
Game Enhancement Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE is one of the most important mods for overhauling Skyrim to make it feel fuller and more wild."
"I really feel like just like toddlers, pets would make this such a much more complete game."
"That's the beauty of working on Xbox One X. It's visually stunning, but not only. So we were also able to make the gameplay evolve with the AI, the story, the quests, etcetera." - Ubisoft Creative Director
"Grapple hooks are such a Difference Maker in games for me now."
"Every game is immediately improved with a grappling hook."
"It's like a nice little bonus, makes Siege feel more like an actual game."
"Gran Turismo 4 offers a slew of enhancements over GT3..."
"3D should enhance an already great game, not be the entire point of its existence."
"Bowser's Fury feels like the answer to my lust for what I wanted 3D World to be when it initially released."
"Adding AI to NPCs instantly makes the whole VR world way more immersive."
"This adds fresh life into these games I love."
"It's got a good soundtrack the graphics are good too it was already a great-looking PSP game and the HD remaster really makes it stand out."
"Monarch makes the game more fun, incentivizing interaction on a different level."
"Yasunori Mitsuda...one of the people who heavily supported me in Xenogears. Without his music, the game would not have been...or it would have been a lot worse."
"Sometimes a good mod can really elevate the game."
"Adding things like PvP and trading and stuff that you do in normal Pokemon games to Pokemon GO would really complete Pokemon GO."
"Off the record was a great example of how just a little extra content could go a long way and make an even better game out of an already great one."
"By far head and shoulders above the rest custom game components I'm rocking."
"Persona 5's aesthetic elements are top class. It deserves praise, and Royal only served to polish the grime."
"This game took what the others did so well and literally just boosted it to over nine."
"Mail takes everything that makes EU4 interesting and unique and amplifies it."
"A true mauler, a player who makes the run game better the second he steps on the field."
"Hopefully, I gave you a nice collection of mods to make Fallout 4 feel a bit more like some of those other Fallout games."
"The plugins on Rite make the game so much better."
"This mod completely reworks the world map in Fallout 4 and really fluffs up its whole situation."
"If you thought Third Age reforge was at its peak, I promise you, you are wrong."
"Support modders because without them, we have absolutely no reason to play Bethesda games."
"Rest assured that our goal is to provide alternatives that align with your preferred playstyle while widening the scope to include more viable perk options."
"The one saving grace of Bethesda games was the modding community."
"Whenever you're watching a true talent, it brings our game to another level."
"Running all these perks that are gonna keep you alive longer is going to help you maintain on your streak and it's super super important."
"It opens the door to twice the amount of quality Omega interactions."
"Without a doubt, the ability to walk around the Elite galaxy adds an entirely new dimension to almost every aspect of the game."
"This is the single most important addition to the combined efforts of Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles."
"Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are better together, they are better than either game alone."
"It's a really good palette cleanser that adds a much needed tone shift to the game."
"When this mod is released it should transform your game..."
"The exploration factor of RE4 Remake was enhanced."
"Minecraft 1.17 was a big update. It was also a good update because it brought so many things to the game to make the game so much more enjoyable like that path change perfection."
"This certainly will be a buff for the champion."
"This is one of those mods that add so much to the game it should almost be considered part of the game to begin with."
"Community can add a ton to any game if you want it to."
"Industrial Craft adds power and energy to the game."
"Excited for you guys to get in there and play the new and improved battle zone."
"This new feature transforms Minecraft's nighttime from a nightmare into a dream come true."
"Adding depth to existing races through sub races, cultural elements, and gameplay-focused options would enrich the player experience."
"This simple yet unique use is so incredibly helpful in pretty much any level type and was an absolutely necessary addition to Mario Maker."
"Definitely giving Minecraft more challenges and more things to do has been a goal of the developers."
"Both of these weapons are extreme in their design. The first one being a steampunk style rifle with custom meshes, textures, and animations."
"If you like building in Minecraft, you've got a whole bunch more you can build with, and that's exciting."
"The scope of Halo CE Rebalanced is bigger than ever before."
"Sim Settlements: a nice vanilla feeling way to build up settlements over time."
"This is going to be one of the best cars added in the game."
"If you're gonna do OTS, I'd say it's well worth it if it means properly preserving the original game and adding more content value to the overall package."
"The demon heart gives you the extra accessory slot which is incredibly useful."
"It's incredible amount of investment into the game."
"Platinum's postgame is somehow even better... revamp, rematch, tons of legendaries."
"The town hall update is fantastic, adding so much more to explore."
"We're leveling up with the brand new prawn suit."
"Elevator action returns takes that concept and ramps it to 11."
"A classic game that has received an incredible amount of love and treatment from the developers."
"With the GCCM mod, many community-made maps are being collected into one mod... it's an excellent addition and a must-have."
"The multiplayer mod allows you to play RimWorld with your friends."
"Masterworking system: upgrades give buffs to all stats."
"Mods coming to Fallout 76... I'm super excited for the future of the game because of modding."
"For making Minecraft so much more convenient to play, mending is by far the best enchantment in the entire game."
"Persona 5 adds a lot to the already established formula."
"Persona 4 Golden added features such as a new dungeon, new story events, new personas, gameplay balancing, and even new social links."
"This remaster is simply the best way to play one of the most accomplished last gen titles."
"Sole Survivor now increases generator repair speed by 75 percent."
"Player housing is the Evergreen feature that WoW needs."
"DLC made the game more fun. Now, for me, DLC made the game more fun."
"Just a tiny bit of gameplay that adds just to look for this thing really, I feel like improves Minecraft in a way."
"DLC, when it's really, really good, it can even go so far as improving on the original game."
"Everywhere you look it's better significantly better appreciably better than Rise."
"It's an amazing change, this should never leave zombies, it's honestly glorious 10 out of 10 Treyarch."
"This mod overall really helps to flesh out far harbor and tape what is already one of the best experiences in fallout 4 and elevate it to a new level."
"Even a paragraph of a character's backstory can improve your game so much."
"If my wedge play can improve, I honestly think the whole rest of my game improves."
"One of the big things in CK3 is the religious mechanics that were introduced in Holy Fury, which were aw, they were gorgeous, they were amazing, they're fantastic."
"What's great is that you can split the effects from over a dozen different mods so you can use the shader from one mod and the hit art from another."
"This is amazing and frankly should probably be in almost every build."
"This is a game changer for the Multiverse Saga."
"It's a great tool, I think it sets up my game as a developer."
"Every game would benefit from having screen shake, even if you're like, 'Oh, my puzzle game doesn't need screen shake,' you're wrong."
"After you watch this video tonight, your game will automatically be stronger."
"Kenny Pickett, he has the mobility factor which elevates his game."