
Post-pandemic Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"The post-pandemic era has become defined by employee experience. How your organization shapes the way people work and live, from productivity to flexibility, well-being, and everything in between."
"Everything after the COVID pandemic is just a disaster."
"After 2020 and coming out of this crazy COVID year, we want everybody to get healthy."
"The tide is clearly turning on this. We're moving more and more into a post-COVID world where the draconian mandates are not just receding, but... and for me, this is huge, they're losing any plausibility of a return."
"Going back to normal is going pretty horribly."
"We're officially at post-COVID. How you do the next 12, 24, 36, 60 months will be predicated based on what kind of strategies you have in place."
"Red states are winning the post-pandemic economy."
"After the pandemic, everything changed... people value comfort more than anything."
"Everybody that wants to play as an entrepreneur going forward after this pandemic has got to have a direct consumer digital strategy."
"Post corona is going to be fascinating for cinema."
"One of the first things people can’t wait to get back to is travel."
"My conviction couldn't be higher that the innovation that has been evolving and was accelerated coming out of the coronavirus crisis is unstoppable."
"Every interaction matters now, particularly in a post-pandemic or emerging from the pandemic digital-first world."
"Flying for the first time since all this went down I say it's been a win I think it's been awesome."
"The fact that companies are still growing post-pandemic is wildly bullish."
"The post-pandemic labor market may well be different."
"People were cooped up for two years... and they're saying look I'm gonna go travel."
"There was a reset after the pandemic, it was a reset with these folks in society, elites, it's also been a reset even spiritually with people."
"The subway's been a little crazy, especially after the Covid situation, people are pushing people in front of the trains, people are stabbing people in these subways."
"Traveling post-pandemic is more expensive than anticipated. How can you navigate through the upswing in demand and inflated prices?"
"The post-pandemic era will usher in a period of massive wealth redistribution."
"There's gonna be a magical period of societal reintegration where we remember the good parts of being out."
"China now realizes that it may never get back to the growth path it had so previous to the covid incident."
"The hits and misses tour it's been such a wonderful gift to the country that want to go to shows again and live again."
"Once this pandemic's over, it's gonna be a movie bonanza."
"As the country continues to reopen, hopefully we'll be bouncing back. The decline will be pretty sharp, but gradually, that drop rate will just continue to trickle down over the next year, a couple of years, who knows."
"Psy is kind of like the herald of the pandemic being over."
"We're having a record comeback because if you look, we're the fastest-growing nation in the world after this pandemic by far."
"People just want to dress up a little bit more, man. People are just tired of being in a sweatsuit for so long during the pandemic." - Daily Paper founders
"The U.S. is enjoying the strongest post-pandemic recovery of any economy in the world."
"March 2021 astrologically in conclusion guys is when we are finally going to start seeing change after this awful year we have been through."
"How can we be better? How can we exit COVID-19 a better version of ourselves? How can we innovate?"
"I think post pandemic Live Theater or just going out to a concert is so important."
"And this was coming out of the pandemic to where we were really fully in crowds again and just feeling that."
"It's like this weird... this was also post-pandemic, straight up like one of the first shows after the pandemic period."
"It's not sustainable and it's not fun. So, for us, like, post-pandemic, we were like, 'What's the, we want to have fun.' People don't have fun in their life. Most people really, really hate their life."
"I just hit suddenly this moment where I think post pandemic a lot of people did where they were like I want to do something great with my life but I don't want to kill myself for it."
"So I think that this is a moment in time coming out of the corvette stillness where we have to have these conversations in a much more granular, in a much more deliberate way, with an eye towards solutions."
"Two years might seem super crazy for a remodeling project, especially one that doesn't deal with a whole lot of structural changes, but you have to remember we are dealing with post-pandemic interior design here, people."
"I feel good about delivery. I feel better than rideshare. I think delivery is still maintaining the lead post-pandemic over rideshare."
"2024 is really lining up to be the first year after the pandemic that both economic conditions and consumer behavior are really past all of the disruptions and those subsequent dislocations."
"This is my first proper character meal experience post-pandemic and it's amazing."
"Now that COVID is letting up a little bit I'm going to start going back to loan closings like I did before."
"In the post-pandemic era, your store, your physical assets are going to become a media channel, and your media is, in essence, going to become the store."
"In a post-pandemic world where you've been separated so much, it really goes back to you trying to figure out where is it you want to go, what's the vision like, where do you want to be?"
"It felt like a sort of post pandemic novel especially the second half."
"It's nice to see people going out there again, enjoying themselves in this post-pandemic world."
"The fans they're back 135,000 strong the largest post-pandemic sporting event anywhere in the world."
"Post-covid, I've gotten even less tolerant of people."
"What do you find beautiful about viruses? A post-COVID assessment strategy."
"When this COVID thing is over, we need to collab. You know what, I know I got so many people that want to collab. My list is so long. We'll see what we can do."
"...if they kick back up after the virus because I had a great time and I think you guys will too"
"Use this time to your advantage so once this coronavirus is over, you can go outside and you can be the best at what you want to do."
"It's still novel to me when we all get in a room together after Covid."
"In our opinion, Nextcloud is actually the solution for this post-pandemic world, but in a good way respecting privacy and security of the users."
"After COVID, I said to myself, I want to live my best life."
"The holiday activity and food program... is now a permanent feature post-pandemic of the support in place for vulnerable children."
"Just having the time out without Covid restrictions because we haven't been able to do that."
"A great American renaissance that would follow years of COVID censorship and political divisiveness."
"Service is some of the best we have come across post pandemic, food outside of main dining was generally excellent."
"We're fresh out of COVID, we want to get dressed up and cute and have some girl time."
"Once this COVID thing is over, we're going to start taking trips together and going to different places."
"If you know how to work with this energy, you really are going to thrive when this quarantine is over and when this coronavirus is gone."
"Once we get past this whole pandemic malarkey, I think everyone's busting to get out there."
"I just hope that after this lockdown, we will all start appreciating the small things that we took for granted."
"Looking forward to this COVID thing being over so we can get back to having fun in the desert next year."
"It's rejuvenation, step to take into post-pandemic life, whatever that looks like for you."
"I think there will be hopefully a little bit of a movement... I just hope that with any luck when we do emerge from this pandemic... companies will be more understanding."
"After COVID, I think everybody spends their time a little more wisely."
"I'm getting back into the dating world quite a bit after the pandemic year, so it's great, it's fun."
"Thanks guys, this is cool. I will definitely visit once COVID is over."
"We're dealing with many of the aspects of the post-pandemic environment."
"Maybe many have hopes that when the pandemic ends, everything will return to the way it was before. To be frank, this is naive."
"This period offers a unique opportunity to evaluate the economic landscape of the Caribbean untethered from the pandemic's immediate impacts."
"It's been a fantastic 12 months, ever since Covid just about went away, things have just about got back to normal."
"More and more nowadays, especially since the pandemic, more people are enjoying life for life."
"Now that COVID is behind us, and perhaps with one season under their belt, I hope we can look forward to seeing a more solid costume design in future seasons."
"If we want to build a better world after COVID-19, young people have the right to participate in the decision-making process that affect them."
"It was almost like everyone's getting their life back together after COVID."
"Did you hear that we're going to have a big party after the pandemic? OP's having a wedding celebration!"
"Now the restrictions are lifted, and we can go out again."
"This is the first time that we have everybody back together in person post-COVID."
"Most of our lives are going predominantly more and more online, especially post-pandemic."
"People are finding love, aren't they? Alone... I'm glad after the pandemic, after everything that's happening in the world, people need to find love."
"We are coming out of lockdowns, we are coming out of COVID, we need more warmth, we need more contact with people, and I think this is a nice way to create relationships, bond with people."
"It feels like we're all back in business now after COVID."
"People are shaking hands again, yes, and hugging and doing all sorts of great things."
"I'm really eager to go out for dinner once we're out of the pandemic."
"I have a lot on my plate, and all of a sudden after this pandemic break, work is coming my way from all over the place."
"Keep up the amazing work guys and after COVID feel free to come to the zoo and I'll introduce you to some animals."
"Post-COVID was the best few years we've had."
"For the first time since COVID, this really felt like a normal event."
"The world is going to be different post-pandemic, and so will I, maybe in more of a way than I would have thought."
"Maybe after COVID, people stopped caring about being polite at the movies."
"Life post the pandemic is all about stepping up, striking gold, standing tall."
"Character meet-and-greets are back as they were before. You can now go up to the characters, you can hug them, it's amazing just like it was pre-pandemic."
"It has changed a lot in the last two and a half years after the pandemic."
"Things are going to hopefully very soon be opening up from the pandemic."
"There is a movement in people that are trying to focus on their health and wellness, especially post-COVID."
"If you invested anything into anything after COVID, you're making money, period."
"It's everybody's fantasy of a world living without masks, free without having to think about the coronavirus."
"The first thing you want to do when all this craziness is over is... I want to travel, I want to go back to Europe."
"Post pandemic, I hope to start training properly as an actor."
"The fashion industry across nearly every metric has been struggling to grapple with the post-pandemic world."
"I'm going to like a full-blown cocktail party because we're living in a post-pandemic world."
"What will church attendance be like after this pandemic is over? Whatever kind of normal we return to, what will the attendance be like?"
"I'm really looking forward to post-COVID so I can see y'all."
"When corona is over, there'll be music."
"Pandemic's over enough that I could get a haircut."
"The economy is actually pretty good, and the pandemic is gone."
"I really cannot wait for the pandemic to be over so I can finally have some company over for dinner."
"This is the first place we were going on vacation since COVID hit."
"It's really fun that that is finally something we're able to do again post-COVID."
"We're getting more space post-pandemic than we had pre-pandemic for our toys at the big retailer."
"We're back together in person in studio since the pandemic."
"2023 is going to be the first truly post-pandemic year."
"The economy needs to be restructured for this new post-pandemic economy."
"As soon as this production stuff get back on track after Corona is over, everything will go back into production."