
Tactical Approach Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Just pretend that you hate me right now. But follow my lead."
"Overall, bro, unbelievable. I am technical in the way we do stuff, but when I'm tactical, I get in trouble."
"When you attack, you want to look for specific weaknesses to take advantage of."
"Maryland and Indiana both wanted to play through the post."
"Overall seems pretty scary a big beat down gun line with a whole lot of general purpose Firepower big re-rolls from Gilman and some very scary desolation happening with the enemies units getting hoovered up by the Desolation Squad..."
"I just thought of another idea, I'm gonna try to use my nomad vehicle to just plow through the raid."
"Sometimes attacking the supply line is more effective than attacking the main host."
"Can't take anything with you into the next game, and envoy knows that better than most."
"This is the build that I run when I'm playing those solo trios or solo quads."
"Playing offensive offensively and defensively at the same time."
"I don't think he's going to focus on your leg locks. I'm going to attract fast sweep. It's gonna be me just flanking him, forcing him as a half guard, passing him repeatedly."
"You win by slowly chipping up and stealing a lot of small pots that don't belong to you."
"You gotta have that freedom for Paul Pogba to allow him to play his game."
"Winning a pursuit isn't about speed, it's about smarts."
"I told you, I'm here to weaken Manchester City, I'm gonna take away points from you, your best defender belongs to me."
"The judicious application of several armor-piercing shells is going to seal their fate."
"You definitely have to hit these with the light. They're afraid of the light."
"If perchance they thought to lie abed with soft pillows, then I, perchance before they wish, shall arouse them from their slumbers by hammering on their doors at dawn."
"The Carcardons operate under a rare operational strategy known as the Nomad Predation Pattern."
"All right, explosive is off, let's see if we can get in here now."
"During nighttime, don't be afraid to do a TP support gank on a person, you don't have to run all the way behind them necessarily."
"He must go to the body in situations like this. Go to the body, that'll take a lot more out of your opponent."
"It's just a lesson to learn. You always fight to your strengths, you make your opponent fight your fight, you don't fight his."
"In order to emerge victorious in combat, you'll have to utilize Stealth at any given opportunity."
"The only thing that matters is the objectives. Kill anything that stops me from getting to an objective."
"This mechanic is a way to shadow a good receiver."
"Evolved operating principles: a counter-attack to obtain the removal of the person."
"Typical noob mistake: attacking a boss right away instead of going for free land first."
"It's like a burglary. You come in there and you're going to creep in off that support and just snatch and grab and you're out, dude, like boom, done."
"Sometimes it's better to just throw everything you've got with overwhelming force and dominate your opponent."
"That's how you win League of Legends baby play around the hand you're given."
"Tactical cowardice - all it requires is a little bit of patience and you can get away with anything."
"Risk are inherent in police work. I had to go. You had to put the flashlight on. There's no other way to see. No other way to see. You made that choice, didn't you?"
"It's like a pseudo tuck type effect where we're just hosing our opponents a little extra for playing core fold."
"The only time they should hear the racking of the shotgun is after my first round goes off."
"Systematically take control of sight. Clear angles, set up close-range engagements."
"Manchester United should aim to be a Goliath, not David."
"It hurts their momentum and the goal of this is to always make your opponent uncomfortable."
"Everything about this ship is just like 'I’ll get in, I’ll destroy, then I’m getting out.'"
"It isn't just a competition to see who's stronger but, instead, a dance of tactics."
"Maybe the inaction right now is, you know, maybe she doesn't really need to do much."
"It's the person that does the things that can end the fight."
"Are we going to show up at his door and give him a little surprise?"
"The objective is not to take cities, it is to destroy armies. That is the Russian way of war."
"It should be a little bit more relaxed keeping that strategy."
"We want to impose our style, control the game."
"Join you on your heist to eventually beat the game. I heard the game is about 20 hours long if you really are just like good at getting everything you need when you're outside your base zone."
"Fundora is much more scientific in that space."
"We don't need to defeat him. We just need to get him off of our tail."
"I think Drake is playing very intelligently right now, handling this like a war, being strategic about it."
"If you don't control the playing field, then you cannot really control the game."
"Tunneling one guy out guarantees a win if you can do it quick enough."
"Welcome to Paris, find the target and eliminate, they are on high alert."
"That's his game plan - make it rough and ugly. Not pretty but effective."
"Real Madrid can play hardball over the 20-year-old, Ice could do worse than bulldoze Samuel Kalu."
"Story missions always seem to come in the form of defending things or stealing things."
"I think the slower pace nests of it is fun it can be more tactical."
"Ideally, you wouldn't fight it directly, but you would shoot at it from a distance."
"That's the velvet glove, now they will have the iron fist."
"Heroic didn't even invest that is gonna really flip the script quick maybe you're clearly taking their time about things not rushing it just these defaults about the shot from Katie and to open up the account."
"He's strategic in the way that he breaks someone down."
"He's super technical, he's super tactical."
"Slot's tactical approach is inspired by the Dutch philosophy of Total Football, the ability for any player to play in any position and be comfortable."
"Chris opted for a tactical approach focused on dodging Yinon's attacks and patiently waiting for the opportune moment to strike."
"Speed, surprise, violence of action but use of natural man-made cover, that is huge."
"You have to think fast and you have to be very tactical in your thinking, it just comes down to basically public safety, there has to be people that are willing to do things and to put themselves in harm's way to basically protect society."
"A unique combination of pace and strategy, conservation and aggression."