life, it's the life that has a regiment behind it and clear you know things that mark your success."
"...if you're thinking about joining and the things holding you back are basic training and/or living in a super strict environment for the rest of your life, I'm telling you, you're good."
"...maintain a balance between your professional military job and your family..."
"We were laughing it off because every deployment, at the end, the guys are ready to punch each other in the face."
"As an Air Force wife, Julie was a friendly face at picnics and parties."
"Expect a lot of benefits to being a military family."
"You have more rules to live by than you would in the civilian world, and that is just period."
"Army Rangers have the coolest training exercises."
"I'm not there and it's not just the deployments it's training and even when I'm home I'm not really home."
"Being a military wife, that is tricky, tricky to say goodbye."
"Life aboard the Iowa class was much the same as on other battleships but on a larger scale."
"There's rules, bro. Like, the rules. You know what the rules of engagement in Iraq are?"
"The promise that they were going to be treated to fine drinks and crab and have some leisurely RNR time here in the desert."
"You want to be disciplined about what you eat in the chow hall."
"I loved everything about it, the planning, the discipline, the actions on it, the objective that feeling you get right before the fight's about to break out."
"He came back into the picture from the military, and he said, 'All those years that I miss, I want to make up for that. I'm going to make this right.' And from my sophomore year in high school, I never questioned anything."
"We're Marines and we're 18 years old and we're glad said we're at Khe Sanh. What are you gonna do to us? So, we started to play football."
"There was three topics of conversation, right? Like, what are you running on your gun? What are your optics? What do you have, girls? Which chick are you nailing?"
"What do you want to [__] do at the end of the day in the military? What do you want to do when you get out?"
"So just imagine, you're an American GI and you've arrived here in Britain in this small old village in Wiltshire, Old Thorn."
"He's got more moves than a military family."
"I'd long to be home every time I was away but once I get home I'd miss the company of my mates."
"The army is built on discipline. When a man comes into the army, he usually leaves home for the first time. He leaves behind his parents, his friends, the inhibitions he has built up from being around those who have been close to him."
"It really was not that big of a deal. Plebe summer is this six-week indoctrination. It is not boot camp, but it is a service academy equivalent of boot camp."
"Leaving the military, I missed a lot of time with my kids. I was just waiting for the day for my contract to finish so that I can get out and I can go enjoy my life."
"The combat infantryman not only has to survive his experience, he has to learn to live with it the rest of his life."
"He began entertaining fellow soldiers with violin compositions."
"Travis's stories of leadership and loss give us unique insight into the world of an infantry officer fighting in the post-9/11 era."
"My upbringing made me hard; it allowed me to endure hardship that I would face through my time in the military as well as Vietnam."
"The happiest Marines you'll find are in the Army, which is the funniest thing."
"As commissioned officers of the Royal Air Force, may they endeavor themselves faithfully to frame and fashion their lives on the principles of Christ's religion."
"She was fun, carefree, playful, she had joined the Air Force because she wanted to go and travel, see new places, see where life took her."
"The wider Army's a lot better than this place, that's where the real fun starts."
"The famous birthday party invitation between two commanding officers' wives."
"This army camp is my home, and you're welcome to stay while you recover."
"A soldier must obey and go, and the poor wife, sick or well, ill or dying, sees him go with how heavy a heart God and herself alone know."
"Richard Sharp knew no home other than the regiment, no family except for his company."
"For a few seconds, his laughter rang loud across the battalion."
"All we could do was talk, so by the time he came home, we were so much closer than we normally would have been."
"The regiment is everything to me."
"Every morning, despite these guys being heavily weighed down with equipment and ammunition, they would come to me every single morning and ask if they could carry my kit for me."
"People love and hate every single place they go in the Air Force, and I've loved everywhere I've went, and I think that it's 100% up to your attitude."
"It's supposed to make your life better, getting across the idea that only a military approach to life is the way to improve your self-esteem and your view on the world."
"I wanted people to understand how difficult it was for these men."
"I hope you guys learned a lot about living in Hawaii as a military spouse."
"I thought that once I became a commissioned officer, I would not have to do 24-hour overnight duty."
"It was a strange time for the military in the post 9/11 wake; kids were joining the military more than ever."
"Military shows you, you got to show up."
"I think just growing up moving around since my dad was in the military was kind of difficult... it made me who I am."
"What happens in between is just as important as the start and finish of your army career."
"If you were curious about what the lifestyle is like for a married soldier in the United States Army, stick around."
"I want to know why you feel your old MOS or your current MOS is either a dangerous MOS or a non-dangerous MOS."
"In the military, a smoke pit is where troops go to feed their nicotine addictions, but also it's a place to swap stories—funny, tragic, and most certainly bizarre."
"In the end, it was a positive experience, though I was forced into having a lot more social interactions than I would have as a civilian."
"Most guys in the military do get the little dark humor piece because if not, [they] would go insane."
"Physical fitness is an important part of military life."
"I'm not going to get that time back with my children, I'm not going to be able to change how they've coped with my deployments, my husband's deployments."
"When you're in the military, when you're gone, all your friends ask when you're coming home, and you get home and none of them come see you."
"I'm an army brat," she said. "This is all I know."
"The cohesion and friendship you're going to get in the infantry is like no other."
"Some positives as an 88 Mike is I got to see quite a bit."
"You're going to be constantly cleaning yourself with a lint brush."
"We were up at midnight and the chaplain has the outfit together, this all together. And of course he prayed for us and I can still see him and remember them words that he spoke. He says, 'some of you are going to live, some of you are going to die.'"
"Sounds like paradise, right? Perfect duty station."
"Especially for single soldiers, you have an opportunity to save a lot of money."
"We are a military family living in Okinawa, Japan."
"Dear Sergeant, I shot a snowball at your head and it landed perfectly. Haha, sincerely, recruit."
"Chin up, Private," TC said, unknowingly echoing as he's worse from earlier. "The Whisker may not be glamorous, but she's not a bad posting either."
"I am a soldier because that is the special faculty I was born with; that is my life, my habit."
"I grew up as a military kid... moved to Japan when I was less than a year old."
"Every night when I went home, I said to myself, did you have a good day today as a soldier?"
"I lived on adrenaline in the military, I'll tell every now was what I did, I was part of a lot of great things happening."
"Soldiering can be an adventure if you just let it be."
"You're here because you want to know what are some of the pros and cons to being a single soldier in the United States Army on active duty."
"Enjoy it while you can, in the army they trained us to brew a cup of tea every chance we get because you never know when the next one's gonna show up."
"This soldier recounted how Jimin would often forgo his own phone time, allowing others to communicate with their families for longer periods."
"It's a big adjustment going into a military world coming from the civilian world, and it takes time, but you have to adjust to succeed."
"Being in the military kind of grounds you, you know, shows you what you're made of, teaches you when to be scared and when not to be."
"Those who enter the green door at Sencha are leaving their old lives behind and embarking on the challenges of basic training and a career in the Canadian Forces."
"We're a family of 11 and we're American military families stationed here in Canada."
"The people are what I miss about the military."
"I was inspired by you to create my YouTube channel while I'm deployed in the Middle East."
"We woke up around 9 a.m., when junior praporshchik brought the mail. There was a letter from my wife, which made me very happy."
"We are a military family and moved from South Carolina all the way to Arizona, which was an amazing journey."
"Savannah was beautiful. I loved it. I mean, you're in Savannah, Georgia, you're on Hunter Army Airfield, which is a tiny little base, and once you leave that base, it's like you're a civilian again."
"I identified very early what I wanted to do both in the military and out, and then I stayed focused on those things throughout my entire life."