
Book Promotion Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"An author should not give you a substitute for his book. A book is a different product—it's not a talk."
"The system is broken the path to improvement is left or right he says no it's not it's forward that's the name of his uh uh of his new book a political party as well founded by our guest."
"We want to thank you for being with us, author of the new book 'An American Martyr in Persia: The Epic Life and Tragic Death of Howard Baskerville.'"
"Democracy is on the line so if there's one exhortation I would make to people again I'm not making a bunch of money off this book but what I want you to do is share this with someone who needs to read it."
"Could you also help maybe by pre-ordering this book of mine that's coming out in February?"
"Don't miss out on getting both Peggy's powerful and timely book Psalm 91."
"He's got a book out called 'Think Straight: An Owner's Manual to the Mind.'"
"Big UPS to your wonderful parents, Stacy Abrams. Big Ups to you, my sister, and everybody check out the book."
"If you're ready to stop slacking in your mackin', get 'The Art of Mackin' book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble right now, sucker!"
"My beautiful book, 'Attract Soulmate Love,' is available through my website. It's for coming into right alignment with your soulmate... It's been getting amazing results."
"I really hope you like the book give me a shout if you preorder it if I ever meet you I'll give you a really long like half that goes on for a long time."
"Hate me now, love me later. Yeah, look, man, well, that's the book."
"My book 'Attract Soulmate Love' is now available through my website. Please check it out and see if it resonates with you."
"The anatomy of a corporate lynching updated edition and avoid the great white sharks available on Amazon worldwide."
"Thank you very much for coming on to talk about your new book entitled, it's so relevant, 'The Peacemaker: Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, and the world on the brink.'"
"In a world where voices like this are censored, the story is incredibly important. That's why the book is available now on Amazon or anywhere you buy books online. So go order your copy today!"
"Thank you everyone for your support of our show and thank you for purchasing the Trump prophecies updated and expanded edition on amazon.com by author and prophet Mark Taylor."
"That was Slavoj Zizek, philosopher and author of the new book 'Surplus Enjoyment: a Guide for the Non-Perplexed'."
"I'm also finishing up the last touches on a book that will be coming out in about a month and a half... It's called 'Politicizing the Bible: The Roots of Historical Criticism and the Secularization of Scripture.'"
"Don't stop marketing your book after publication day."
"And inspired by his new book, 'How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.' You can find out more about how we can all work together to avoid a climate disaster using the link below."
"Hey, this is Kirk Cameron and Michael Knowles has a great book out right now. It's called Speechless."
"Build awareness around your book through social media."
"I hope that you got to have a little taster of this trip and of this book, and yeah, it was super fun to share it with you."
"I'm very excited for today's interview I am interviewing my friend Neil Shen and my new friend Pat Sawyer about their book critical dilemma."
"Dear white supremacy, you're pure evil. War of the Heart, available worldwide December 1st."
"I can't wait to see your future fan creations. Own or gift these books now!"
"Let's make this a bestseller, so get your copy of 'White Fear: How the Browning of America Is Making White Folks Lose Their Minds' everywhere."
"Thank you for coming on, Bella. 'Life of a Wannabe Mogul: Mental Disarray Vol. 1' is out July 23rd."
"That's what my new book is all about, 'The Right Side of History.'"
"Grab my book 'The Unplugged Alpha,' it's available on Amazon, guys are loving it, there's lots of value in that."
"If y'all could just go pre-order this, make this a best seller, man, I want to have a bestseller."
"Let's sell this book The F out all over the world."
"Thank you for continuing to try to convert people to my books."
"Thank you for watching. If you'd like to learn more, I suggest you check out Dr. Bollanz's new book."
"It was like a dude pulling the switch on his own electric chair uh Chris it's been a pleasure three great the book is out right now recommend if you've never read a Jericho book I recommend them all they're they're awesome."
"Don't miss out on getting Becky Dvorak's brand-new book, Conquering the Spirit of Death."
"Things that I said would come true in the book Liberal Privilege that I wrote last summer are happening."
"Check out catching up crypto uh we're on the last push here we've got um nine days before the publish date so you guys make sure to get your copy of catching up to crypto if you haven't already"
"Make sure you pick up my two books that's in Amazon right now... the system of white supremacy really runs and on our daily lives here in America."
"One would be stop being awful...my book is coming out next fall."
"Josh's books are really great, click the link in the description to start reading them."
"We talk about a lot of different topics including his book which is the long slide. Check it out right now, 30 years in American journalism, Tucker Carlson, 'The Long Slide.' And I know you guys are gonna love this conversation."
"That's my pyramid, that's my rankings. Please read 'The Love Con' immediately. Please, I need more people to read it."
"Books change lives... that's what really what we're trying to create."
"Let's make Josh a double bestseller."
"You can find my book on Amazon, 'Cunning Words: A Grimoire of Tales and Magic.'"
"Before I go, I remind you that my book The Beginner's Guide to Friendship Bracelets comes out on August 23rd in the US and about a month later everywhere else and it's available for pre-order now anywhere you typically buy books."
"Even if you don't have money to help me out, it would deeply help me if you would tell your friends about these books and share them with the world."
"Your book 'Awake: It's Your Turn' recently published and available all places where good books are sold."
"Nothing like some light reading like in my new book which is now available for pre-order. The link's in the description now back to the video."
"We want to sell this book out. We want Barbara Brown to send us flowers because we sold all these books, but it is that good."
"We want to hear as many cool stories as you can, because of course, they can read the book, but what we want to hear is just you tell some of the Amazing Stories from this book."
"It's so good to be back up here again with all of you. It's so good to be here together for defending the faith. It really is a joy for me to be able to share from my new book Angels and Saints."
"The next day Sydney Prescott returns to Woodsboro to promote her book, Out of Darkness."
Hope you'll check out the description below or check out Amazon for the book "From the Darkness" by Jordan Group.
"I'll be presenting my first-ever talk based on my forthcoming book, 'Spirit Gym.'"
"...the other thing that I'll say about me is I also wrote this book Pelican Sapphire which is about using this Site by library and there will be a book signing at the end of the day at the job fair."
"...while yes, she is an author and many other authors have been able to get a lot of success as a result of book talk and other apps and a lot of other individuals that aren't even involved in publishing talking about her book, word of mouth hyping the book up..."
"I want everybody to get the book that can, I want everybody to buy a book for a friend that can."
"This is another part of the show where I plug a book in."
Thank you for picking up my book, "Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God."
"The book's called 'Pressure: A Memoir' by Eric Canori. It's available on Amazon."
"If you're ready to explore a refreshing new approach with cooking, visit straightupfood.com to learn more and order her book of the same name."
"If you'd like to learn more about making earrings with a Cricut, I've written a book called 'Cricut Earrings Made Easy'."
"If you said yes to any of those questions, I want you to stay tuned as I share this concept from my book, Think Like a Monk."
"It's just one of the best ways to market your book for free."
"I'm loving every one of the quilts in our new book, Make It Easy with Three Yard Quilts."
"Proper promotion of books helps books succeed."
"You can pick up the Lazy DM's Companion at SlyFlourish.com."
"If you're interested in finding gold for yourself, then you might want to see my book, it's called 'Fistful of Gold'."
"I just want to push this book on everyone."
"Spend most of the time in your query letter talking about your book."
"If you want to get more from me, please feel free to pick up a copy of my book, it's called Thriving Beyond 50."
"If you don't read my book, wait for the audiobook."
"So this is the final mockup, and if you need to promote a book cover, all you need to do is replace the front, the back, and the spine."
"This is your chance to go buy them and read them, I'm highly recommending them for you guys."
"Definitely check out my new book, an Amazon bestseller: Radical Prayer - Transform your life and the world in 28 days."
"Remember, if you want to learn more about bird photography, you can get a copy of my book on Amazon."