
Personal Determination Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Harold's determination and stamina were awesome."
"You decide how far you want to go and how much you are willing to endure."
"I just decided that I didn't want to be struggling anymore. I decided that I was going to find a way, and I was going to keep trying until I made it."
"At the end of the day, you're gonna get what you want."
"I already had my home, you know. I knew what I wanted out of life. I had already said, 'This is what I'm gonna do. This is what I'm gonna make happen for me.'"
"I've made up my mind. I'm going to be an astronaut."
"Your environment will not dictate your future."
"I knew I was going to be successful because I trained hard."
"Young people just like you following their passions, determined to meet the times on their own terms."
"The fierceness with which you approach those kinds of challenges is to me a direct measure of what your mental health status will look like because you can't push things away if you know them."
"I'm determined I'm going to live the [__] out of this life."
"They're gonna follow their heart and rebel against anything holding them back."
"He's knocking on the door year after year after year."
"Hard work beats any and everything, apparently."
"When you think about him, he was a warrior throughout his career."
"You follow? So when I'm coming up to my thing and I'm gonna try and do my thing, I am going to do it to the best of my—do you see what I'm saying?"
"He chose to continue forward... When there's a will, there's a goddamn way."
"A lot of this everything we've talked about today leading up until this point is a perfect explanation of why Elon Musk has been so determined to lean into the right-wing politics field."
"Nobody can tell me I can't do something, only I can do that."
"She decides to get stronger no matter what it takes."
"Determining, focus, and a lot of momentum in your career life."
"Aunia vowed to come back and he worked relentlessly."
"If you really want something, you'll go for it and you'll fight for it."
"You can't stop people from trying to limit your dreams, but you can stop it from becoming your reality."
"I just know that I have to continue to win if I want to keep my place here."
"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get it, it magically comes to you."
"I'm going to give happiness a run for the money."
"Lauren was serious about getting on the right path."
"It's arguably up there as the best one; single-mindedly had one thing in his mind and he didn't let anyone down."
"It's called working harder than everybody else."
"No amount of their tears are going to hold me back."
"I wanted to pursue freestyle motocross or something on motorbikes as a career."
"I'm going to ride my dirt bike for a living and that nothing was going to stop me."
"Every woman under the sound of my voice is strong enough to do what she wants to do."
"What lies ahead, I am like an arrow shot from a bow."
"You can't have my song. No, no, no. You can't have my joy."
"I think the American dream still rests in our hands we just have to be strong enough to take it."
"When you fight for what you want, you can get what you want."
"It's better to just be alive. Hey, don't you agree? If I'm alive, I can still talk to you all. If I'm alive, I can still fight. It doesn't matter what happens to my body, not one bit."
"Your will is more powerful than how you feel."
"I will not settle for anything less than millions."
"She was determined that she would one day enter Howard... she knew she had come home."
"You're not gonna let anybody stop you or hold you back from what you want to do."
"I'm all about proving myself. I'll prove myself over here like I've done back home."
"I'm not going out without a fight, that's just how I'm wired."
"If you know what you want, tell me what you want and you will get it."
"I'll do the hot ones challenge you son of a [ __ ]."
"I don't ever give up. I mean I'd have to be dead."
"I will not let an exam result decide my fate."
"I'm gonna do what I do anyway, I'm gonna go towards my dreams whether motherfuckers like it or not."
"I refuse, I will not believe you. This is not how the rest of my life is gonna go."
"I will be there and I will say my peace, no matter what you do. You can't stop me from speaking."
"It's within you, it's there. It's that fire and that desire and that being focused enough to say you're not gonna, you ain't gonna be mean any part of you at any point that thought I'm done, I'm gonna quit."
"Jared is not going to accept this future; instead, he has decided to carve his own better future."
"If you do what you're put here to do, that's it. That's what I feel, whoever or whatever put me here to do, that's what I'm gonna do until it changes."
"Anything's achievable in life with determination and focus."
"Through grit and determination, they soldier on."
"I refuse to allow anyone to defeat me without a fair fight."
"She is embracing her power, I'm the queen of Seven Kingdoms, I will do as I wish."
"Just know that anybody can do anything they put their minds to because this is hell on earth for me."
"I don't care if my channel dies, I would try something else."
"I will return, brother, and when I do, I will be stronger than ever before."
"I refuse to give up. I'm doing what I have to survive. I'm not stealing. I don't want to go back to jail."
"When you have your goal in your DNA it doesn't matter how old you are." - Commentator
"If I work that much harder than what I consider the baseline level, then I just increase my chances of success that much more."
"I feel like they'll still be there no matter what... it's up to me how I want my future to turn out."
"Are you resolved to have health, happiness, and material prosperity and to be more widely useful? Then you will have them. You will, without the shadow of a doubt, get there. You could not fail if you tried."
"Every time things went wrong... I said, 'No,' like, 'I'll just, I'll figure it out.'"
"I'm going harder than the people that are making fun of me."
"Focus on what makes you victorious and don't allow yourself to focus on anything other than that."
"There's nothing that can stop you from getting to where you need to go."
"Don't let anybody stop you. Don't let anybody step on your dreams."
"She was determined to fly for the rest of her life."
"When you put your mind to something, it's amazing what you could do."
"With determination, resilience, and a commitment to continuous growth, winning can indeed be your only option."
"I'm ready to see this, I'm ready to do this."
"God said it, he believed it, and that settled it, and he did it."
"Chase your dreams no matter what, if you can do it, make sure you do."
"You can do anything if you want it hard enough."
"Corey's mother refused to give up looking for him and stated that she would continue to search for answers."
"You just decide what it's going to be, who you're going to be, how you're going to do it, just decide."
"Never allow people who gave up on their dreams to convince you to give up on yours."
"I didn't care if they were struggling and if they really wanted to do this I would see them in court."
"We need some leaders to come into that team."
"Maybe that's why he always seemed to work harder than everyone else around him."
"You are unstoppable; you're engaging in sustained effort, and your passion pushes through obstacles."
"I'm just gonna continue to be as aggressive as I can and I'm gonna try to capitalize on this opportunity as much as I can."
"I'll do it. I'll be the one to take them down."
"You're going to remember that you had an opportunity to step forward and say you know what no matter what I am not going to be denied."
"It was humiliating there but I was like so ready to go I didn't care I just like I just you know what if I have to get I have to get the flu you know she's gonna wipe my ass with the floor that's fine I just got to get out of here"
"This don't stop me personally, and I'm saying I'm gonna get out and go to college and I'm saying try to make some myself get into a nice business."
"I must carve out my own future or die trying."
"The only thing you can do in situation if you're really determined to achieve whatever it is you're trying to achieve is dig your heels in the ground and use their actions to inspire your determination."
"I ask not for the life of ease. I ask for the will to conquer."
"It requires some grit, it requires some resolve to say I'm gonna cross that river, I'm gonna climb up that mountain."
"I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to surrender my rights just because a cop shows up."
"I knew I wanted to be a Navy SEAL at 7 years old."
"Because the truth is, I don't want to stop." - Robert Downey Jr.
"If I'm competing in something, I'm gonna win. I already decided before I even start."
"Do not give them the time of day and don't let them stop you. The moment I stopped listening to people on social media, that was about 3 years ago."
"I'm gonna be a luthier like of course, I'm gonna be a luthier."
"There's a lot to it, you know? You got to make ends meet... that's what you're seeing is somebody who's done that."
"I made up my mind I'm gonna make it. I may cry, but I'm gonna make it. I may crawl, but I'm gonna make it."
"Feed the dream and figure out how and when you decide."
"Family meant everything to Kelly, and she was determined to give Sydney the best chance at life."
"I'm really hell-bent on breaking the cycle of [ __ ]."
"When I decided that I was going to beat this, it's like Moses parting the Red Sea."
"I will not let them down, I will do better and I will be a lawyer no matter what to help people get the justice that they deserve."
"Binger raised her teary eyes and said she was unafraid of hard work."
"There's nothing I can do to stop me, Simone. There's not one thing I can do to stop Destin Banks."
"No one's ever been able to knock me off my path."
"Move in the direction of your happiness. Let nothing get in your way."
"You're someone that finishes what you start."
"Christian's determination: Overcoming disappointments to make his dreams come true."
"I was not going to let my community be consumed by this madness."
"People like us always find a way out, don't we?"
"Larry Bird turned out to be one of the best players in NBA history with that type of attitude and work ethic."
"Others are overwritten - reshaped by the sheer will of those who believe that any ordeal can be conquered, any foe vanquished, any god cast down."
"If I wanted to stay down and I I set my mind on hey I want to make this certain amount of money I'm gonna do it that's just me I always been like that."
"I didn't see how it was possible to play, but I said I can run in straight lines, I can kick ball with left foot and I said I'll do me well."
"You can be whatever you want to be, even if a million people tell you no."
"If you can't make these count, I smash you out from Zane."
"You know exactly what you have to do, Pisces, you're doing it."
"Dame quite literally said it's heat or bust. He doesn't want to go nowhere else in the world."
"This year is gonna be my year whether this year likes it or not."
"Let nobody tell you what you can't do. Follow your lead."
"You won't take me out, I'm not going anywhere."
"When I think of Deedee, I think of a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a woman that was determined that she was going to keep that family together and cohesive and watch over them."
"The only one who believed in himself truly was himself."
"As long as you're willing to be industrious and take your own future in your own hands." - Nick
"I believe in myself enough, I'm serious about my future."
"Arthur's resolve makes him unstoppable: 'Just keep getting stronger and don't lose again.'"
"Respect, Russell wants to try, he says 'I'll do whatever it takes to do good at school'!"
"You got to just do what you got to do to do the things you want to do."
"So, it's like, you know, don't really want depression to win over me, I don't think so. I must ride you, happy. I don't know about you, but I must rather be happy and depressed."
"Mathias, don't let the haters get the best of you, do what you want to do."
"I'm never going to play the victim role because I like working hard. I already know what I'm going to do but it does take a toll."
"Act confidently and go all in this month, because you're gonna notice that the right moment happens."
"I know where I'm going, I know what I want, and I know what I need to do to achieve it."
"I feel like most people would simply have chosen to die."
"I just want to win one game today. I don't care if it's a 50/50, I don't care if it's solo. I just want to win one game today, that's all I want."
"I don't like giving up and I don't like being told I can't do something."
"Hiori sought justice, and with her own will, she got it."
"The only reason I succeed is because I want to be up more than anybody in the world wants me to be down."
"There's just something in my heart that's just ready."
"He determined that he was going to walk again and he did."
"I'm gonna be on my grind... you're not gonna see anybody outgrind me this year."
"Refuse to be poor, refuse to be sick, refuse to fail in life."
"With you, I'll never stop until I reach the top; without you, I would never get by."
"Our lives are not defined by the ways in which we are challenged; instead, we determine our lives by the way that we respond to the challenges that we face."
"I'm coming out of retirement because I'm not done telling stories."
"If no one comes on your call, then go ahead alone."
"I've decided to take life by the horns and not live a sedentary lifestyle and let my disease get the best of me."
"I would find a way to pay for college by myself if it came down to it."
"The fire in the belly is exactly what you need."
"She's just tough, you know, she knows what she wants and what she likes."
"The human brain and capability is incredible."
"I'm so determined to make sure that every single day I wake up and I choose the joy that I want to find in my workouts."