
Embracing Challenges Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"What made Dorian different, what made him a champion, was embracing the pain because where there's pain, there's growth."
"You've got to get outside, embrace the cold."
"Embrace pain, because it's gonna happen, and also know that the more successful you get, the more problems you're gonna have."
"Embrace hardship physically, mentally, emotionally."
"Embracing failure is part of learning how to code."
"Honor your darkness to bring yourself into the light."
"Embrace them... figure out everything you can from your losses."
"Embrace it all and not look at anything as negative."
"When people tell you to stay away from the darkness, that's what you need to run towards."
"When we don't Embrace friction... that actually creates some level of meaning in our lives."
"Accepting challenges, receiving recognition."
"Adversity is not negative; it is actually negative to move away from adversity."
"Reframe your pain so that when it's like, 'I'm afraid,' you love it."
"A bit of Challenge and embracing discomfort is sometimes the necessary remedy for stepping foot into that next stage in your life."
"The moment you go into the unknown, you're getting stronger."
"By embracing challenges as part of our journey, we develop the resilience necessary to navigate life's ups and downs."
"There's always going to be tasks and challenges, but we have to embrace them and start living the dream life today."
"Embrace challenges when it comes to your career."
"I like to lean into stuff that intimidates me."
"Embrace challenge and know that growth comes from challenging yourself."
"Let the subject everyone is scared of be the subject they welcome and embrace."
"2024 is the year of stepping outside of our comfort zone, doing things that we are not good at and being okay with being embarrassing or being cringey."
"I think that the time that we find ourselves in has sort of allowed people to have a more broad understanding and empathetic perspective on the nature of addiction."
"Embracing the situation instead of shying away from it."
"Embracing discomfort for the sake of something better."
"Embrace the pressure that comes along with expectation."
"Lean into it, no matter how uncomfortable it is. Go towards your north node."
"Embrace change, embrace discomfort, because it's going to be happening."
"We never want to stop asking for challenges, we say I embrace challenges I welcome challenges because they make me stronger."
"The adventure is in the obstacle, and the adventure is in the fiascos that happen."
"As you embrace the fear, that shadow becomes a gift."
"Now, are you ready to howl at the moon?"
"Fear, the things I'm scared of, I'm like, 'Come on,' you know? It's calling me, say, 'Come play over here.' It's an indicator, it's a good indicator, not a bad indicator. Lean into it."
"Those who embrace it shall find glory within the brilliance."
"I regret nothing. I'm committed. I have embraced the suck."
"Hiking in the rain is always going to suck so just embrace the suck and try to make the most of it."
"Embrace the hard times, my friends, embrace the challenges, the obstacles, and the setbacks because it's through facing and overcoming them that we truly grow."
"I still wanted to show everybody like, 'Yo, just embrace the good and the bad and the situations.'"
"We can all learn to love the grind, the struggle, the pain in life."
"It's easy because it's hard means taking on difficulties."
"Face the pain, love the resistance and you will get what you want."
"In order to grow from failure, you have to embrace it."
"You need to accept the challenge and go with it and learn."
"You're coming to take what I have and when you embrace that kind of mentality, you're going to be ready for whatever challenges come your way."
"Invite that pain that you're scared of, that's a fact for life in general."
"You just gotta suck forward, you just gotta go through the pain of not being great at this for six to 12 months."
"If you want to be more than a conqueror, you have to learn to enjoy the pain."
"Fully embracing the unknown at this point in my life made all the difference in helping me discover I was certainly more academically inclined than I thought I was."
"When you embrace the challenge, nothing does that better than basketball."