
Spread Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"What you see is that human rights violations are not self-contained; if you don't stop them, they spread."
"We're past containment; this will spread in the United States." - Tom Bossert, Former Homeland Security Adviser
"We're distracted politically but it is just rampaging across so many different states right now."
"We're probably gonna have to deal with it spreading through our communities and our countries."
"Going viral is -as the name implies- to catch and spread, like a disease."
"Hate left unchallenged spreads like wildfire."
"Ideas spread and if it's a proper idea and a good idea it can't be stopped."
"We gotta spread a sprinkle of love, we gotta sprinkle us out everywhere."
"It's not that you're just going to get a few Fringe cases... it's going to spread like wildfire."
"Wildfire's reputation is literally spreading like a wildfire."
"Once a match gets lighted, the fire is going to spread quickly."
"Carson's reaction spread around the internet."
"It was moments like this that caused word to spread, and fast."
"As long as they have the power and the backing to enforce it, it will eventually spread like a cancer."
"Let's spread this positive energy. We are capable of spreading it."
"It's already been found in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Britain, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Portugal..."
"Islam spread very rapidly in a very short period of time gaining thousands of followers."
"...pandemic Jones is the spread of virtuous good..."
"The legend of the javelin had spread."
"If that fungus spreads, we're all in danger."
"Racism is not something that suddenly explodes and erupts into being. It's like a cancer. It starts attacking one group of people but like a cancer it begins to spread out with a fatal rapidity."
"Content only goes viral if exposed to a super-huge audience."
"Viral content actually spreads in decay."
"Incorrect information can spread like wildfire."
"It's only inevitable that the word would spread."
"Their influence was spreading throughout the kingdom."
"Love is a contagion. It's a virus. Spread it. Love more."
"It spreads like a cold throughout your whole class."
"News of the deaths and fighting in Massachusetts traveled quickly, the day after the skirmish at Lexington and Concord."
"The people traveling along that route may never have known that anybody in the town was sick but by passing through they took with them the disease which would then go on to become more viral and more devastating."
"It's beautiful to see how this is spreading all over the world."
"Spread like malware, sit back and watch the show, a miracle."
"It's seeping into their world like a virus."
"Clumpers will stay as a nice clump and very slowly spread sideways."
"The social conditions were just right for the rapid spread of the Gospel throughout the Civilized world."
"Racism at its origin is an idea, and ideas, particularly when activated and given life by emotion, word, action, and repetition, spread like a virus."
"I always try to tell them, like, if you're not here to spread positivity, don't be on my page."
"Just be positive, like, spread positivity."
"Groups of Jesus followers were popping up everywhere."
"Psychological conditions can literally spread."
"The spread of communication, the spread of information, rather than the fortuitous encounter with a saintly figure or a missionary, is crucial."
"As the coronavirus pandemic has spread out of control, so has misinformation about it."
"I'm actually going to go with a little bit of a spread tonight."
"Greens has a higher interquartile range, meaning the data is more spread out."
"The Jews had been scattered around the Mediterranean, the Roman roads had been built and the Greek language was spoken everywhere. It was absolutely perfect for the rapid spread of the Gospel."
"Italian Kabbalah is going to be a big part of that, spreading zoharic ideas into Italy."
"Range is simply the greatest value minus the least value. Those are denoted in purple, right? So nine minus one gives us a range of eight."
"The blight spread through the crop oceans like wildfire."
"Once it got onto a few hip-hop records, it then quickly spread throughout the whole musical firmament."
"Spread the love, we need so much more of it right now."
"Focus on making sure your spread is good and smooth and doesn't have a bunch of mountain ranges in your spread or pin holes or thick edges. Try to get everything to look as smooth as you can and creep up on Perfection instead of trying to hoof it all off in one shot."
"Through the Spirit’s power, the gospel spread unhindered from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
"Negativity is easy and it spreads like wildfire."
"It can take hold and grow somewhere else."
"It was spreading like that, from New York to the West Coast because of the propaganda."
"I think the biggest annoyance is the amount of misinformation being spread."
"The news had spread like wildfire."
"May Revival spread through you in Jesus name."
"Emotions are embodied, spread throughout the body."
"This subculture later spread to Ukraine and Belarus before seemingly disappearing altogether."
"Positivity we've got to spread it like infections."
"Life spreads quickly, so, much as the first amoeba on Earth might see a whole empty ocean, it and its offspring would probably fill that whole ocean before life independently evolved elsewhere in that ocean again."
"Despite the backlash these false messages often face, they spread six times faster than truthful information in online environments."
"...when cancer metastasizes, it infects and consumes all healthy tissue nearby."
"It's not something that you can contain like it's a gift of the Holy Spirit that spreads and spreads rapidly and almost I feel like it's on like superpow day on Christmas."
"The gospel spread throughout the Roman Empire as Christianity exploded onto the scene yet everywhere we looked the same."
"Rumors spread frighteningly fast in the countryside."
"Cancer kills, because cancer spreads."
"A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes."
"a story spread with such fervor like wildfire"
"This false information can get taken by people and then repeated, and then it spreads like wildfire."
"Yeah, that's right. I'm curious, do you guys have a favorite spread? Is there one that you think works the best?"
"That negative news spreads faster."
"The deaths of the Christian Martyrs...failed to stop the spread of Christianity."
"...how misinformation spreads there are some reasons which are obvious we hear what we want to believe."
"At the end of the day, it's like a virus, it just goes through the club."
"The Overflow is supposed to be contagious."
"The word started to get out very quickly."
"The real Buddha Dharma spreads throughout a nation."
"All the while, from the arid deserts of the Anderfels to the swamps of Ferelden, the cult of the Maker continued to spread, for the death of Andraste had served only to turn her into a martyr who the faithful claimed had now taken her place by the Maker’s side in Paradise"
"Pray that the word of God may have free course, be glorified, and spread freely."
"Now it's time to spread the Nutella."
"Perhaps life and intelligence are common and they do spread throughout the cosmos."
"That's how this coming Awakening is going to spread into the whole of humanity."
"A grief like that over time will move out over the land."
"Life, one of the definition of I think about the virus, the spread. And this kind of you call it inspiration humans the same, we want to spread and no matter work, it is going to happen."
"The spread is due to European colonization, establishment of population centers, the introduction of healthcare but using unsterilized needles."
"Coughs and sneezels spread diseases."
"It's important that more of these voices get spread and more of the knowledge gets spread."
"Outside China, coronavirus cases continue to increase."
"In the Middle East, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, and Afghanistan announced their first cases today."
"It's remarkable how fast a virus could spread all over the world just by air because people have to breathe."
"Almost invariably in Western Europe the plague arrived in port cities and then spread inland, following roads and rivers."
"The spread of the message of Jesus Christ has gone from Jerusalem through Judea, Samaria, to the uttermost part of the world."
"Fake news spread six times faster than true news."
"It started out instantly, it spread like wildfire."
"Christianity begins to spread outward from Jerusalem."
"Epidemiology... studies the spread and the control of diseases."
"Here good news spreads like a bushfire."
"We are dropping little gems all over the country right now."
"A virus does not know borders, and a virus that spreads in one area of the world unchecked is going to evolve."
"Vector transmission is when you spread an infection from one person to another using a vector."
"With the first spark, the fire will spread to the West."
"Watercolor will only spread to where the surface has been wet."
"It's just like going to a restaurant or store getting some service and it was bad service, you know how that spread."
"First Amendment audits was a phenomenon and it was going to spread like wildfire."
"The Baroque spread across Europe like a wildfire."
"When an idea reaches the tipping point, it magically transforms, takes off, and spreads like wildfire."
"Cancer is a disease in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body."
"They are incredibly effective at spreading and they are clearly being assisted by humans in some of this spread."
"Robbing is the spread of mites where healthy bees leave their colony, go into a sick colony, steal some honey but maybe also pick up a varroa mite on their way home."
"Misinformation can spread like wildfire, and it's very hard to undo."
"In this community, love is catching like wildfire."
"We want the message of body positivity to be as widespread as possible."
"Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one."
"Travel spreads the virus more quickly."
"Your reputation will spread like wildfire."
"The word of mouth is just like wildfire."
"Variance is going to measure how far a set of numbers is spread out."
"The truth began to spread, and this was truth God wanted the world to know."
"We thank you for this revival fire to spread; I declare it to spread in Jesus' name."
"Gold from Sunflower, half the fat of any margarine."
"...the message of this rock continued to spread throughout the entire known world."
"Good news travels everywhere as if by magic."
"Adult attachment is very similar to child attachment but may be spread across different people."
"We've got the spark, and we're spreading it back out in the world, seeing where it catches fire."
"May the living tradition of Guru Padmasambhava spread throughout the world in all directions."
"It should spread in every town and village, and it is happening."
"Once the fire starts, it can spread rapidly and doubles in size every 60 seconds."
"The day will come when my words through you will spread worldwide."
"Take me away, I don't mind, but you better promise me that you'll spread my word."
"The spread of information has caught up to the spread of the virus."
"We can cultivate hate and it'll spread, and we can cultivate love and it'll spread."
"The world was everywhere big pregnant with a true faith sewn by the messengers."
"The Word of God continued to spread."
"Christianity will then spread throughout the entire world."
"It was like fire spreading around the world, everyone suddenly knew who they were."
"It's a kind of disease that if you don't deal with it, it will spread."
"I declare revival to spread through you wherever you are going."
"When you talk negative, it spreads like a virus."
"As soon as I put the tape out, it just caught on and caught on in Memphis, Atlanta, Arkansas, Texas; it just started spreading like wildfire."
"The Bell Beaker folk... spread a dialect of Proto-Indo-European throughout much of Western Europe."
"God, start a fire here that will spread everywhere."
"It spreads like a disease because you all kind of feel disjointed."
"The kingdom of God hasn't spread across the world through charismatic communicators; it's spread by faithful men and women in neighborhoods and workplaces."
"The number one reason bed bugs spread the way they do is because of ignorance."
"Tales of the recent capture of Jerusalem were spreading far and wide throughout Christendom."
"...infected birds have now been detected in countries that never had it before like Iceland, Norway, as far north as Svalbard and Greenland, all the way down to the tip of Chile..."
"Buddha appeared with his revolutionary teachings in India, now his truths are blossoming anew every time they are spread to a new land."
"Misinformation is like a virus, and once it starts spreading, it's very hard to put it back in the bottle."
"May our happiness spread from Moat Cailin to the Last Hearth."
"The word of the Lord was published throughout all the region."
"Carried by the radio and newspaper, the word of his death spread like the wind to the four corners of the country."
"Raspberries will take over an entire area; they keep spreading and spreading, so it's generally a good idea to plant them in tight spaces so you could go ahead and control their growth."
"The reputation of the Shadow Island has spread far and wide like a wildfire."
"Within a few decades from its invention, Chaturanga started to spread in every direction of the world thanks to merchants and traders."
"Fake news spreads something like five times faster than the truth."
"An epidemic is one affecting many persons at the same time and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent."
"It's spreading everywhere, it's infectious, contagious."
"This landmark event marked the beginning of the global spread of Communism."
"Spread heavy happiness across the land."
"The Islamic religion spread from northern to Western Africa along with the traded goods."
"Walking fern... one plant will walk along and form a colony."
"Why did Ebola spread so rapidly in some places and not others? Why did some die and others survive?"
"May Revival spread and spread and spread and spread."
"There's a great love that is spreading rapidly around the world, and that love is for us."
"The glory of the Lord will cover the earth, the knowledge of the Lord will spread throughout the earth as the waters cover the sea."
"Great joy in the city, this joy is going to spread to every person across the nation."
"We're gonna keep telling people this news, it's got a revolutionary characteristic in it, it spreads like wildfire."
"People on social media have such a powerful tool... everyone who puts his name and his photo out there, it proliferates."
"Resonate, radiate, and propagate."
"Break up your consolidated masses, diffuse the saving beams of light, and shed light into the darkened corners of the earth."
"Once few Westerners came, they taught in their own country, then the whole spread like wildfire."
"Everybody want love, everybody need love, and we need to spread that."
"The media that spreads creates value and if it doesn't spread, it's dead."
"Revival is going to break out in territories across this nation."
"It becomes an international language so associated with people of prestige which spread across the whole of Europe amongst the elites."
"The good news that are about to happen in your life are about to spread."
"We need to take it seriously because it's going to keep spreading if people don't get it."
"I want to spread love everywhere I can."
"This Deen had spread to the east and the West... because of the hard work and effort and sacrifice."
"Christianity spread somehow against all odds."
"As cases spread, the risk of overreacting is reducing; we're now planning for a potential global pandemic that would inevitably spread to the UK."
"It was clear that covid was spreading because you knew that it had spread outside China."
"Your name is spreading like wildfire."
"The news being broadcast far and wide, spreading like a wildfire."
"One act of kindness can spread to countless others."
"This is really the most beautiful spread ever."
"By making full use of the newly developed Gutenberg printing press, Luther was able to spread his ideas all across Northern Europe."
"Power is internationally spreading."