
Role Importance Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Roles are very important and they all have their own part to play in your team."
"Support has the highest KDA in the game by the way... There's only one hero that has a positive win rate in every single rank guys, only one hero."
"Each of you is a solution for the other. Everybody plays a role here."
"There is something to be said about doing the right thing on a day in, day out basis. All the players are engaged, everyone's bought in, everyone plays their role."
"Role players and the roles they play win you championships."
"Every team, if you're going to be a great team, needs an enforcer. You have to have that."
"I think people underestimate how important the doctor is in football clubs. It's almost like they're their psychologist as well."
"Our primary role in aviation security is deterrence."
"Just Curry that's been doing his thing for the last years that allows them other guys just to be who they are."
"They can still play their part even if they are not in the starting eleven."
"Each class serves a much-needed combat role."
"Every single role is extremely important to be successful."
"The support role is the glue that helps all other roles be better."
"Top lane is an extremely powerful role in the lower ELOs."
"Fathers have a significant impact on the family. It matters how you play them."
"More gets accomplished when everyone has a role to play."
"Mystique gets a lot of grief about these movies, I think she's actually been very pivotal in the storytelling element of it."
"Make sure every role on the conquest map has something to do, have something important to do can change the game."
"You're the high council, man. You're the glue."
"He's a faithful Soldier, you need those in teams"
"If you remove the strong heterosexual masculine man... we will be so vulnerable."
"Referees play a very important role in protecting the stars of the show."
"As a healer, I'm happy that the most important thing I can bring to the group is solid healing."
"The role we will play in dark tide is pivotal to root out the corruption and discover the horrors beneath the surface."
"Being number two just means that's the best role you play for the team."
"It's remarkable what a difference this makes and what a role it plays."
"But those things I want my puppy to associate with me so that it gives it a more valuable role in the dog's life."
"Dupree set the standard for entry fraggers everywhere." - "On Astralis, Dupree set the standard for entry fraggers everywhere."
"Support can carry, but not all supports can do it."
"Football's changed so much that difference makers are pieces of the puzzle now."
"In a quick swap team, every character here plays a very significant role and enables the others to deal more damage."
"When you have a space creating tank... it carries the game."
"Horace was the Rodman for the first three titles."
"Being an ADC, you are your team's late-game insurance."
"Recruiting good healers is harder than any other role."
"These are people that come to work every day, they're not the primary decision makers."
"Witnesses play a crucial role in presenting evidence."
"Playing healer in Overwatch is about more than just healing."
"Everyone's focusing too much on frags... But there are certain roles."
"The dps game starts have become much more about a player solely than the class."
"I feel like supports are just super super human."
"Almost everything that your entire party is doing if they're doing it well is at least in part as a result of your efforts on the battlefield."
"I believe that evaluating success is a fundamental aspect of any role."
"No role is more important than the other."
"I felt like my role as a black American, a black Peace Corps volunteer, was very important."
"Every role contributes to something."
"We understood everyone had their role and all of us were equally important."
"Integrity also plays a vital role in relationships."
"Thanks for being a center, because if you wanted to be a running back, I'd be out of a job."
"Let's just put all this to rest because it's just not true; Kyron Williams' role is still elite in this offense."