
Historical Resilience Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Peter the Great was not disheartened, and he famously remarked: 'they have beaten us, they might beat us again, but in time they will teach us how to beat them'."
"Great enigmas like the pyramids of Egypt seem to somehow resist the passage of time, unchanging as it flows around them like boulders in the river of history."
"Atlanta's spirit rose from the ashes of the Civil War and became a beacon for black liberation and culture in America." - Narrator
"American history is after stolen elections, you bounce back and you recover stronger."
"But consider: Rome cannot die. It is too important and too stubborn for something so trivial as death to claim it for long."
"We are the children of those who could not be killed because they could have killed us, we'd be dead right now."
"A people who sought to keep the light of knowledge burning in a devastated world."
"If the gospel stopped every time someone's feelings were hurt, Christianity would have never made it out of the first century."
"The Union holding strong even though they're outnumbered."
"Nothing we're going through is new. People have been experiencing and surviving in spite of all of these sorts of things all through history."
"Winter at Valley Forge might have signaled the end of the American Revolution, but George Washington didn't give up."
"For the British, the point of no return had not been reached as long as Britain still remained free of invasion."
"There's so much of a Divine hand that happened with Israel."
"I think one of the things that you see in US history is that people do become as big as the circumstances need them to be."
"Four girls lost their lives but yet in spite of all of that the church is still thriving today."
"It was a time when Hitler thought he would be able to bring us to our knees and he failed."
"The bombing had failed to demoralize the British into surrender."
"He completed the 90-minute talk with the bullet still lodged in his chest — and even more remarkably, the wounded candidate urged the police not to harm the shooter, a deranged religious zealot/saloonkeeper named John Flammang Schrank."
"Community matters; during World War II, communities came together to support each other through rationing, Victory Gardens, and neighborhood watch."
"A nation could survive as a distinct nationality, regain its homeland, and be recognized as a viable nation once more after being completely destroyed as an organized entity by an invading army as Israel was by the Romans in AD 70."
"I refused to die. So I made a second silent pledge that I will prove Mengele wrong. I will survive, and be reunited with my twin sister."
"But dying at Orléans didn’t even cross Joan’s mind."
"Time has proved its efficiency earthquakes have done remarkably little damage to the structures in Peru over the years many still in their apparently abandoned State and the saxor human is no exception."
"The Eiffel Tower survived protests, war, and Adolf Hitler to become one of the world's most enduring icons."
"London: Surviving a devastating plague and fire."
"The Byzantine Empire managed to bounce back with a mini golden age that would last for another 200 years."
"Jews have been assaulted by some of the greatest empires the world has ever known. Every one of those empires, seemingly impregnable at the time, has been consigned to history."
"Gold has always been there through wars, disasters, and turmoil—reliable, dependable, and authentic."
"She survived everything, Kane. She survived World War II, she survived the mack truck, she survived 9/11, she survived everything."
"Historically, it seems we've been able to rise above challenges."
"Gold has lived through two world wars, German hyperinflation, the Great Depression, every pandemic, and anything the world has ever thrown at it."
"The fact that people were living up here at all shows how determined they must have been."
"The white supremacists used division as a weapon, dividing our families, our wealth, rewarding traitors, murdering heroes. Yet we survived, we fought for our reparations, now it's our turn to divide and administer God's power."
"Roskilde survived through various conflicts, its defenses evolving to protect against sea invasions."
"A force that no tyrant in history has ever survived: the righteous and unending Fury of an army of free men."
"As dark as this moment may seem to some people, including to you and me, we've been through worse in this country."
"This church has been teaching this same truth never reversing itself saying the exact same things for 2,000 years after Empire after Empire has fallen away around it."
"It's interesting to think of the fact that this building and all these buildings in the Vatican made it through World War II."
"16-19, 20 odd Africans arrived for Comfort Virginia. Trust me, we're resilient. We're not going anywhere."
"Sweden's the canary in the coal mine as it were but you have to remember the West has come back from much more and from against much greater odds in the past."
"Human beings have lived through crises before and they've lived through tragedy and they've lived through massive death and ruination."
"The populations of the core worlds were united under the shared ideal that they would never allow themselves to be enslaved again and if the Rakata ever returned they would unite to defend each other and their freedom."
"The old world has survived the onslaught yet now another wave rolls forth."
"The people that lived through the Great Depression figured out how to survive because they had no choice."
"Our ancestors coped with pestilence, famine, war, death, and everything else in between."
"Through all this horrible stuff, it probably makes you more sturdy than almost any other country who didn't have that past."
"Kennywood maintained a steady business plan during the Great Depression of the 1930s."
"Our ancestors built this, the biggest armies in the world couldn't take them out."
"Britain had managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and had overcome the weakness that it had in 1914."
"This site has been used by many armies, Chinese pirates, superpowers over the decades, and it is still standing."
"Through all of our history, pain, torture, our struggles, our successes, our strife, we are still here."
"The royal family remained in London throughout the war, even when Buckingham Palace was bombed."
"The Ponte Vecchio, an enduring symbol of Florence, survived both World War II and the devastating flood of 1966."
"The walls of the tower withstood a thousand years of deadly struggles and treacherous plots, attempted invasions, the overthrow of monarchs."
"The United States battered its way through those hard times in the 19th century and ends up emerging even more powerful."
"The blitz Spirit was an amazing time when this country was being attacked... and we carried on as though nothing was happening."
"It shows the persistence of culture... even in the face of conquest or decline, people hung on to beliefs."
"Persecution did not stop the early church; it actually made them grow stronger."
"Civilization has faced worse, it has won before, and it will win again."
"The Weimar Republic survived all of the upheaval between 1919 and 23."
"Colchester has been through so much over the centuries but through thick and thin its history remains on spectacular display to this day."
"We survived the Borgias; we will survive this."
"My grandfather said that during the Great Depression he ate greens and beans almost every day."