
Musical Composition Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"I don't consider myself a musician that has achieved perfection, but I compose my pieces with a formula that I created myself." - Thelonious Monk
"By completing the composition and playing it a final time at the series's conclusion, Jeremy finally makes peace with the past and is able to at least talk about what happened with his best friend Ashley."
"Once the triumphantness has laid out the foundation for our return to home, what's left is the serene."
"Melody is the greatest challenge of composing," - John Williams.
"The utter beauty of this track as the bass and drum parts that serve as a backdrop for the synth line that slowly builds into this track and adds a huge emotional resonance."
"The piano and viola duet, coupled with the slow tempo and natural minor harmony, set the stage for an intimate yet solemn, dark yet elegant adventure."
"Songs are kind of like musical essays. You have your thesis statement, which is in the form of the chorus. And then you have your supporting paragraphs, which are the verses and the bridge."
"The instrumental track of tempted is a conjunctive of sophisticated Jazz-like core changes."
"Just write the parts you think are a musical." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"Gimme Shelter... so brutally raw... it feels so triumphant and it feels so epic as a composition... the iconic guitar riff."
"Writing your hero's theme for brass has literally been done for over a hundred years."
"One of the greatest things about Toby's music is that I think it's just so simple and just goes right to the point."
"Empire Strikes Back score is the perfect melding of darkness and light, countering each oppressive sting with a glimmer of tremendous hope and love."
"Basically no percussion for certain sections in the song, and then he's singing these incredibly complex and hard rhythms over no percussion and he lands exactly where we all feel he needs to land."
"A minimum riff, a riff that exists in that beautiful space where it's almost too simple but still somehow magical."
"There are moments of just soul-crushing heaviness on this album and then there are moments of just like beautiful breezy airy very refined sounds as well."
"My job is to write music that makes you feel better than I could ever feel." - Hans Zimmer
"It's honestly astounding that Koji Kondo was able to compose this in just a single day."
"It kind of almost asks for melody rather than any kind of tricky business."
"The soundtrack is probably the best part of the experience, a commendable effort on all three fronts by the artists involved."
"Overall, this song is just full of Awesome riffs honestly maybe too many riffs."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but there's a reason Weber wrote the numbers in the show the way that he did."
"The score was incredible, emphasized each moment perfectly."
"The melody, the harmony, the structure of the music itself is as much praise to God's ears as is the words."
"These lyrics just go so perfect together, oh I love it."
"Any key change you ever hear in my music, that's like maybe in like, hey, can we put a key change in. I love it."
"Drum hooks are literally, almost, or more important, or as much, rather, or more important than lyrical hooks, and guitar hooks, because you're the backbone. You are the drummer."
"It just shows so much thoughtfulness in this composition overall."
"The harmonies in this song are so good, the chorus is hard-hitting, very catchy, great hook."
"Passionate, well-written song with a tasteful instrumental."
"Master of Puppets clocks in at nearly nine minutes in length yet never feels boring or drawn out."
"Goldberg being the incredible composer that he was might have used those little bits of percussion to foreshadow..."
"To write one phrase that can support so many different arrangements and emotions from the lowest lows to the highest highs takes an artistry and craftsmanship that puts Wintery a step above his contemporaries in the modern video game music space."
"The musical choices for what little we have seen of Infinite, purposefully crafted by the expert hand of Martin O'Donnell, are now being breathed anew into the next chapter of this story."
"It's all about what you can deliver, what's in your head, what's in your ears."
"A delightful chord progression, a wonderful riff for beginners to learn."
"John Williams doing a Batman theme? I'd be down."
"One, four, and five is major. Two, three, and six are minor. And seven is diminished."
"I like that he didn't bloat the album with features."
"You can even have a melody where none of the notes are part of the chords that they're played with."
"Music is then built on the relationships between these notes."
"If you can meld all these together and make a song now, you made a boss song."
"The way it builds to that final gut-wrenching breakdown at the end is just epic."
"The beauty of this is that you can get to sit and feel, not question, not try to find logic behind it all. You get to enjoy the ride as it came."
"There's such a beauty in ending in a root chord with a bright major chord in there. Like, it's such a satisfying ending to such a troubled and unpredictable ride."
"Melodies are infectious, her harmonies are sharp."
"One Winged Angel is the perfect track to bring the feeling of gravity to a final boss fight."
"It's like playing a great set or making an album. What song comes before, how it interacts, it's really how you deliver that's so important."
"The real power and intellectual focus of the Sonata is in the finale... from slow to Middle paced to super fast."
"Impeccable melodies, endlessly singable and catchy."
"Alan Silvestri score for Ready Player One is in the tradition the best tradition of the great old Hollywood movies where everybody has their own theme."
"At times serene, at others rousing, the nexus's song represents the culmination of a lifetime's hopes and dreams."
"Parasite Eve soundtrack, composed by Yoko Shimomura, blends opera with techno, creating an uneasy yet cool atmosphere. That battle theme? Legendary."
"It's got a whole team of like 10 or 11 composers behind it, all wickedly talented individuals."
"Cliff Martinez found success outside the rock world as a well-known film composer."
"But Ravel had a very different setting in mind when writing the piece. Boléro, in his own words, ‘owed its inception to a factory’."
"Every note, every sound had a specific purpose."
"All right, so that's really the main riff of the song, and it's also the chorus of the song."
"The forest arrangement embraces both tribal rhythmic percussion and chromatic percussion that is music played on mallet instruments."
"The alluring piano that sets this off can only be described as well fantastical."
"The wonderful thing about Tubular Bells is that it never seems to age. The actual composition is just perfect..."
"A great melody is simple enough to be remembered after hearing only once."
"The tune opens with sweeping strings and some intricate background vocal harmonies."
"Simplicity, repetition of rhythm and pitch, and variations with little flourishes make a melody memorable."
"Han Zimmer's score all around was amazing."
"He is in that kitchen sink mode where on any given song, let's throw as many textures and sounds and such at it as we can."
"Write hummable characteristic lines, what do I mean by that?! Well I mean that all your lines sound slightly different to each other they've got a different shape and the easiest way to make them have a shape is to hum them, to yourself."
"The soundtrack blew me away, it's almost a masterclass in leitmotifs."
"This is an album that says we create a foundation, we create a melody, but we don't stop there. We need to fill out the space. There's always something around every corner."
"That's a perfect melody — everything about it, the development that happens in the second half."
"Dynamics and transitions are your best friends. They definitely go hand in hand."
"...the Empyreans laid out the music in a way that was nuanced and detailed."
"Lyrically this album is spot on and I think that's what draws me to it."
"I love a bridge so much I love like trying to take the song to a a higher level with the bridge."
"The way the lead Melody and the harmony Melody fit over the guitar chords is just stunning."
"It's amazing what they used to compose, it's like part of life."
"The real trick with writing something catchy is to think about phrases."
"We have the workings of a song, so this is sounding great."
"Completing my unfinished symphony, a Sasquatch rhapsody in fur minor."
"Thinking about each note in a piece as an individual voice has implications that can greatly affect the music for the better."
"The effect is we feel a strong change in color; the melody feels brighter, it's mystical and magical in a way."
"The major scale is the master DNA, the master recipe of all music."
"When a composer summons bells at the piano, it's a way to undo conventional harmony."
"I think of myself as a storyteller, and I like to make music that tells stories, no matter what the tools are."
"It's the whole package with them; they have wonderful songwriting, two amazing vocalists, and the music also is very moving."
"Continuity and motifs and melody are very, very important. We want to repeat ourselves when we can."
"Echoes in the Dark is another interesting one, an eerie mid-tempo number with some searing guitar work by Mick Box."
"Temporary Peace, the ballad at the end, is just one of the nicest melody lines you'll ever hear."
"The Firebird showcased Stravinsky's skill at incorporating traditional music into novel and imaginative forms."
"So many of Bach's pieces are rooted in dance form."
"What a great melody, like tastefully going all over the place."
"It's a cosmic journey, every song on it has its place."
"Instead of thinking about them as individual chords, we want to think of them as chord progressions within tonal centers."
"I just woke up one morning with this tune in my head."
"There's a naivety to untangling the emotion, and when combined with unforgettable choruses and vibrant rhythm sections, you've got a symmetrical body of work that's still worth discovering."
"He's perfectly brought so many bombastic games to life with his style of music."
"It's maybe the most beautiful Adagio ever composed."
"You can literally just sit and make completely new melodies."
"Liszt's most important and enduring works are born of his riveting imagination, his complete technique, and foresight of the direction in which the language of music might evolve."
"The composition 'Burning' starts with a minimalist three-note melody that gradually develops and builds in complexity."
"Music by Kow Otani is also pretty dang good, especially Gamera's main theme, which gives the turtle a sense of something to be feared with a small touch of heroism sprinkled in there."
"Everything in the drums has a specific purpose, everything is serving some kind of rhythm or groove on the actual beat."
"It's like the composer is opening a symphony with a chord in the key of Saul."
"Haas creates music that pits just intonation and spectral music against familiar consonances of equal temperament."
"And then there are pieces of music where the mind boggles at the sheer ambition of the composer."
"If you can learn these and get them under your hands, you're gonna have such an easier time composing music, having fun, expressing yourself, and really playing this thing like an instrument."
"I believe that the sound of a melody is crucial. I think a great melody can be ruined by a bad-sounding lyric."
"Tonal music... they wanted several directions, and there's always this sort of hunger to change and innovate."
"The way that Bach weaves his tapestry from such slender beginnings is truly extraordinary."
"So I'm going to type in my 360... and there we go, we have 136 as my tempo."
"The chord sequence of 'Castles Made of Sand' and the title track 'Bold as Love' are beautifully, beautifully done."
"It's best when it all happens kind of together."
"Emotive Strings, soaring legato lines and brilliant arpeggios, expressive playable melodic string phrases."
"I hear a sound in my head; if you don't know what's in my head, then how can you tell me whether the music's right or wrong?"
"The great challenge was to find the right amount of emotion and music that would work."
"Melody is everything, of course, but you need to listen to all challengers of music."
"Using tension and resolution, we're passing between them, everything works out fine."
"I wanted to really focus more on melody."
"It goes like this: the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, the major lift."
"John Cage's 4'33", a published piece of music intentionally written to be performed as four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence."
"It's no coincidence that some of my favorite artists out there use intros in their music to their advantage."
"Movement, that's it, movement. But that is what this is, it's sort of a toccata, a touch piece in constant notes, a perpetual motion if you will."
"The orchestra to me is just another color in my palette, it's not the final color for me, especially the scores I write."
"This is already great storytelling in the track."
"We want to strive for this over-the-top artistic artistry and creativity and complexity, but then also be able to write a song that somebody could sing along with."
"Usually these stabs are made up of a chord, that's part of what makes them unique."
"So now that we have the main guitar pattern down and the effects side on the guitar, we want to add some sort of counter Melody to the guitar."
"Never to get too bogged down in the detail of orchestration and production before I've really got a solid idea of what my piece of music is all about."
"Compositions that sound like they are the result of melodic lines versus harmonic blocks, it's just a different kind of sensation."
"The interest of a fugue tends to lie less in the subject itself and more in the journey that subject undertakes across the duration of the fugue."
"Orchestras began to be established and those orchestras were large and permanent, and so composers wrote for them fabulous orchestral music."
"A bar is a collection of heartbeats, so just think of it that way, you will never get confused."
"This band is not just beautifully written charts and incredible ensemble passages, but there's such space for people to solo."
"If the if Stargazer wasn't on this album with that intro, people would talk about 'Tarot Woman'."
"The song wrapped up nicely, all of the ideas that were presented met a nice conclusion."
"It is the spaces between the notes that make the music."
"Function theory is deceptively simple: you can’t just combine chords randomly based on their functions—or especially ignore the handful of special exceptions—and expect to sound anything like Beethoven or Schubert."
"This song is all about tension and release, which is awesome."
"I'm certainly excited to see how I can create unique sounds with this synth in my future compositions."
"Every composer, I think, has their favorite key to write in. For me, it's E minor."
"We're gonna take everything that we can from this moment, and we're gonna put it to music."
"This is such a well-written song."
"Understanding these interval relationships between a melody note and the underlying chord is also really useful if you want to re-harmonize things."
"They know how to compose a song that is so fascinating and so enjoyable along the ride as you listen to it."
"This is such a well-constructed song, I'm very impressed."
"There was a big picture excitement that I got when I knew I could create all the music that I never got fulfilled as a player."
"From the compositional diversity, you get this masterful increase and decrease in tension until it just builds up to that final climax."
"The song isn't too overpowering; it feels really simple and subtle."
"Each composition should have a single focal point, a high point that everything else builds up to and then falls away from."
"Just a few non-core tones make all the difference in really creating an amazing piece of music."
"Fugues were, and still are, sort of the vehicle by which composers prove their creativity."