
Educational Influence Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Most fans would agree that the better of the two teams were the Bullets... maybe they didn't have all the best players, maybe they didn't have all the stars, but they did have excellent planning, excellent macro, and excellent execution of strange strategies."
"They are not representing reality accurately. She is acting as a leader, she is devaluing Outsiders and so are her students. They are dependent on her and they are not interested in dissent."
"Those who would repeat the past must control the teaching of history." - Benny Jezra Coda
"Kids have a trust in you because you are the one standing in front of them saying I know what is right."
"No country can survive teaching their kids to despise their own country and you see that so much from the left."
"I have had three college professors that I don't think I'd be the same person if I didn't take them because they don't only teach you the material but they teach you the lessons around your whole entire life through the material."
"You stood up against these evil ideas that quickly began to infiltrate our kids' schools."
"You can optimize choices based on environment, education, and culture."
"Hermione taught kids everywhere that it's okay to be smart."
"One in four countries worldwide has a head of state or government who studied in the UK."
"Pythagoras's teachings have influenced the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato, and through them, Western philosophy itself."
"These kids are literal clay that you mold and shape."
"If you get children when they're very young and you start forming them, they start creating intellectual habits which determine how they judge things."
"Give absurd ideas respect. Give them the respect of being plausible, of being possible."
"What lessons am I teaching her about the world that she's going out in? That the world only looks this way? No, baby, the world is unique, the world is colorful."
"I've started documenting her transition and her victories and the hardships she continues to educate and inspire."
"His students by themselves are enough to show the goodness of even al-Taymiyyah. Even al-Opi, even Qatada, even Qika, even Rajab al-Hanbali, these men were mountains of knowledge."
"Family should be the main engine of education."
"Values are not just taught, they are caught."
"It looks like this white college-white non-college gap will be with us for a while and is kind of this sort of, I would argue, bad for democracy gap."
"We cannot let the next generation of Americans be trained by the Chinese Communist Party."
"Trust me, I've been there and I want to tell you how I got better and how I've helped my students get better too."
"In relationships where the woman was more educated than the man, they were more likely to stay together."
"There's a healing and a blessing taking place."
"You always educated us on the why, why we were doing things."
"The type of teacher you wish was teaching you in school."
"Whether that means you're out there helping to teach others how to connect intuitively..."
"I wish you'd have been my science teacher. School would have been so much more fun."
"Continue to be an inspiration and motivation and someone who gives me education."
"It's like when Aang goes to that school where he gets to see exactly firsthand how the Fire Nation children are raised with this level of propaganda."
"I hope to keep sharing my knowledge and inspiring drummers."
"I wish every teacher in the world could teach and inspire their students like you do."
"With a catchy name and signature bow tie, Bill Nye taught generations of kids that science can be cool. Cool is just what I want to talk about today."
"The family... are the primary educator for their child."
"I always loved knowing about space, but Kerbal Space Program really fueled my passion."
"Understanding that, had I not come across Morehouse, I probably would have never delved deep into learning about, you know, the true history of this country."
"The only thing we have control over is the messages we give to children."
"He taught a generation of physicists how to think properly."
"What does this have to do with the liberation of black people?" - Dr. William Nelson Jr.
"But it's a great read, he said. Communism would come in two phases, so 1930, the Berlin School sent teachers to Columbia University to teach the Columbia University teachers program, and that's when communism entered America as socialism."
"My life is better by implementing some of the things that she teaches on her channel."
"Tolkien taught us to look for significance and to expect excellence."
"Disenchantment is more of a fantasy parody than anything else."
"I'm really just a lifelong student of these subjects. I've learned from some incredible teachers, I've been exposed to, in my opinion, some of the best and brightest in these fields."
"Some of the best teachers I had in college were experts in their fields and were in the process of writing the book about the thing they were teaching us."
"Maybe it's up to us to fortify what we think they should be learning."
"If that vegan teacher was your substitute teacher..."
"If parents were accepting of their children for who they are and who they love, teachers wouldn't have to."
"Power is not evil, it is part of love and pedagogy."
"Those that are chosen will see these teachers as wise men."
"The expectation of the teacher has a direct influence on the student's performance."
"This book influenced the world as to how calculus books are written."
"I got interested in physics because we had an excellent physics teacher at high school."
"Purdue has been standing out as the most consequential University."
"She was a woman of knowledge and a woman of righteous action."