
Product Knowledge Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Let's be educated on these options so that you're not buying something you don't need or missing out on something you really want."
"The fundamental role of a data scientist is to understand the product in and out better than anyone else."
"They barely understand how these products work."
"The manufacturer is the only one who knows the truth about his product."
"Because I think the players know the product better than us."
"You'll never drink this again knowing how it's made."
"Listen to professionals that know what they're talking about on these subjects like cosmetic chemists and scientists that actually create these products because they can explain to you best how these things work."
"Product knowledge is key important... literally within minutes, he's like, 'oh [ __ ] I got 23 sales.'"
"It's important to know the products that you're using and why it's being used so that you don't use it incorrectly."
"The better you know the product, the better you can test."
"That's everything there is to know about the massive monster, holy grail, you name it, whatever other nicknames you want to give it, that the Pioneer SX1980 is."
"The number one salespeople at HubSpot aren't the best sellers, they have the best product knowledge, right?"
"You have to be the most knowledgeable person about your product... know it inside and out."
"I'm a hair stylist for anyone that doesn't know so I'm kind of a product junkie."
"Just know that this thing and what its capabilities are before you buy it."
"It's not about telling you which product to buy for me, it's about trying to get you to learn about the products."
"Your sales process should be explaining to your customers the details of those products."
"We used to do this a lot in the stores where we would take all of our customers through and just show them the different types of hydrangeas that are available out there."
"But guys know what you're doing, this is as easy as it gets, it's shampoo, it's a great company, but if you don't know how to use it, you could really screw up your car or someone else's car."
"Black women, we have to know about this stuff, so we spend more time walking down the aisles of hair care places just reading labels."
"We're the exception to that rule at Houston Window Experts; we really work hard on understanding and knowing all the different brands that we sell."
"It doesn't instill confidence in the buyer when the person you're buying the product from really has no idea what they're talking about."
"We are a team that specializes in helping folks understand how our products and services can best suit the specific needs of your use case, of your team, of your organization."
"You need to be showing that you have full understanding of this product of what you're doing."
"Make sure you know exactly what you're buying."
"Knowing your product... that's key."
"It's really important for any person who's cultivating at home to understand what the product is that they're using."
"It's really important to analyze the properties of your gel and not just go off of what's written on the label."
"The more you get familiar with products and the properties of gel, the more of a master you're going to become of your craft."
"Gorilla Glue is not a new product on the market, everyone knows what it does."
"The more you practice and play with a product, the better you'll get with it."
"The more you invest in time knowing the product and how it's made, the better you're going to make choices going forwards as to what equipment you want."
"You need to have driven all of the newest Teslas so you can speak from experience."
"Nobody knows your product better than you."
"If you're someone who's really into products, ingredients, how things work, how to pair... working as a beauty advisor is going to be smart."
"Did you know Keurig sells 4K iced coffee makers?"
"Learn about the product that you will be developing."
"When you know your product's value, you're anxious to tell somebody because you know this is valuable information."
"If you know the product in and out, you come in with a certain kind of confidence."
"Sell what you know you can market."
"You need to know your product super well."
"Don't just think that you know everything about your product and you know the best way; you're not buying your own product, other people are."
"It's our belief that the more that all of us know about the products, the more confidently we can all do our jobs."
"Everyone should know what you get with a Henry or Hetty."
"Once you understand what a food grade product is, you can start using it safely."
"Make sure you understand the difference between water-resistant and waterproof."
"Understanding your mindset is the biggest thing before you even talk about the product itself."
"Soundcore knows how to do stuff, I'll tell you what."
"I had all the opportunity in the world to learn about every product I could ever want to."
"I have really learned what's good and what's not and what I'm going to waste my time, my money, my storage space in my house on."
"I'm not a fencing contractor, I understand fence dynamics and I go out and I help people and I talk about the products and how they perform."
"It's really important to understand ingredients so you know whether a product is right for you."
"It's really important to really look into what we're buying."
"It's never been more important to actually understand what you ship."
"I am a product knowledge enthusiast."