
Historical Victory Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Peter called his great victory at Poltava a divine miracle, as he finally managed to defeat the most formidable army in Europe."
"Henry had won the battle of Bosworth, and with it, the crown of England."
"We managed to defeat fascism and contain and ultimately defeat communism because we believed in something bigger than ourselves."
"The day belonged to the Greeks, but the triumph at Missolonghi was a victory that would bear bitter fruit, for as Ottoman incursions into the Peloponnese had stopped for the time being, the Hellenes no longer had a common enemy to unite them."
"The Battle of Waterloo...Europe was freed from Napoleon's control and went on to enjoy a prolonged era of peace and prosperity."
"The Browns finally won their first ever playoff game since 1999."
"The victory at Las Navas de Tolosa proved decisive. The Almohad menace to the Christian kingdoms was ended."
"With Caesar's help, Cleopatra was the winner of the war. Once reinforcements arrived, there was a decisive confrontation. Cleopatra's enemies were routed, Caesar installed her as queen."
"We've beaten them before. And that means we can do it again."
"We won the cold war let's not hide our heads under a bushel here we won the cold war communism was rejected."
"The victory became one of the most iconic moments in US sports."
"For the romans, this was a most glorious victory that surely would clean the disgrace of Teutoburg."
"It's a Fox Chase, boy, as Washington says as he leads his soldiers to Victory."
"The East India Company is conquered, oh my God we've conquered London!"
"An English victory that would echo through the ages as a near-perfect example of the hopelessly outmatched underdog achieving victory against all the odds."
"Oh, would you look at that, Saint George has granted Despot Limes Arabicus Carling victory in the Crusade for England."
"The final defeat of the Persians ushered in a new golden age for Greece."
"Mussolini announced victory to jubilant Italian crowds."
"Ethiopia's victory went on to inspire African nationalists fighting for decolonization."
"Congratulations to the Chicago Bulls, 1996 NBA champions."
"Constantine won by the inspiration of divinity."
"This was the biggest win an American had over the British since the American Revolution."
"For the first time in school history, Mike, the Hoyas are national champions."
"We've defeated Moloch in the past. We may owe our existence to the millions who helped bring another deadly race under control."
"As news of the miraculous Christian victory spread throughout Europe, the Knights of Malta seemingly achieved the impossible."
"Victory belongs to the Americans with the fort in their possession."
"For the first time, the Robin Hoods beat the Sheriff of Nottingham. Whoa, that's what's admirable."
"They had won yet another highly unlikely victory."
"Robert the Bruce won Scotland three centuries of independence in that battle."
"Ukraine achieved a historic victory in this area when the Russians capitulated and the white flags were raised."
"That's the only victory that the Muslims had really in World War I."
"The 2004 USC Trojans defeated Oklahoma by 36 points."
"The ultimate victory of the Kingdom of France in the Hundred Years' War now made the French more powerful and more unified than ever before."
"Either way, he whipped the American soldiers into shape and we kicked some British ass."
"A big assist and a big win for T no papers today her first win against Florida State since 1966."
"Through the defeat of Carthage, Rome established herself as the undisputed and unrivaled leader of the civilized world."
"He had just won another crushing victory against Austria at Wagram and imposed a humiliating peace treaty."
"Eventually the British won, and immediately there was widespread jubilation and people dancing about in black and white and getting off with people who were almost certainly dead now."
"Perhaps I was happiest at Tilsit; I found myself victorious, dictating laws, having emperors and kings paying me court."
"The happy English few beat an army three times its size, a victory against all odds."
"Up to 10:00, 175 German aircraft have been destroyed in today's raids over this country."
"By the grace of God, I have been victorious against the Vikings at Stamford Bridge."
"Washington's total victory was made possible only by his total failure."
"The Irish man's Revenge is complete. Victorious in defeat over his recent foes, over his more ancient foe, he dictates to both their politics."
"We Americans have stood up to this dreadful communist system for 70 years, but now it's gone; it's a triumph for American values."
"There was one last battle to win, then there would be peace across the Roman Empire."
"Edward stood the victor; it appeared as if Edward had finally ended the War of the Roses."
"Why the allies won: a very good analysis based on a lot of different factors."
"Victory over the Third Reich was closer to becoming a reality."
"Charles went to Sicily for a decisive victory, and while he didn’t imagine it to go the way it did, as he looked upon the vanquished Antichrist, he knew his status was solidified."
"It was one of the few times a battle resulted in an indigenous victory and represents so perfectly the relationship between Comancheria and the Republic of Texas in the mid-19th century."
"John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough, had achieved what is probably their greatest victory at the village of Blenheim in 1704."
"In the late 18th century, a relatively small ragtag group of American colonists would defeat the military of the most powerful empire in the world, the British Empire, and they gave birth to a nation that would itself soon become the most powerful nation in the world."
"They knew that England was victorious, even though they were gone."
"Fort Donelson becomes a bigger strategic victory because the Confederate forces there screwed up and managed to get themselves captured."
"In the end, James would achieve total victory, conquering the entirety of the Kingdom of Valencia."
"With the eye of faith, we can see Jehovah's triumph over enemies in the past, we'll see him triumph over enemies in the future."
"The Americans defeated General Charlestown in a stunning victory, inflicting over 80 percent casualties on his British army."
"Victory against fascism abroad and racism at home."
"Oliver Lewis, a black man born into slavery, rode Aristides to victory in what would become known as the Kentucky Derby."
"Ultimately, Elizabeth emerges victorious."
"The success of the First Crusade was not only a win for the Western Christians but also one for the Cilician Armenians."