
Personal Recognition Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Just remembering who that person is... still giving them that respect and that dignity that they deserve is so important and crucial."
"Sweetie needs to understand that it's not just her pretty privilege, it's a lot of things that work for her."
"It's nice to you know get recognized from my teammates so I can't complain at all this is amazing honestly it really is."
"Everyone wants to be recognized for something... ego helps you do that."
"I hope I don't sound ridiculous. I don't know who this man is."
"This individual is recognizing your wisdom, but they're also seeing that there's this mystery to you."
"They still recognize you as somebody very special."
"I accept my worthiness. I see myself. I see my worth, and I'm willing to receive that worth from others as well."
"I had always known that you were special, not only because of what we went through but just because of who you are."
"I just love when people like know me from YouTube and genuinely like me."
"Jerry Thompson, your Pro Tour Amonkhet champion."
"Thank you, Rachel Anderson. Good stuff as always."
"Recognize when someone is more than just company in your life."
"He gets it, he really gets it, and I'm not saying other guys don't get it but unequivocally it's Jason Kelsey."
"He's a special guy. I think he had a very special experience."
"I want you to know that you are, I want to say it to you personally, you are a legend."
"Recognize your identity, recognize that God loves you."
"You too can be shouted out vocally by me on a video. How cool is that?"
"This is huge, you know, to see your name on these colors, and it's special."
"This trophy is solid sterling silver nearly 25 inches tall and everybody goes well I guess I have to come back and the trophy in the museum and I said no you actually get to take it home with you."
"Himself as one of the greatest hockey players of all time."
"When people are coming up to me, it's because they know me and they're so flattering and lovely."
"She deserves the [ __ ] hype. She is just as dope in real life."
"I leave it right there. You're kind of my MVP and they can fight over it."
"Rocky Roenick, a game 7 shutout, yeah Rocky, way to go my man."
"They recognize you're someone who doesn't come along every day."
"Well done surely an emotional moment forget right as well."
"I thought it was time that James was celebrated properly."
"In order for you to truly fall in love with someone, you have to feel like your whole inner world is being seen completely by that person."
"I feel like inside of Cleveland, like the people and the fans here, I feel like they give me that hype and that recognition that I deserve."
"When the word hero comes to mind, I now will think of this man."
"Wow someone's bothered to come here someone's bothered to support me."
"I got to interview Steve Vai, and he very awesomely was like, 'Hey, I know you.'"
"Reputationally, we need to update things with Justin. We don't give him the credit he deserves."
"It is important to recognize the danger of the movement is different than the individuals that make it up... Behind the partial mask, enough of the face was exposed... This is a person... I recognized them."
"He sees you for who you are. He cares about who you are."
"That is the most well deserved Wattage Bazooka I've known in recent times."
"Appreciation isn't just about recognizing what he does, it's about seeing who he is."
"Hey Dave, they're all saying hey Dave, Dave, Dave."
"It's really important for me to make sure that you know that I see you, I see what you're doing, and I love it."
"It's kind of like having a star named after you."
"I guess the MVP of our team is Joey Comasta."
"I love how Jack gets his own category, he really does."
"This person knows they got a good thing going with you."
"You know it's him, you see the hat, you see the glasses, you see the headphones, you see the pen, you see his sketchbook, you know exactly who it is, but that image tells an incredible story."
"It's a blessing. And so to hear someone notice that, be like yo, how did he know?"
"He's passed that title on and he's known, he's just Wesley."
"I think that people know me for music but I'm more encouraged that people know me for more than you."
"The anniversary, Sam. 20 years? 10 years? What? It's 10 years, but uh, thank you. No, 20 years since the shenanigans."
"I think Jared Allen deserves a lot more than just being a part of a championship team. He deserves the MVP."
"It's like Wizard of Oz where you wake up and see everyone and you're like 'and you were there, and you were there.'"
"Leon Riskin, the sound designer of FNAF music."
"I just think it's dope when you see your last name on TV, you know what I'm saying?"
"I see it. I watch your hustle. I see your charisma."
"You're genuinely a good guy and I think you've worked hard on yourself and I'm so glad that you love yourself."
"Is that Claire? Yep, definitely still Claire."
"You're a legend. Not just now, like people know you're a comedy legend."
"He's my husband, he's my hero every day. The world just actually was able to now see that we think he's a hero too."
"Acknowledge who you've been in this game and what you've done for me and mine."
"Chuck Norris knows who I am. Damn right, I couldn't have been happier."
"Naturally, you are a very attractive person, whether you know it or not."
"Being selected as an All-Star was everything."
"Your name forever etched inside right the credits in the settings right the application it's kind of cool."
"That's my boy, Matt, right there." - Daniel Cormier
"Nicholas, you're the same guy from a couple of years ago, right?"
"I mean I got a call after she researched my name and everything she found out that I worked with the Warrens but she did not know me when she called my name out."
"Admiration is huge because admiration is also that you kind of really see the otherness of the other person."
"You're being told not to give up and to keep moving forward."
"I feel like this is the first time I've heard someone wish me. In my past life, I did not get wishes or gifts."
"If you do see yourself, I want you to give yourself a little pat on the back for being amazing."
"Now here was a discovery that would get his name in the books."
"Your spirit is something that I've seen even before coming here."
"He is the first person who has ever treated her as a woman and not a weapon."
"I could not be more pleased that Scott of all people got this recognition."
"I predict that you will be noticed for something wonderful in the near future."
"Who do you know that commands that kind of attention bro like [ __ ] gonna kind of start giving this [ __ ] to me."
"I wish I had more people around me... that could see that side of me."
"For the most part, I've been really welcomed warmly... People recognize me from my YouTube channel, Namibians all the time, and they're always like just coming up to me and introducing themselves."
"I see you, not what you got on, but who you are within."
"You might feel frustrated by people not recognizing your uniqueness, your individuality."
"I'm a human being first, I'm not my demographic or whatever label you might assign to me."
"I mean, to be honest, it does kind of sound like you, it is, it sounds great."
"People forget that you're actually a person and you have genuine feelings."
"Hands down, we have saved lives. I can't walk down the street anymore without having someone say you saved my life."
"To become world champion at club level has to be the highest recognition for a player."
"Who am I? You are not able to recognize me anymore. It’s me, Joseph!"
"It's about people recognizing your true intent through your music."
"You're a superstar of the That's Football chat."
"I know there's a lot of you every one of you guys I know is smart but in different ways."
"You finally get the recognition and the honor you so lovingly deserve."
"Chase Young did finally get Defensive Player of the Year."
"That's my girl! I was walking in the barn, everyone wanted to say hi because I was like visiting."
"You deserved this so much, Danny. Super happy to be here to see it."
"He's one of the most brilliant men on the planet."
"Don't lose the best parts of you because people don't recognize it."
"Your real power is going to be evident, and everyone's going to be noticing it."
"Etho built a statue of me. This was not on my bingo card for this year."
"I felt so happy knowing she remembered my name for that one day."
"Oh, you are probably the most realist biggest person I know."
"Wow, I've been assigned this mission, lieutenant. Thanks."
"Sometimes the people that have access to you don't have the revelation of you."
"They realize that you are the person that they've been waiting for."
"I didn't know who you were before this comment was made but now I will never forget you my comrade."
"Scout, congratulations, you are the Finals MVP."
"Salute to Donald Mitchell! You will be receiving this Knicks draft hat."
"You want someone to see you for who you are."
"Revel in recognition and rewards for your efforts."
"Nice work, Cole, you run track in high school?"
"Finally some recognition!" - "Ed Bound is awesome, let's go!"
"Some people are too stuck in their ways of thinking, their ways of this is how the world should be, this is how my kids should be, to see the incredible person in front of them."
"Round of applause because you recognized your worth."
"Almost got robbed today, but homey said he recognized me."
"Listen, okay? I smell myself in and Buster, not my name but I'll thank you for trying."
"This is officially going next to my YouTube plaque."
"It's like Robert Kulp, there we go, they ever go."
"They see everything that you are, and it's just like they honor you and your soul. Everything that you are."
"I want you to look at this man's face. This is Gallow boob."
"She recognized how kind, personable, and considerate he really was."
"The most important part of being the Starbucks logo is finally the recognition that I've always deserved."
"I sort of want people to just see this for a second and know it's you."
"Charlie came over when she just hit a million, she's the same girl."
"Mario, you're name is Mario isn't it? That's what I heard from your friends who just arrived. Mario, it has such a nice ring." - Rosalina
"It's not all about the editing, you know, it can be about me too."
"From the moment I saw her she looked familiar."
"I'm owed a goddamn apology. Give me my flowers, I am owed it. I want it loud and clear. Drifty, come back. Calum, come back. All of you, come back. I'm ready to fight. Please send my message loud and clear. I am deserved my flowers. Thank you."
"Every time I fly back and forth to Houston, almost without exception, every time I'm on an airplane either the captain or a flight attendant will come up to me, will hug me and say thank you for fighting for us."
"It's kind of like how Sofia Vergara says your name."
"You're getting noticed, you're getting recognized, and we see you're gaining knowledge."
"For some of you guys, you just knew that was your divine accent, you knew that was your person."
"You already are doing your work... You're amazing."
"There's something kind of funny about the fact that you seem to be the one person who can't see how extraordinary you are."
"You know you've found a friend that's real, that's true, when they see the real person in you."
"You are so worthy of love, you're amazing, I see you."
"I remember thinking he's got something really special."
"I got to the point in some of my neighborhoods where neighbors would see me walking down the street and they'd be like, 'Hey Cameron, how's it going?' like they knew me by name."
"You want to get to know the people behind the desk by name so that they recognize you, you recognize them."
"You're the first person to see me for me."
"It's the coolest thing to be able to stumble into people and know who I am but I don't know who they are yet."
"You are that truth and that's the recognition for me."
"Why does that laugh sound so familiar?"
"People knew her by her will to make it, whatever she put on mind to."