
Account Management Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I don't want to see somebody getting banned from a video game because they call somebody a [derogatory term] or just they say somebody's garbage at the game, but if somebody is calling you garbage at the game and you put them on ignore and then they make another account and then they keep calling you garbage at the game, I think they should get banned for that."
"Account created! That means we actually did create this account."
"For a non-IRA account, it's affordable, it's only a half a percent of the value of the account per year."
"If you terminate somebody's account and they're no longer able to use the product that they paid for, then you should have to fully reimburse them."
"This has been my account since the account was created... I built this."
"There's actually a lot for me to do, and the reason for that is because my account is capable of speed running."
"If it's a secondary account and you just want to upgrade as fast as possible, I would definitely recommend it."
"Sometimes they'll integrate you into their existing product and so you'll just roll your accounts into their existing application."
"If I can get all of the weapons on your account, I'm just going to stay on your account all day today."
"I'm gonna create it manually every time to prevent a default admin account."
"Don't close old cards - it helps your credit history."
"Maybe more account wide progress is the answer here."
"Implications of having a gigantic account like this taken over are much worse than a simple scam."
"The goal is to constantly increase our account, constantly protect our capital."
"Build that account from wherever, 5K to 20K, each time you grow the account, you're going through each and every step."
"It's not the account, it's the individual that's barred."
"If you connect all that to your my forex funds you have people that did the my forex funds in your family and you're trading their accounts or managing their accounts and you have a copier all of them is gonna pass."
"The x-rayed pass system takes away from those that grind hard on their main account."
"I still have loads of points and free nights in my account."
"We are in a truly great spot on the account obviously being a first owner account the grind is important."
"So always trying to keep everything in perspective, you know, the small kind of the single trade and the broader move of the account in the long run."
"This allowed for me to talk to the Iron Man tutor on a new account switch into an Iron Man mode such as hardcore Iron Man and keep my except 8 on till the next time I logged in."
"And most importantly, make sure you've got received gifts enabled on your accounts."
"You can promote your account into an organization."
"If you ever wanted to show an account again that you hid or temporarily made inactive, you can make it active so it's showing again."
"Oftentimes it is beneficial from a security perspective to have one account for staging, one account for production, one account for development, etc."
"I'm handling a baby food account and they're very square."
"Where do you use that company's account? You use it in your computer, in your work computer?"
"Make sure that you actually log in to your account."
"Account plans keep you focused on profitable activities that create value and improve retention."
"Only 35% of organizations have confidence in their account managers' ability to grow existing accounts."
"It's time for us to start making the new accounts."
"Now the other thing you can do is within your Google Ads account, go to tools and settings, and we're going to scroll down here to setup, and what you want to do is click on linked accounts."
"As far as having multiple accounts, I really don't know."
"I didn't intentionally warm up the account Tik Tok for some reason."
"So essentially it's really just a good idea to keep your account in good standing order and follow the KDP guidelines."
"We're now going to take a few moments to look at some of the processes, one of which is the late customer process."
"Just log into your account and you're ready to roll, very user-friendly, and it's a visual builder which is great for creative people like us."
"If you can just find a reliable strategy that produces a little bit with a low risk, you can really grow a small account fairly quickly."
"If you already have an account with IRCC, you can use the same login account to do different permits."
"What I'm going to be doing in today's video is breaking down why my eBay account got banned and what I did to get it back."
"If your eBay account has been suspended for any reason, you can try and contact them and appeal the decision."
"Identify your environment, take your profit, use two accounts, you will trade better than anyone you know."
"The risk on the account stays the same, but what this will stop you from is that element of greed."
"Doing those four things is going to help you maintain a really good healthy eBay account."
"Balance simply put is what money is actually realized in your accounts."
"It's important to create a user-friendly login page that not only allows users to log in but also to create an account if they don't have one."
"Account health is really important when it comes to drop shipping, especially when selling on Amazon."
"The combined accounts use case allows users to merge multiple separate accounts into a single account."
"This is useful for individuals who have created multiple accounts over time and would like to streamline their account information."
"I want users to be able to select what type of account they should have based on their role."
"Congratulations, $200 has been added to your account."
"The deposit system maintains all your account information, how much balance they have."
"You can create a free Coin Market Cap account and or free Coin Market Cap API account and you'll be able to find your key in your dashboard."
"Account deletion functionality will also be implemented, ensuring the security of this process."
"We want all blue accounts; we don't want half blue, half red. We want all profits, not half profits, half losses."
"To me, to be able to store all your accounts and information is priceless."
"This will allow us to register and create a bank account that people can deposit, withdraw, and see total transactions."
"Work for consistency, grow that account."
"You're going to have a top-level understanding of your account performance."
"The goal of our account management team really is to make your life better."