
Environment Design Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"One of our core pillars when designing these environments is we wanted to create a space that players want to spend time in, they want to go back to."
"Skyrim's environments look incredible... the diversity and richness of its locations managed to feature both a genuine sense of authenticity as well as a hand-crafted level of quality."
"And so when we had to come up with a new island, I'm like, 'I'm gonna build this island. I'm gonna build this snow island.'"
"Characters in this game aren't just names on a page... every single name you see is somewhere on the station and has a place where they live and work."
"Two massive draws for video games: immersion and larger-scale world-building."
"Enemies, allies, and the environments they dwell within are sick as hell across the board."
"The barren environments combined with uncanny primitive textures naturally gives any unsuspecting players a sense of uneasiness."
"Very few game series out there make their worlds look so legitimately lived in."
"Revelations 2 has some really impressive lighting and environments."
"Seamless hyper-real indoor and outdoor environments."
"Every Assassin's Creed, whether people like it or not, can't deny that when it comes to crafting interesting environments, Ubisoft is the top of their class."
"Our goal was to make these environments not only beautiful but feel as grounded and authentic as possible."
"Extreme Pool featured a large set of background locations including an inner-city basketball court, a plane cruising at 30,000 feet, a Caribbean yacht, a city rooftop bar, and a Japanese garden."
"One of the maps that I'm running excited for in Overwatch 2 is our Rome map. It's one of the most beautiful pieces of environment art that I think we've made for the entire game."
"These are the building blocks to making environments that have their own kind of worlds to them."
"It's information about like road position and what texture display in certain areas and where to place trees."
"Think of your dungeons not as a room by room basis but as a living and breathing space."
"Design an environment with future you in mind."
"Maybe I should make like proper bathrooms, I think there's, yeah, there's the wash basin, maybe I should do that."
"Visual storytelling is such an exciting part of environment art."
"The space has been fully optimized and this looks like a really nice place to game."
"Thinking about the internal environment, treat it like it's fun."
"That's the main thing here, so these environments are massive."
"Our power is to design our environment in a different way."
"Human freedom really resides in designing our environment."
"This indie hit has some of the most amazing looking environments."
"Grizzly Hills is probably one of the most emotionally resonant zones."
"Embedding the story into the design of the environment itself is a beautiful way to tell a story."
"Path blocks were maybe one of the best additions ever."
"The game's melee engine was designed to reflect a harsh world."
"The environment art team has been building some exciting prototypes for procedural cities."
"Call of Duty is meant to be fun, goofy, and unrealistic, while still providing a somewhat grounded environment for players."
"These environments are really pretty they actually like did a really good job with this."
"The Ryzen 7 1800X receives our 'damn good and damn innovative' awards."
"I'm optimistic it will [work], I think a more relaxed and optional end game is certainly helped in this case by the Dragon Isles being an especially beautiful environment."
"We have a lot of these snow-like assets being made so it just made me think there's got to be a snowy location somewhere in the alpha 2's launch."
"I love how Morrowind looks from the ash mountains to the east with the mushrooms. It's a very varied looking game."
"When creating an environment, it's very important that you have a focal point. In our case, this will be our focal point."
"The vistas in this game are everywhere... just a really beautiful look out into the world."
"Anything that goes into developing environments like vehicles and all that, yeah, just developing your memory is going to help you with it."
"It's got destructible terrain folding and collapsing around you so one moment a building with two doors suddenly looks like it was rebuilt by an architect who is the world's biggest Swiss cheese fan."
"Space land is one of if not the most detailed stylish and interactive environments in COD Zombies history."
"You can place that in the world as well and get a pretty nice effect."
"We've made the map adjustments to increase the performance in Siege, including new foliage and trees."
"I want factions. I want a really cool torn down Boston."
"I love what the slayer has done with the place: the giant ominous statue of himself is very him."
"Willpower alone doesn't work. You actually have to develop the habits, develop the routine, develop a system, be an ecosystem, an environment that supports it."
"Most of the uglier bits that plagued Fallout 4 and 76 have been eliminated, and we're left with some truly exceptional environments to explore."
"When we create environments, background images, we create visual highlights."
"But total chaos. I'm really, really liking the way that this place is coming together."
"The last big blue zone tip is to set up your life and environment so that the healthy choice is the easy choice, not just an option."
"The environments... the attention to detail is phenomenal... Careful attention was put into the design of these levels."
"New caves would be cool but they'd be empty. The update is going to put new biome types like the drift zone caves inside of these new gigantic caves."
"Trust the process, especially when it comes to designing cottage core or terraforming."
"I really love how this biome turned out because I got rid of all the trees but made it look very marshy."
"Strongholds generate entirely surrounded by grimstone. This makes a very different experience on the inside."
"These mountains are up there with any mountains in any game I've ever played. They just do such a good job of stimulating all the little kind of draws and places that animals can hide."
"There will be procedurally generated environments... but the main quest will often if not always take players through some genuinely spectacular handcrafted environments."
"Dead Space 1 already had a fairly tangible environment so taking what was already perfect and expanding on or making certain places make more sense is exactly what motive has accomplished."
"Studying what Disney did on their Main Street, studying what Studios do in building sets, I want to design things that give you a signal that you're in a better place and you can relax, so you can have fun or you can just be with your family."
"We'll create a bit of a hack here... This is just taking the position of the tile and just kind of looking for the area of the tree image. Then it makes sense to spawn leaves."
"You want to make sure that the environment you're creating feels immersive, feels believable."
"It's not just about making your environment look pretty, it's also about trying to tell a story."
"It's super useful especially if you're trying to get a very magical looking environment."
"We're going to be modeling a complete environment in Blender."
"Probably one of the most inventive and creative looking environments I've witnessed."
"Environment creation can be a very important skill to have."
"This part of removing the logic that you have in your brain and replacing it by using art fundamentals is extremely important to create nice environments."
"Another useful thing is to paint textures; for example, I can put some grass there and some snow there."
"We also have a selection of different materials so we can add cobblestone, rust, and moss. But I'm going to stick with grass for now."
"I love creating these really natural-looking environments; I just think you can't beat it."
"Some people try to create this naturalistic looking environment but then don't take in consideration the behaviors and the function."
"For building out natural environments with realistic details, Mega Scans blows everything else away, in my opinion."
"This is useful for large environments or open worlds in which it would be incredibly arduous to hand place every single thing."
"The secret is to design an environment where you're not going to be tempted that often."
"We have this beautiful picturesque scene, we've set it up, we've got the global illumination on, we've set up our environment, we know what it's going to look like."
"The course also shows you how to create multiple different environments such as a realistic Snowy Mountain, a desert scene, some Arctic glaciers, landscapes with trees, and even water."
"Environments drive behavior, and we're talking about creating environments that drive the kinds of behavior that workers want and that the organization needs."
"What I just went through was a small sample of how I would go about modeling an environment."
"This is a really nice light if you're trying to make your environment or your scene or your character look very realistic."
"Making environments, making scenes, rendering — it's useful techniques."
"We can get really good-looking pre-lit environments; it's perfect for real-time rendering."
"One of the things I love about Twin Motion the most is the beautiful environments you can create."
"I really enjoyed making environments... I've always really liked architecture."
"I think a good strategy for making your environment is making it almost like at a level in a game."
"You can make yourself an environment, and when you make the environment object, you can turn on enable fog."
"The environment looks super realistic."
"For the outdoor we use MegaScan from Quixel for the grass, rocks, and concrete."
"...it's so important that you focus on the big picture when you're composing your environments versus a prop artist who can spend all day working on like a gold coin..."
"That's the basics done, now we need to go to the main event of the tutorial which is creating the desert dunes."
"It lets people be creative and they're making amazing environments for us to use in our game."
"I want to teach you and show you how to create better environments for work and pleasure."
"Doing that makes the place feel 100% more alive, more realistic, more believable."