
Policy Reform Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The president also put an end to the Muslim ban, a policy rooted in religious animus and xenophobia."
"We are dedicated to achieving and quite frankly are working around the clock to replace the cruelty of the past administration with an orderly, humane, and safe immigration process."
"The incident was unacceptable and preventable, and they urged the police to review their policies to ensure that nothing like it ever happens again."
"We don't need a crime bill, we need a hope bill."
"There's no good goddamn argument for continuing our drug policy."
"If we can get deep reform in New South Wales then I mean no doubt that that reform will roll out across the whole country."
"It's time to turn away and start making good policy decisions because math is real."
"Kim Jong-un clearly considers the reform and revitalization of the country's agricultural sector a core aspect of his policy."
"It shouldn't take a pandemic to realize and reform our sick pay rules."
"The change requires reframing at the population and systemic level. Hard policy interventions is what they really need here – laws, fiscal measures, subsidies, penalties, trade reconfiguration, and other economic and structural measures."
"We need not just section 230 reform not just what I would view as sort of political anti-discrimination requirements but we need transparency."
"Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. It's time that we right these wrongs." - President Biden
"We need a remake and a reform of our tax and benefits to make sure that people are always better off when they earn that extra dollar."
"I want to abolish the income tax entirely and institute user fees."
"It's time to re-examine and update policies for the modern world."
"With all states and territories signed on by the middle of 1996, the agreement flipped Australia's loose decentralized gun laws on their head."
"Ensure that structural reforms are done to boost economic growth."
"By enacting stricter regulations and enhancing access to mental health support, future incidents similar to the Dayton shooting can be prevented."
"The war on drugs destroys black communities and it needs to go."
"As far as ending the war on drugs, that's something I've really always been in favor of."
"We need reform on a national scale both in policy and education to address these heinous crimes."
"Bold reimagination is so important. DHS shouldn't exist, agencies should be reorganized, ICE gotta go, ban for-profit detention, create climate refugee status and more."
"It also means things like abolishing intellectual property laws that prevent the technologies that we need."
"We need a better subsidy policy that gets more for farm income, climate protection, and nature."
"I signed groundbreaking criminal justice reform which nobody was able to get done."
"Police need to be certified. They need to have hardcore training that they go through with a certification where if they [ __ ] up it gets revoked and they never work as a cop again period end of story."
"You have to be very careful with trends and with reform processes, they are not always the panacea they seem to be if they are not well mapped out."
"We have to raise the age of entitlement eligibility and we're going to have to cut people out even though we told them that they were paying into the system."
"The solutions that Golden proposes are consistently ones that remove structural barriers for women instead of putting up policy barriers for men."
"The number one way they can do that is by recognizing that the military mandates are unjust and must be reversed."
"Let's get race out of public policy if we want to correct for disadvantages, let's do that on the basis of socioeconomics and class."
"Critical to ending the border crisis is removing all incentives for smuggling women and children."
"So what I'm saying is is that we need to change it and we got to provide some Swift harsh consequences up front to punish the conduct and to deter the misconduct of others."
"Take away half those responsibilities, put that money, those resources elsewhere."
"We cannot use the same policy, the same language, the same solutions."
"We should be trying to get rid of red tape wherever we can."
"What moms really need are larger, structural reforms."
"It is a mess, whatever your view is on what the tax rates should be, I think we can all agree that the totality of the system is a mess."
"No one wanted to do business in New York because the agencies were not focused on how we could be business friendly and we changed some of the basic rules."
"The drug war should have been dead long ago."
"Absolutely, their policy should be changed: zero policy unless the adult is doing it to the child."
"Elizabeth Warren is pushing hard. She's pushing for student loan debt forgiveness, SSI reform, and guess what? She's also pushing for that wealth tax bill."
"We need to have greater accountability by reducing the shield."
"Together these reforms will save American patients many, many billions of dollars every single year for generations."
"In order to get reparations, you need transformational policy."
"His imprint on the nation's Transportation infrastructure and policy reforms will be remembered as foundational to the advancement of American public transit systems." - Mortimer L Downey
"We have an unprecedented opportunity to expand the American social safety net and lay the foundation for just a sustainable society."
"This executive order is transformational, focusing on skills rather than degrees."
"Not only do we need to end the federal prohibition on marijuana, but we need to expunge these criminal records."
"I would radically restrict the ability of the Federal Reserve to involve itself in the economy."
"I should have acted sooner and faster to stop it. I didn't and for that I apologize."
"Any plan that doesn't take full transformative action is not going to be what we need."
"It's past time we get done is dismantling the failed war on drugs."
"This fiasco convinced the emperor Ayurvarwad to ease the agricultural policies, canceling the operation and even exempting the region from tax entirely in 1316, relieving the struggling peasantry but worsening the dynasty's financial situation."
"These demands included an increase in African American faculty, more aggressive enforcement of the university's anti-discrimination policy in off-campus housing, and better recognition of the contribution of African Americans to the country and the university's history."
"It's pro-American immigration reform that the American people want, that the American people deserve, and that puts the needs of the working class ahead of the investor class."