
Consumer Insight Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The fans are savvy. The fans know what they're listening to."
"Once we've captured the essence of what people like about it."
"It's not about the money, it's about the experience."
"People don't know what they want until you show it to them."
"Most people have seen through shameless cash grabs... not doing them any favors."
"People are going to listen to this and maybe kind of come to an understanding of why they've really not cared about triple A but like in a way that they really feel."
"Maybe Dave, you don't need three grand to get the stuff you want. Maybe you'll be able to get that stuff a lot cheaper."
"Fans know what they want far more than some overlords sitting in their CEO chair."
"Do you guys see what the point I'm trying to make here? You are paying a premium for those fragrance ingredients more often than not. You're paying a premium for that."
"Okay, maybe I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Grapes, I think grapes do pretty well price-wise."
"Alibaba shares them with the companies that operate through their markets... so that they can launch new products or... know their consumers’ preferences better."
"Read between the lines and use it to help improve your products."
"When it comes to high-end releases, I want to know what's worth my money."
"People don't know what they want until he gives it to them."
"The consumer doesn't know what they want until you make it."
"Women are not some mystical group that needs to be lured in via clever marketing techniques revolving around hot men."
"He knew what people wanted to see and he wasn't afraid to capitalize on it."
"The most successful entrepreneurs are able to envision the wants and needs of people even though the people themselves are not aware of them."
"Because I think the players know the product better than us."
"If you are thinking about buying... why didn't one of the big car manufacturers think of this a long time ago?"
"So this one, the Essentials Kit, really just gives you kind of low quality versions of these other accessories for D&D to give you a taste of what it's like..."
"Guess how much I paid for this it's used but brand new it was 100 bucks."
"Forget about storage space; this car doesn't even have enough room for a passenger."
"And that's the secret to affiliate marketing. Showing people what they're gonna get before they get it."
"Every once in a while a game like this comes around and proves that you really don't know what you want until you get something you thought you didn't."
"It's getting expensive to not only consume entertainment content."
"Audi packed a lot of value into this car, even though it is missing a couple of key features."
"I know my audience so well... I would never pick a product that I know they would never like."
"Okay folks, those were seven trailers for games that spoiled the games they were for. We hope you found that interesting."
"Subaru people, I get you. I understand you so much more now. What a fun vehicle."
"You could tell where they cut corners to lower the price and keep the price in check on this Explorer ST Line."
"Most people are sitting here critiquing the game just like I am based on what we've been given as information, and the only way we can really validate that information and understand it properly is to play the game."
"I love how Winnebago truly understands why you're buying this."
"I'm very happy to partner with Lady shops today to bring you some insight on how to get the most out of your online shopping."
"As a consumer, read how the owners respond to negative reviews... it gives you an opportunity to see their character, how they respond to conflict, how they resolve conflict."
"They can fathom the agony of despair as to the arrangement of colors, the alternative trimmings, the duration of a fashion, the depths of a woman's purse, and more important than all, the question as to the becomingness of a dress."
"This speaks to a brand that actually understands what it's like living with an EV."
"Your customers are smarter than you think."
"Looking in the eyes of the consumer, I could tell that this was something that was going to be unbelievable."
"I really love using a longer in-depth single testimonial review in retargeting because that's where I find people want to have more in-depth knowledge of your product."
"To understand consumers, you must have no opinions, you must just be curious, and you must have humility, not audacity."
"Understand your consumer, create something that is designed for them."
"Sony knows what gamers want and will deliver."
"The consumer is giving you the insight that what you actually have is stronger and more powerful than the way you're presenting it."
"I understand now why people spend money on something like this because the quality just down to like the stitching."
"It's probably the most accurate, if I'm being honest, because it shows real data by real buyers."
"I know what the people want, I know what I want."
"As a consumer myself, it's very valuable to have some information out there that you can absorb and learn from before you make a big decision of buying a decent investment into a tool."
"Steve Jobs' genius was in being able to figure out what it is that people want."
"Working with what consumers are already showing you what they want will always be key to your success."
"I think it's very interesting to talk about the bestsellers because by default, usually on websites like Ulta and Sephora, you're automatically going to see what they want to display as the best sellers."
"I feel like now I really know what I like and I feel like I know what you guys like and want from a product as well."
"Netflix knows what the consumers want."