
Combat Readiness Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"It's like instincts, you know? Like an animal. He knows the hunt. You don't gotta eat. I know what I'm gonna do when I go in there."
"Lighter is better. It allows you to fight for longer and produce better results."
"France, Europe's best military power, ready for high-intensity combat."
"If it's a fight you want, I hope you brought a better class of soldier than those stormtroopers."
"We are the scourge, we don't run from battle."
"I'm a problem for anyone that's in the ring with me, and I can put you out at any second. I'm a different person. I don't care about consequences when I'm in that alter ego." - Jake Paul
"Soldiers from fortress worlds have been trained and raised to serve in war... each is already a proficient combatant long before they are taken to serve in the Imperial Guard."
"Lust for combat, that's what I keep coming back to for Luke very comfortable in a fight."
"Jiu smirks at this display of power and gets into position to attack with a smile."
"They can't generate the troops they need, what they are generating are totally unfit. And I do believe it's criminal for any country to send people to combat that are untrained and unprepared."
"His goal is to have the movie look like a living Frazetta illustration emphasizing the strong details of the realistic people that are ready for combat."
"That martial arts background, born and bred for combat, describes him perfectly."
"We're never out of the fight, that's for damn sure."
"This is when you're gonna come out strong as well, taking fights already."
"I must warn you, my strikes are Swift and deadly."
"You're gonna feel confident in taking on the forces of hell."
"No one wants to fight the guy, and then he fought."
"I treated everyone like they know how to fight."
"You were built to fight, and look what you did."
"Physical fitness is the most paramount thing to fighting... stronger people are harder to kill."
"If someone attacks me at that moment, I need to throw down that danax probably or throw down the shield one or the other and get myself into a situation where I actually have weapons in my hands that I can use together."
"The ending position of the second attack is beautiful, it's not over swung, it's held high, ready for a follow-up attack."
"They've got the weapons to attack those Abrams, no problems."
"Competition stress is different than fear stress. They're helpful, but not the same."
"He was going to fight, like it or not. At least he had God."
"If you train to the standard of shooting you will get just as proficient with that passive aiming as you will with that IR laser I guarantee it."
"His experience, his ability, his weaponry, his dark blessings from the gods make him more, so much more than just the ex-captain of the lunar walls."
"If I want to put an arrow in you, there's nothing you can do to stop me."
"The savings made in their financial liability when compared to the Spartan twos have still translated to combat-effective Spartans on the battlefield."
"Never underestimate the guy with a knife, even if you're armed with a gun."
"You have more firepower with a pistol and a satchel full of grenades." - Mason H.
"Improving your body will make you harder to kill, be stronger in melee, and shoot more accurately."
"I think within the military, they should spend more time on the range. It's this... people don't think about things. You're training to kill someone, and I think that makes you think about it a bit more."
"Yana brings a very well-rounded gunfighting-based kit."
"We now have a chance to take the fight to those bastards on their home turf."
"He would not go into battle without a backup plan."
"Damn dude, quick, watch the bugs in here! Get ready for a fight as soon as she rises!"
"You don't bring a baseball bat to a gunfight."
"Strong weapons forged with time and sweat and expertise mark the difference between victory and defeat."
"I want my men to turn up and fight, the core's here."
"Hey, if you see something, just shoot. Don't think, shoot. Don't think, just shoot. Don't think, shoot."
"Although even now there's no appropriate opponent for this mysterious fighter."
"Carol learns to dodge it as it comes from behind, making her more like that badass she wasn't in game when Thor summoned Stormbreaker past her head."
"Axel's no joke... he can bring a second weapon."
"Nobody suspects a talking bush. They just think, 'Hey, that's weird. Better steer clear of that thing.'"
"Ultimately, you know that's going out to fight it."
"Who says exercise doesn't have any benefit in war?"
"When in doubt, pull the scar out. That's what I'm saying."
"Good crosshair placement is sometimes when you're not even fighting people."
"Rex can just keep going all day every day, he's happy just standing in the front line being a badass."
"Simpson and Sufi were wearing body armor and were equipped with three assault rifles."
"A helmet and body armor increase the chance double the chance of survival."
"But the call to combat is often as powerful as the horn of Gondor itself."
"Despite her newfound battle readiness... she never loses the empathy that makes her who she is."
"SWCC: Masters of the weapons and watercraft they operate with, allowing them to pack a powerful punch."
"This fight has proven that whether he cares for combat or not, fate has placed him in a position where he must set his own feelings aside."
"I bring the heat no matter what. Warrior mentality, that's what I'm all about."
"It's good to see you back in action. Give them hell."
"It's still a force after that... and it's really is capable to continue to fight."
"Having a high combat initiative is... pretty darn important."
"Holloway always returns his back foot to a place where it's chambered ready to throw another kick."
"You will be able to use that spear more effectively and for longer if it's lighter."
"Systematically take control of sight. Clear angles, set up close-range engagements."
"Relaxed but ready for anything is just a key essential part of any sort of combat, whether it's small unit combat in a counter-insurgency, combat between two martial artists in a cage, or in this case, a conventional force on force conflict."
"Regardless of how good those dudes were, you couldn't have picked a better, more capable fighting force."
"Expect gunfights, strafe or jump corners perhaps, and have that gun up ready to get in a gunfight."
"I'm kind of leaning towards fighting because I just feel in my heart that that's what I should do."
"I'm ready to fight this dude and separate him from Consciousness within the first two rounds on a very, very big fight night."
"Arms mean whatever is necessary for a soldier in battle."
"I'll take you both on. He's not going down easy. I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Destroyers are equipped with state-of-the-art combat systems making them virtually impossible to mess with."
"The time has come, the time has come for combat."
"Let your fight stance be your daily stance. The way you stand, the way you sit, the way you move should be representing how you fight."
"Would you be strong enough to fight? I love visually intriguing games like these."
"War wizards really do feel like wizards trained to survive and thrive in the heat of battle."
"Sending poorly trained men, young men, and perhaps women with only very limited amounts of training to the front."
"Let's bring in coda's Marines and everybody dig in - we're gonna win this fight."
"Don't stand still, always keep moving, especially when someone is trying to snipe you."
"You never backed away from anything in your life now fight fight."
"A mentally spiritually physically serious young man."
"This is a fight will make history, will avenge the Pero Be similar McCord."
"The Beretta 1301 Tactical: the ultimate combat scatter shot."
"At the end of the day, they gotta lock the Octagon, and when they lock it, you in there."
"He doesn't fight battles he can't win." - Mad King
"We fight together, we die together, and we will win together. This is it, man. Prepare yourselves for combat!"
"Men failed to keep the carbine clean and they jammed in combat. I suspect that's because they didn't think that they would need their carbine and they didn't bother to clean it."
"People need the warrior attitude for this work."
"Get your two swords going and cut down the worst monsters and the worst men."
"The arch king and his army won't stand a chance against us. Huzzah!"
"What a splendid new hammer, you'll be crushing enemies in fine style."
"Signal company... gives us superior initiative... so we can fight faster and reinforce faster."
"We carried all ammunition, grenades, m79 shells, because we carried sawed-off m79, and so that's all we carried was ammunition because when we go in that's our supply."
"Astor's shattered leg healed, and he can now tank punch after punch without even having to flinch."
"Imagine the British on the left, the French on the right, the Americans kind of get thrust into the middle."
"Half a million soldiers were sick, in some units a quarter of the men were too ill to fight."
"We're here to help...unless you're bad, in which case we're not helping you. Then we will smash your face if you are evil."
"Problem now I can come down and we're not killing this where you deploy if we prepare to drop with a weapon I guess we're going with the weapon."
"His patience and ability to know who he should fight and when makes him all the more scary."
"Even in its stubble form, the Lightning 2 is a formidable strike fighter."
"Is that really it? Man, is that all you got?"
"I feel much more powerful, healthy enough to take on those guys."
"Remember the Jedi teaching and fight only to bring about peace."
"You got to have good cardio in any fighting situation."
"You can't back down, can't run away, you gotta kill everybody."
"Improving control of any firearm is a desirable Endeavor for both combat and self-defense not a negative feature."
"We're going to be an authority-focused warrior who's calm but knows how to raise a blade if needed."
"I won't hold back... This is not your fight to win... I want to fight you."
"I just like the AK-74 a little bit more... really effective in combat as well."
"This is Super Saiyan Blue. Now we can have an even better match than last time."
"Prepare yourself, motherfucker, because you're about to get blown sky fuckin' high!"
"You just throw your, you know, your ammo in there and get ready to bang and you're good. That's it."
"He's kind of amused to see a crew like this facing them; they're outnumbered, but there's no way they're outmatched."
"There shouldn't be a world leader that can't scrap. Yeah, it's true, because we're getting dragged into all of this [ __ ]."
"We're sending people into combat that are not physically ready to be in combat and that has to stop."
"I mean, I feel like just off the last fight, we could probably put these two down pretty quick if we try."
"How do you fight with the toolkit you have? Integration is key."
"How can you go to war day after day with equipment you have no confidence in?"
"Every Space Marine Legion was composed of tough, hardened warriors trained to fight against any foe on almost any battlefield."
"We are ready for the next fight before the next fight happens."
"The Navy is actually a fighting force with some considerable esprit and talent in the craft of breaking things and killing people."
"I'm proud of Luffy, but hold up, let the boy fight."
"These aircraft could match up much more effectively against just about whatever the enemy would throw at it while also having the range to stay with the bombers the entire way."
"You don't become the hero of the Marines by avoiding the fights that matter."
"There's nobody better to prepare soldiers for combat than soldiers that have been in combat."
"The U.S. Army expects that its tank crews will be able to get off three rounds of accurately aimed fire in the first 15 seconds of combat."
"The odds have to favor the Rodney; it's got the thicker armor, it's got the heavier guns, it's got more of them."
"It's as much a mental battle as physical pain."
"Marines are lethal. Everybody knows that."
"These fighting men had trained in Okinawa, Thailand, the Philippines, and Taiwan; their jungle skills had been honed razor-sharp."
"If they can beat us, then they can beat just about any enemy aircraft they'd ever meet in the world today."
"I'm mostly looking forward to having her set up for combat mode with the helmet on."
"Firepower, mobility, and communications are the three major essentials of combat effectiveness."
"The potential platoon leader never loses sight of the fact that his instruction is aimed at preparing him to lead men into combat."
"Your fight is not done. I will be your weapon now."
"We're not going to send anyone into combat that's not ready."
"If you want to do the job, what it really boils down to isn't running or rucking or pull-ups or swimming... it boils down to whether you have the will to kill and the will to die."
"We're creating a tactical jet naval aviator. Certainly, most of the aviators coming through our program are likely to see combat. And yes, they'll be ready."
"I'm in the greatest fighting shape of my life."
"Watch and learn, kids. If you want to live, jump ready to fight."
"What we're talking about is giving our men the best airplane now available to fight with."
"Just go out and prove it, just go out and get in the ring and destroy everybody in front of you."
"Everybody forgets the spear needs a shield too."
"Our role is to introduce the frontline tactics and weapons; we are basically preparing them for frontline."
"We actually gonna get a real fight on our hands, let's go."
"Fighters ignited with a thunderous roar, ready to unleash the storm."