
Relationship Realism Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Every couple fights; our relationship is not perfect. No relationship is."
"Love at first sight doesn't exist. Love takes time and love takes work."
"You cannot make somebody happy in your early 20s."
"You're flawed, I'm flawed. The best we can ever be in the world is two flawed people having a flawed relationship."
"She doesn't love you, she loves how you make her feel."
"Recognizing like no relationship is going to be perfect."
"Every relationship will get boring after you've been together for years."
"Nothing is ever perfect, no relationship is perfect."
"There's times in marriage where you just fall out of love. You still love the person but you're just like, 'We're not connecting.'"
"We cannot make excuses, we cannot scapegoat love and say love should be enough, no, not when it comes to a romantic relationship."
"It's a toxic and destructive idea that there's going to be someone who will come along and you'll just have an effortlessly good relationship."
"No matter what you do, if a woman doesn't want you, she's never going to wake up one day and suddenly you're the man she wants."
"Every couple argues, that's a real-life thing that happens."
"Move on because he's not going to change what he wants with you."
"People don't open up about how hard marriage is enough."
"My music is for everyone out of everyone in the industry I have the most organic come up I was never all over the radio I was never in mainstream media I was never any of that it's like I'm almost still an underdog."
"Love is an emotion and you can experience love whether or not you and this person stay together forever or you stay together for six months."
"Nobody's perfect, so keep your head out of the clouds and grounded in regards to this relationship."
"It's not going to work out with the bad boys because guess what they don't settle down they're not marriage material but there's hope and instead of chasing the alpha, go after the beta."
"Love does not conquer all when it comes to relationships."
"Sometimes you're with someone and you know deep down that you're not compatible or that it's not gonna last."
"Understand that when you're choosing a partner, you can look at that person and not really know who they are or not really choose them for who they are in reality."
"No relationship is perfect... everybody go through that [expletive]."
"Isn't it true that really what we need here at the workplace is to have everyone respect one another?"
"There is no such thing as a perfect relationship."
"If partners were perfect there wouldn't be such a thing as divorce."
"My wife gets angry with me, that don't mean she hate me. I get angry with her, that'll mean I hate her. That's right."
"Marriage is a business, it's not about love... The foundation of marriage never was about love." - Teddy
"No relationship is perfect; every person that I met that said that has been a [__] liar."
"Relationships are not like this puppy-like romantic love constantly... it's doing the small things every single day to make sure the relationship works."
"If you're expecting marriage to fix the person, then it's only a matter of time before you're gonna be disappointed again."
"No marriage or relationship is perfect despite some trying to make it seem that way."
"If love got the job done, you wouldn't be here."
"Every relationship is a gift, even the painful ones."
"Be careful what you think is settling; the grass is not always greener."
"Love is not always enough—you have to have so much more to last long term."
"Let's be great, Tyree! That's a good start, I'm cool with it."
"I don't think God made one person for you because if He did, somebody messed it up long time ago."
"It's not all about the love, it's not about the love."
"Approach relationships with reality. All this fiction with monogamy, stop it."
"It's not going to be all lovey-dovey or romantic all the time, but it should be peaceful, it should be acceptance."
"He loved the idea of you, he didn't love you."
"It isn't sexy, it isn't like all rainbows and unicorns, but it is realistic for the long term."
"We're all gonna make mistakes, say dumb things, but don't expect a perfect relationship."
"If he's not interested, there's nothing you can do about it."
"You're giving up on romanticizing someone or seeing the potential, you're just seeing them for what they are."
"You can't fix someone, accept them or let them go."
"Stop trying to make every man be perfect when we're just people."
"As much as you have confidence and love and maturity and respect in your man he will cheat on you."
"The concept of the one is so narcissistic that not even I can fall into it."
"Recognize that not all relationships are 'the one.' Some are blessings, some are lessons."
"If it's not working then just leave. How is that ever supposed to work? You're not going to find somebody that's perfect at all."
"All relationships are transactional. If you don't transact through money, you'll transact through a STD."
"The odds of the marriage being successful are so damn low."
"No relationship is perfect; accept imperfections."
"Relationships are not supposed to be this thing where you're walking around in a state of bliss all the damn time."
"You're just not gonna like each other every day, yeah. You're just not."
"Gemini is saying, this person is not gonna change, there's not gonna be any growth."
"Every connection and every relationship is going to have red flags, you are never ever going to meet a person where there is not one single red flag."
"Men don't marry the love of their life they marry the girl that's around when they're ready to settle down."
"Not everybody is for everybody, and that's okay."
"The highly sanitized understanding of romance is incredibly destructive."
"The person who is right isn't the person who agrees and condones every aspect of our character. It's somebody who negotiates the differences between two people in a particular way, with a particular generosity and dare I say it sometimes, humour."
"This is a non-story because they never were going to be a match."
"You can't convince somebody to love you."
"Love is not enough to hold together a relationship through the ups and downs and craziness of life."
"No relationship is perfect, and no individual is perfect."
"I'm not perfect, and we know nobody in a relationship is perfect."
"The communication's still tough. It's not like everything's just so easy and everything's so glorious."
"No relationship is perfect, no person is perfect."
"There's no such thing as a perfect relationship or marriage or parenting."