
Actor Performance Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Magazine Dreams...worth watching for Majors' performance alone and definitely one I'm gonna need to revisit."
"It's great when an actor not only hits a second wind but it's 10 times more entertaining than the first wind he started out with."
"One of my favorite movies of all time, Collateral. One of Tom Cruise's best performances."
"Instances where they have to use that I thought was actually very cool yeah and I think all the actors just fell in these roles where they give."
"Loki was amazing, jeez, Kang was amazing, Jonathan Majors crushed it."
"When you see this character and when you see how Jason Momoa is gonna play this guy, it's gonna be amazing."
"The ensemble cast deserves a round of applause, but Jackman reaffirms his embodiment of Wolverine, though he steps back from being the usual central action figure, a change that works surprisingly well."
"Kirsten Dunst did a wonderful job and kind of carries the film."
"The reveal of Kang the Conqueror is the ultimate big bad behind the TVA and of course Jonathan Majors in his debut as the character absolutely killing it."
"Neil Patrick Harris's performance as Count Olaf is also a bit more consistent with the show steaming."
"Spider-Man... Tom Holland was just so... fantastic."
"I just found Bruce Willis' performance as Hartigan to be so kind and gentle and, pun intended, good-hearted."
"The 8th Doctor played by Paul McGann is the greatest Doctor of the year."
"Tom Holland as Spider-Man, he's never been more Spider-Man in this one, I never connected with them more than this one."
"When Mel Gibson steps behind the camera, it's an event. And when he is in front of it, even if the film isn't a grand slam, Mel Gibson still knocks it out of the park every time."
"The Rock maybe Hugh Jackman I think is fantastic and he again puts everything into his roles um you know you can see with the Wolverine movies how hard he trains for that and how he prepares and his performances are fantastic."
"I'm so excited to see Ryan Gosling in this movie... sci-fi is my jam."
"It's a movie that I enjoy from beginning to end because I care about the characters and there's great performances here."
"Candyman is so horrifying to me. Tony Todd is just so menacing, so scary."
"This is the best I've ever seen Andy Serkis do in a flesh and blood performance."
"Saw The Whale last night editing now. It's Brendan Fraser's best performance."
"This movie is about one guy, sure there will be other characters involved, but this trailer had to sell one thing to fans: Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal."
"And Chris Pratt is as wonderful as expected so, who knows. Maybe you'll love it."
"This is the best stuff in the movie. Joel Kinnaman is fine here, he gets the job done, but of course, a stronger actor could have drawn us into Murphy's feelings much more."
"Nicolas Cage performance gives you exactly what you want: just crazy from the get-go."
"Tom Holland is the best live-action Spider-Man."
"Jessica Chastain is incredible... that movie would not have been as good as it was had it not been for her freaking powerhouse performance."
"I think Christopher Plummer is excellent... he did something different with this role that we haven't seen."
"Under extreme pressure from the studio, Fincher really got some great performances out of the cast."
"Which actor had your favorite combination of roles between Marvel and DC? Let us know in the comments below."
"Pedro and Bella's chemistry is just amazing."
"I actually bought into the chemistry between Lawrence and Pratt."
"It's critical for us to be able to really Faithfully capture and honor every Nuance of our actors Stellar performances."
"Anchored by the performance of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike."
"She took Eleven's character in season 3 and transformed her."
"I think part of the thing that made me enjoy the movie as much as I did was how just constantly floored and surprised I was throughout the film with how good she was carrying the material."
"Keanu Reeves is actually responding with a real sense of weight and resistance in the performance."
"Every single time it gets me, just the look on John Candy's face."
"We get the pleasure of watching an incredible movie with two titans... going head to head."
"I thought it was brilliant, I thought Joaquin was phenomenal."
"John mlan like... I loved his some of his little his lines were great they were hilarious."
"Anyone claiming Robert Downey Jr. phoned this performance in is wrong."
"Deepwater Horizon with Mark Wahlberg, I really did like that film."
"I mean, ever since this was announced, I watched more of the recent movies that he's done and they are [expletive] great."
"Robert Pattinson will be your new favorite Batman."
"I think Christian is going to crush it at the box office for sure."
"I'd be up to seeing him back, both him and Sam Worthington and what's it the three of those guys."
"Keanu Reeves as Neo is a refreshing lead in a sci-fi action movie."
"Christian Bale is great. Turns out Natalie Portman can act if she wants to. And excellent music, so there you go."
"No Country for Old Men, like he's phenomenal."
"I really love Being the Ricardos, I thought it was great. J.K. Simmons is like at his absolute best."
"The actor's chemistry is honestly fantastic."
"Heath Ledger did a great job... Heath Ledger's Joker is the best Joker that we've gotten on the big screen."
"This movie managed to deal with true crime and supernatural horror while being really entertaining."
"Jim Carrey becomes Truman, and it's magnificent to see."
"Tom Cruise has never been as much of an asshole as he was in this movie."
"Nicholas Cage is great in this movie. If you're looking for a movie to watch at home, Pig is a unqualified recommendation for me."
"I thought Simu Liu was great and I thought Aquafina was pitch perfect in the film."
"I like this news I like all three actors I mean we have a sophie turner who played Sansa Stark and in Game of Thrones who you know it was kind of annoying in the beginning but her character has really turned around."
"Robert Downey Jr. playing Tony Stark, I mean, that's your number one right there."
"It was a great movie. Johnny Depp was terrific, I thought the makeup was fantastic on it, and the story was great."
"I think Colin Farrell was amazing as the Penguin. He's going to chew this up."
"I'm actually going to plant my flag in Casino Royale... as Craig's Peak Performance."
"Let's talk Die Another Day... it might well be Brosnan at his absolute Peak as James Bond."
"Bronson is just so damn comfortable in this part... represents Pierce Brosnan at the peak of his Bondian powers."
"There is just the right level of magic to him in that role... that I just can't deny being completely mesmerized by every time I see the film."
"Matthew Broderick really showed us something different, he surprised us all, and it was absolutely glorious."
"Tom Cruise sells every bit of this scene, never really being truthful."
"Simon Pegg as Siri navigation with Tom Cruise running real fast."
"Philip Seymour Hoffman takes the villain cake."
"Both Dean and Seth played it to absolute perfection."
"Riz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook is fantastic... sad so much of his story got left on the cutting room floor."
"I mean, it's pretty much that. It's Nathan Fillion as this, I don't know, he's not quite like a space pirate."
"Reeves just does a fantastic job into getting us into the mind of Batman."
"Ben Affleck is Batman. I believed him as Bruce Wayne and believed in his Batman. He's the most brutal and vicious Batman we've ever seen."
"Owen McGregor is as good as ever as Obi-Wan."
"Evan Peters is definitely doing the damn thing."
"Maudie starring Sally Hawkins and Ethan Hawke - Sally Hawkins... deserves it because she was incredible."
"I like honey buns as much as the next guy I'm not going to guide your eye out for whatever."
"Ryan Gosling's performance really started clicking for me...it worked really well for this film."
"The Truman Show gave the world the first glimpse at Jim Carrey's dramatic acting ability and the profound meta story of a man as the oblivious center of audience attention still has much to offer."
"I'm just happy that we're getting a physical Christian Bale performance."
"Having so many loops where you have to question your own sanity, it's very jarring. They captured that really well, and Ethan Hawke's portrayal of Dr. Harrow has been terrific to watch."
"One department this movie did a pretty good job in was casting Carrie and McKenna Grace are so good they trick you into thinking you're watching a quality film at times."
"Chris Evans in The Gray Man... that's a movie star performance... the reason it broke so many Netflix records was because Chris Evans was in it."
"I love when he says, Russell Crowe's an actor, 'The emperor's been slain.' You know, that line, and he realizes what's going on."
"The best scene is when Crow takes off his helmet and just stares at Joaquin Phoenix."
"Rorschach is one of the scrappiest toughest cookies in comic book history regardless of your thoughts on Snyder's Watchmen you gotta admit that actor Jackie Earle Haley did his best to bring the trench-coated masked hero to life."
"Absolutely love what Desmond does in this film."
"I think Michael Keaton is one of the top Marvel villains we've had in a while."
"Every time he steps into that character's shoes, he kills it."
"I think I just really enjoy the fact that Andrew Garfield is so good at really diving into those actual raw vulnerable moments and allowing himself to go through a whole range of emotions."
"I find him very convincing as Bond in this one in particular."
"He was remarkable in that for the part that he had on he's absolutely incredible so there's a report going around that both Ryan Gosling and to a lesser degree Alexander Skarsgard are in the running to be the villain in Thunderbolts."
"Tom Holland, great choice. He does a good Peter Parker."
"Everybody in that movie was just terrific. I mean it."
"Oscar Isaac in this role really does make me feel like they are going to do something profound."
"Tom Hardy makes Eddie Brock looks so puppeteered he reacts to his limbs in real time as they operate out of his control."
"I love Robert Pattinson as Batman. I think his arrogant persona that people that hate Twilight see him as is Bruce Wayne, and I think his actual impossible talent in indie filmmaking is Batman."
"Charlie Cox holy [ __ ] he picks up right where he left off and he kills it as Matt Murdock just kicking ass."
"Boogie Nights, I consider this to be Paul Thomas Anderson's second-best movie, probably Mark Wahlberg's greatest performance."
"Finally getting to see Joaquin Phoenix in the role of the Joker and what he does with the character that makes it his own."
"Hayden Christensen still looks great. He looks great. Ewan McGregor still looks great. And clearly, this is Attack of the Clones era Obi-Wan and Anakin because he does not have his long, long hair."
"Maleficent wonderfully realized, Angelina Jolie knocks it out of the park."
"He's one of the better Superman's we got, a good Superman."
"Argo: Alan Arkin and John Goodman brought the comedy to a whole another level."
"Leo's Joker separates him from everyone else."
"Sam Neill is on top form and is clearly the best character in the movie."
"Every single layer of Maxwell Lord, and I loved watching Pedro Pascal just slowly lose his sanity."
"Mr. Mayor, played by the amazing Christopher Walken."
"Gene Wilder's performance in this is so pitch-perfect."
"The visual was great. Benedict Cumberbatch was a fantastic Doctor Strange."
"I'd have to go Toby because I just, I like those Spider-Man movies a lot."
"The cast alone and the premise make me tentatively buy it."
"He looks good in the role and yeah, it's but as we've said you know he exists in a world where everybody's doing martial arts all the time so he'd have to be like next level."
"I went from zero interest in this movie to I one hundred percent lovely pace he is so good."
"I'm excited for the movie because it's Adam Sandler leaning into his insane dramatic chops."
"I completely agree, Ray Fiennes was brilliant in it."
"They did it just right like casting Steve Z obviously he's so great."
"Michael Keaton's return is so deserved because he more than any other Batman in my opinion understood that Bruce Wayne isn't cool he's an alute oddball with undiagnosed dissociative identity disorder Who moonlights as a bat in order to cope."
"For me, it is a good movie. David Harbour is fantastic in it, the girls are great in it. Overall, I enjoyed it very much."
"Thanos actually, I knew he would be the best MCU villain... Josh Brolin... so perfect."
"Andrew Garfield returning to play Spider-Man again in Amazing Spider-Man 3 would be spectacular."
"Colin Farrell as the Penguin was [__] amazing."
"I continue to love what Adam Driver does with Kylo Ren."
"Halle Berry is the lone bright spot but even she can't save this laughable action thriller."
"Jason Lee received high praise for his performance as Banky Ator and was even nominated at the Independent Spirit Awards."
"Also shout out to Diego Luna's performance, so good."
"I loved Will Ferrell in this role. He's honestly hilarious and I can't think of anybody else that could have played it better."
"I was blown away by it. Russell can be good in movies, Russell Crowe can be great in movies. He's great, exceptional in this."
"I liked this movie. Ray Liotta did an amazing job."
"How did you feel about this movie? For one, Henry Cavill was amazing in this movie."
"I think he was very good as Sydney Carton. I think he was the ideal casting."
"When he was on screen, it made it work, and that's about 4.5 of my [__] rating. The other 5.5 is Shelley trying his best to [__] that girl."
"Robert Pattinson did a great job. He was getting a lot of flak at the beginning, but he really pulled through."
"I think Chalamet is going to absolutely kill in this role. He looks great."
"Since when do you start blaming an action star's acting for a bad movie?"
"I feel like Michael Keaton didn't do as much as he did in this movie as he did in the last movie, I feel like he kind of almost took a backseat."
"It's a good film. He hated Robert Pattinson before he walked into that movie theater."
"The bathroom fight scene is amazing. It's Henry Cavill and Tom Cruise versus a guy that they're after. And they all kind of fight differently."
"I would definitely go see the first two Tobey Maguire ones."
"Macaulay Culkin as Kevin in Home Alone, he's got my one spot."
"Chevy Chase's Clark Griswold takes the cake for me."
"He makes this film worth a watch."
"The character of Johnny Storm was portrayed brilliantly by Michael B. Jordan."
"Jeremy Irons as Alfred is perfect whenever we get to see him."
"Ben Affleck's performance as the Caped Crusader was pretty much pitch perfect."
"Kelsey Grammer's performance as the X-Men's resident fuzzy blue hero is as close to perfect as you can get."
"It's very tiny, easy to hide, and you don't have to worry about the actors getting too loud because it can handle that generally."
"Ryan Gosling did a really good job at containing this anger within him."
"My favorite Edward Norton performance and my favorite Wes Anderson film is the Grand Budapest Hotel."
"He really felt like Superman in this."
"Nicholas Cage is amazing in Dream Scenario."