
New Home Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The mission is to find a new home for the crew onboard this ship."
"I just feel so unbelievably blessed to have this place. I'm so excited to show you guys, thank you so much for all of your love and support and making this possible."
"I really do love my new house, so I am very excited about it."
"Welcome to our new home. It's not that big, but it's still a home for you and me."
"Moving into the new house, it's cool, good vibe."
"Congratulations on your new home! It's such a blessing, and I'm so happy for y'all."
"New beginning, some of you guys are moving into a new house, okay? You're moving out, you're moving into a new house, I'm getting situated. A new beginning, a new outlook on life."
"Mrs. Stix and I are both moving into our very first house together and that is all thanks to you amazing people watching right now."
"Homeownership congratulations, you are now a homeowner! Enjoy your new home."
"I'm really excited for my kids and for my family to have a bigger yard as you can see and to have family nearby so i'm really really excited about the prospects of how life is going to go in the next couple months."
"Welcome home to your new house."
"I'm going to my cousin's place, they just built a brand new home."
"...I'm standing at the fireplace... this will all be open all the way to over there... does it seem far? And then an open loft, I love it, big windows on the top... So unreal, especially from where we've been living."
"We're obviously so very excited about this um, look at this big huge window behind me, so much light in this house is going to be and a big door, anyway I will keep showing you as we're going along."
"A beautiful new home from a brand new builder."
"Currently standing outside of our new home which just... it still doesn't feel real guys."
"I think Hammy, Snowy, and Ashy really like their new house."
"So that's it, that is our empty house tour, our brand new house, I'm so excited to share with you, I've been dreaming of this day for the last month and a half and I can't believe it's finally here."
"Thank you, I got a cool new house."
"Rudolph and Storm are off to their new home."
"Congratulations, you got the house, you got the keys, you have your brand new house with you."
"The house is a is about the size of a mausoleum and it's huge and I mean I just I don't even know you know the first three days I was here I got lost."
"This home looks beautiful. I'm very happy for her, and it's time."
"Granny, congratulations for your new house. May God give you a long life. I'm so happy for her."
"The puppy will be fine after getting a new owner and will be much happier in the long run."
"2023 is going to be fire, and we're going to get you in that new house."
"That new smell once you get into the newly built house and the kind face of my sweet husband."
"Hopefully they'll go to a good home."
"I hope your new dwelling will bring you and yours lots of fortune and good health."
"I'm so happy we moved to this house; we love it so much."
"She loved her new flat; it was a single occupancy studio and a really nice building."
"Out here the possibilities are endless, and out here perhaps we will one day find a place to call home."
"I'm so excited to say that I've just bought a new house."
"I've just moved into my first-ever apartment."
"I can't wait to cook in this fabulous kitchen."
"Thank you all so much for watching; I really hope you enjoy our new place as much as we do."
"Our new house will be even bigger for playing hide and seek."
"Let's go, we are officially in the new house. Time to cheers, homeowner!"
"The first night was hard because I didn't sleep much... it just feels like you're sleeping in a stranger's house, but then you know it's yours."
"Casper is on his way to his new home."
"I'm excited for the new house. I can't wait to give you guys a house tour."
"So if that interests you and you're leaning more towards that new construction, give us that call, shoot us that text, or send us an email that way we can help you make a smooth move here to the Houston area."
"When I got my apartment, that was the best memorable moment because I was happy."
"We just saw the new house and you guys, stay tuned for when they post about it because it's so epic."
"I'm so excited to see the house, I am moving in in just like two weeks."
"Congratulations, you receive keys to your brand new home."
"Congratulations, we wish you every happiness in your new home."
"You're very cute and you're gonna find a new family."
"I'm so excited, it's so exciting, it's a different house."
"This is our new house, this is our forever house."
"I'm really happy. I actually love it here."
"We're super happy with this place, thank you."
"Giving Iris this brand new home is really special to us because she's very special and her story is amazing."
"Jube is doing very well. She enjoys the new house."
"To the Cunninghams, may you enjoy happiness in your new home."
"I am so excited to see our new place, especially since we have not even seen what it looks like."
"Make sure to check out our next video of our new apartment tour and our reactions to our apartment for the first time."
"It's so good being in this new house."
"He looks so adorable; he's going to be scared in his new home, but I'm obsessed with him already."
"I'm super excited we finally have the key to our house."
"Our experience of buying a new build was really positive, I would say."
"I might do a house tour of the new place."
"They at last reach their new home at the top of a hill called Watership Down."
"A growing number of Americans are crossing the southern border and making Mexico City their new home."
"Congratulations, I wonder, I'm sure that you'll be a happy home to have the piece."
"We just recently moved out of our apartment into our brand new home."
"I'm excited to lie on the cold hard ground tonight; God, this is so crazy, I live here now."
"It's our first night in our new home, and it's gonna be good."
"It's really fun kind of establishing new morning routines and figuring out your groove when you move into a new place."
"It looks like we're going to be spending Christmas in the new house, which is very exciting."
"Nemo, are you ready to see the Verbo tiny house? It's all yours, buddy."
"Hope you guys enjoyed our new apartment tour."
"Brand new kitchen, yeah the pressure's really good, look at that. Brand new apartment with bad water pressure, that would be a nightmare."
"Come on guys, this is your new home. Welcome, welcome, welcome, you are welcome here now."
"Congratulations on your new home, honey, you really can have everything to yourself now."
"We are ready to move in, but before we do, I want to give you an all-access tour."
"We're gonna have so much fun christening every inch of this house, sweetheart."
"This is a new chapter in my life, we got a lit crib."
"We're no longer homeless, for the house, let's go!"
"Oh my god, this apartment is just everything I wanted it to be, it's so stunning."
"I'm so excited to be living here, you have no idea."
"I want you to know how grateful I am for what you and Malcolm are doing for me. It's so wonderful here, I feel as if I found a second home."
"Let's go ahead and get ready so we can see where my new home is going to be."
"We are officially in our new home."
"We are completely moved out of the other place, so now we are fully moved into the new place."
"You can make up a whole pile of these; these are also great for people who have just moved into new homes."
"Finding a sense of fulfillment and happiness in the adopted home."
"We found a really nice house that we are moving into."
"From the moment we got here, it's just been every day a joy. I can hardly believe I'm lucky enough to live here."
"I'm really loving the new house, the location is very convenient."
"We moved to a bigger house; I want to start rescuing dogs."
"We just got approved for a new house which is so exciting."
"I am definitely going to be taking home that cute puppy to his new fabulous home."
"I'm in my frickin' new house; it's like, what is life?"
"We have officially found our new home."
"Brand new house for 335, four bedroom two and a half bath in a very quiet neighborhood."
"It's brand new, no one has ever lived here."
"I love this new house, it's so cozy."
"Now Spud is everyone's favorite potato in his new forever home, and he couldn't be happier."
"I'm really excited. It's my mom's first time seeing my spot."
"I know you will make some amazing memories in your new home."
"Congrats on the new house, super happy for you."
"May your new home be filled with laughter, love, and happy memories."
"Super excited to be moving in, I feel so blessed and so thankful."
"I just wanted to make his first month comfortable in his house... home, whatever you want to call it."
"Congratulations on you both, I get to live vicariously through you with the new house."
"Congratulations on your new home, it's beautiful."
"This is your home. As I say, it may be a bit more than you're used to, but I'm sure you'll be comfortable."
"Okay guys, we just made it into the apartment, I'm so excited."
"I have no idea how we're going to get off this thing; we'll stay here forever, yeah it's our new home."
"I send you all the best for your first Christmas in your new home."
"I am so happy to be in my new home."
"It's about a family who moves into this new home and they start to experience some weird supernatural like visions as well as just like creepy things happening."
"Congratulations on your new future home, compliments of Shalom Homes."
"I cannot tell you how excited I am to get into the new house and start decorating it."
"We're doing like the walkthrough and our key pickup, which means we pretty much just get a tour of the place again."
"I'm keen for the chaos and for this to be our new home."
"Hope to find a new home soon, we found one Harvey, look we are in it now, we are in Sherpy's new home, how cool is this."
"They're taking to this place very quickly and that's awesome."
"Celebrating the new home, the new adventure ahead."
"Very excited now, starting the journey that Brown Bill's just finished."
"So excited for first Christmas in the new house to decorate."
"I'm actually so excited to move into the new place because I'm getting a bathtub, and I love baths."
"I'm in the new house, this is my house, your girl has officially moved."
"We are so happy here already, feeling really settled, and feeling like this is where we're meant to be."
"It has been a really incredible Christmas, our first proper Christmas here at the new house."
"When we got here, we knew we were home."
"We are so excited to call this home."
"This has been a super long journey for us, but we are finally in our new house, and it is beautiful."
"Surprise! We are moving to the beach."
"My family and I bought our first house and moved in this week. Congratulations, that is so exciting!"
"We moved house about six weeks ago and this is kind of like a living room reveal."
"Welcome to Casa Santiago! We are so thrilled to be moving into this home in just a few short weeks."
"The day that I am filming this, everything is going through, and we should be getting our keys today. Hallelujah!"
"I'm so excited because I am in my new house."
"It's a very stressful transition to try to clean and leave a home and then move into a new home. But through all the stresses, it was completely worth it."