
Investment Behavior Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Nearly 85 percent of Bitcoin owners never sell their Bitcoin. They keep it. They just sit on it."
"It seems accumulators are accumulating, and it seems that holders are holding. And I think that's just too bullish."
"Once you're aware that you're doing these things you can better prepare for them and better understand when you're making emotional decisions."
"I feel like just out of spite for the market, we should be buying Apple shares if it goes negative today."
"If one person jumps in and they make money, other people are gonna take notice and they're also gonna start jumping in."
"Investors call us nowadays more heavily when there is a dip in the market so they can buy." - Michael Sunshine, Grayscale CEO
"What keeps me up at night is knowing that some people are going to panic if they're looking at their accounts on a day-to-day basis."
"Borrowed conviction is one of the most prevalent things in the crypto markets."
"The amount of bitcoin that has not moved in over a year has reached an all-time high."
"Retail not capitulating. Retail investors staying in and buying more than ever. Added $20 billion to stocks in the last week alone."
"The psychology remains the same: greed, the hope of getting rich quick."
"It pops up the value of these assets, makes a higher value, more speculative investors see the price of this rising."
"This feels like FOMO to me. This feels like people are chasing the dragon's tail."
"Investors often chase past performance in the mistaken belief that historical returns predict future investment performance." - Trend chasing bias
"Understanding that if people are worried about the economy, they're going to flock to safer investments."
"Fear of failure drives premature profit-taking."
"You're seeing this behavioral shift in the market... people are just holding their bitcoin for the long term."
"It is finding patterns that repeat time and time again from investor behavior within the markets."
"You have to have the self-control not to trade impulsively."
"Don't panic sell in the event the market goes down."
"The fear greed index is extreme, there's a degree of complacency, everybody's largely on the same boat."
"The beginning of spend by the whales is actually a bullish indicator."
"While other people are just sort of aping into things and not really thinking about what they're doing."
"Bitcoin supply held by long-term holders continues to break all-time high."
"You want to be very Nimble and not try to marry the idea of a market that's blasting off."
"People are making a big hubbub because we were at a three-year low as people were taking their bitcoin off the exchanges. What does that mean? When people take their bitcoin off exchanges, that means they don't want to sell it."
"I think it's gonna be much higher later. It's still fascinating to see the short term movements and they kind of, at least, get in the mind of people betting on the short or maybe take tiny bets from time to time."
"Despite the dip mentality has just become more ingrained."
"Even people who don't fall for scams or pay for shitty courses pitched by hustle bros are still more likely to have aggressive stock portfolios."
"Retail loves to buy green, so stuff that continues to pump hard will probably continue to pump hard once retail comes in."
"Alex says, 'Hey guys, when these VCs and these preed investors get this big money they dump the market immediately on these projects.'"
"The reason why a lot of people keep their money on exchanges is they just refuse to learn how to do it... it's very important because the reason why a lot of people keep their money on exchanges is they just refuse to learn how to do it."
"Less than 10 percent of the ETH that's being staked is in the queue to unstake, and of that 10 percent, the majority is actually just the rewards that have been earned since Ethereum staked."
"The number one correlating factor to people who build wealth investing is that they act."
"When the system is breaking down, systemic risk of the system is why people rush into gold and silver."
"Buying what is not popular is frightening. Timid investors are the sheep going along with the crowd."
"You're not getting a bunch of wise traders and investors buying more Cardano after it's rallied 175 percent."
"Study after study shows this -- people fly out of stocks, they fly out of their index funds when things start looking bad, and then they stay afraid for a long time and they don't get back in until things are great again."
"Extreme divergence from fundamentals and risky market behavior."
"Retail investors are actually buying and holding."
"Diamond hands is what you're gonna hear all the time."
"German investors are very conservative and they're looking for their new gold."
"75% of the circulating supply is held by holders who aren't selling."
"Some people think that by increasing taxes this actually forces people to sell all of their investments and exit the market before these new tax changes take place."
"My strategy has been to just buy and then do nothing."
"When you're in a bullish market more people are buying than selling."
"Risk aversion... tells you that investors prefer lower to higher risk for a given level of expected return."
"While Bitcoin was going down, the long-term investors and some of the whales have been loading up."
"...excitement usually ramps up until it gets super exciting—parabolic, laser eyes, diamond hands, never selling..."