
Personal Attack Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"My whole life has been as a scientist, and if you're attacking me, you're really attacking science."
"Being attacked for who you are is probably one of the most stressful things."
"The media wrote article after article attacking me... simply because I was black."
"You gotta be a bitter [expletive] to say, 'Oh, you must be going broke.'"
"This guy's a scumbag, I mean he's going after vulnerable people."
"I will shave your hair and you will have nothing."
"What a pathetic excuse for a man. I mean it's no wonder he supports castration. This is a castrated man himself."
"I've been harassed, I've been doxxed, I've been threatened."
"You can attack me all you want, that's not even close to what other people have gone through so that we could be free."
"She quit so she is too pure for us. She is an unhinged person who has called me evil racist transphobe and endless other insults and lied about our private conversation."
"Here's a guy who purposely tried to ruin my career and in many ways succeeded."
"This kind of harassment... isn't just designed to financially ruin somebody, it's designed to soul." - Jared Monroe
"What did she do that was so bad that you all had to jump her like that? I feel that she's a beautiful girl it was some hating going on there for whatever reason it was some definite hate going on."
"I want to make sure people have to vote. The importance of voting cannot be underestimated."
"Fascism has arrived in the US, and it's dressed as this kind of weird DC Comic clown."
"The woman is an ignoramus and she's also dishonest and she's also kind of vicious."
"First they go after your reputation, then they go after your relationships, and then they go after your body."
"Whoever the piece of [ __ ] who edited my Wikipedia article is [ __ ] you, alright? [ __ ] you, you son of a [ __ ]."
"You are a worthless, friendless, little piece of [ __ ]!"
"My character is being unfairly attacked... my reputation is dirt."
"Why did everyone hate Ngannou? We hate the decision and we hate you for being a worm in this situation."
"You don't even fucking vape... you clearly don't understand."
"It's never just correction, it's always their attacking... even the people who come against me, I recognize they're probably just coming against me not because of me but because of what I teach."
"Frank Shamrock is an irrelevant jackass, okay? You're a two-faced lying chump. That's what you are, Frank Shamrock." - Dana White
"Bert breaks his silence and calls cradle a miserable person."
"Love gone wrong, he's so distraught, he gets in a personal attack and then he can't live with what he did."
"He's an idiot literally an idiot with blood on his hands."
"That's anashi right there, Foodie Beauty. The [ __ ] out of here. Hit me, sorry."
"You aren't even popping enough to get knocked down."
"For the people who ever asked my wife who have said horrible things about my children and I was raised differently to speak ill on people but if you had any self-respect you'd be ashamed of yourself."
"Stabbing somebody in the head and neck 31 times is extremely brutal extremely personal it's just it's a very bizarre murder for somebody who allegedly didn't even know the person they murdered."
"You've put yourself right up there with murderers."
"The absolute callous lack of a soul that it takes to destroy someone in the absence of any necessity to do it."
"Imagine being so pathetic and having so little interesting things going on in your life that you obsess over the skin color of the actress for a game."
"He just comes out and says if you attack me, you attack truth and science."
"I mean, you are so arrogant after that shitty video."
"He's just getting it done all by himself, people are trying to attack him, kill him, arrest him, PR slander."
"He will do everything he can to destroy your life, to destroy your career."
"The fact that you're coming for my hairline just proves how delusional you are."
"That's implying that I'm a bad mother, why would I do that?"
"You built your money by using other people. I knew you were lying as your lips move. I have a fortune and don't need fame, clown."
"Remember Michael Cohen only became a rat after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable and unheard of until the witch hunt was illegally started." - Donald Trump
"This is clearly an attack on me, an attack on my channel to strangle me. It's to damage my Channel's algorithm factor and nothing else."
"Jeremy Brown was an uncivilized mutt now I know he got family members that can't stand what I'm saying I know they hate it but the truth part about it is Jeremy wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash."
"Dishonest Washington liberal Joe Manchin has a history of abandoning West Virginia."
"I think the London Labour Party are extremely complicit in that because that's what it appears to me to be: a facilitation of him at the core of a reselection and trigger process to ask me to take me down."
"If you're gonna pick something to try to troll me about, there's a million other things you'd have a much better luck at than us exposing pedophiles."
"We are changing Washington. Never forget that they're coming after me because I am fighting for you."
"It's really sad to see that this man was discouraged... these people weren't just attacking a game, they were attacking Wale."
"These haters are so far stuck up my ass, they can tell me the brand of soap I use."
"The people that wrote humour hit pieces about the length of Julian's beard or the unkempt nurse of his hair after seven years living in a room in the Ecuadorian Embassy... deserve the bottomless contempt of all right-thinking people."
"To come in here and to say that I'm deliberately lying to my audience, misleading my audience, and directing them towards some sort of sinister agenda, that bites."
"By calling me those names, calling me basically an alcoholic prostitute, that's just attacking me personally, but it's not addressing the points that I brought up."
"Typically, I don't address anything, but when they come out and really assail my character like this, it's almost like, man, I'd be a fool to not protect myself."
"Every one of us knows what it's like to be attacked on an intensely personal level."
"It's easy to go after me as a person if I say something you don't like; go after the idea."