
Game Immersion Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Frankly, I have never really been an Imperial supporter, but with this mod, I am tempted, just so I can walk around in the Imperial armor."
"River crossings became a nail-biting experience once we put in the animations."
"It kind of really makes you feel like you're part of the faction because you're like."
"Get into the heads of your NPCs and try to inhabit them as actual beings in your game world and you'll have a lot more success."
"Another edition of the banners being held by the troops themselves walking in line formation ready to clash in the center."
"The sense of mystery in Mad Max adds to the immersive experience, especially with subterranean exploration and hidden details."
"I couldn't believe that I was looking at World of Warcraft."
"There's just something so great about it. Starting that first level, hearing this music, winding up, riding the ride, fighting all the bosses."
"It feels way more immersed in this gameplay than I do in FIFA."
"The tutorial in Breath of the Wild feels like playing a mini version of the game."
"Immersion comes from relevant tasks and no fourth wall breaks for tutorials."
"It really makes it feel like you have one life and it matters."
"It's a very very intense game that's the thing the sound design in this game is insane from the extreme Thunder of a shotgun or the loud snap of a rifle round ripping by your head."
"There's a lot of cool environmental details, a lot of just great artistic design."
"As long as you hold on to the bucket, the many disorienting contradictions of the Stanley Parable will feel perfectly normal and perhaps even comforting."
"If the goal was to recreate the success of Breath of the Wild, Immortals is a long way off from sharing the same level of immersion."
"The interconnected world map brings everything together and makes the world feel more lively."
"I've had this experience with only certain games recently where I really realize I'm enjoying myself so much."
"Once you start connecting things that the players care about with your map and the locations that are on it, you've now started to engage them."
"Bayonetta is an absolute assault on the senses."
"Beta O'Rourke: From punk rock band to President."
"It felt like they were experiencing a new story in The Wizarding World and how the story will really hook you in from the start of the game."
"After this race, you start your job where the game will give you a map that tells you take the crates from this location and move it to another location."
"It makes the world feel so much more alive, so much more immersed."
"It feels like Azeroth, you know? And for me, that's a pretty big thing."
"Strapped on a makeshift gun, throw on your gas masks, and enter the deep dark territory of the survival shooter known as Metro Exodus. Let's see how it did."
"The way your team reacts to your actions made the game far more immersive."
"Few games actually manage to capture a city as well as this one does."
"This is just a tiny detail that makes the world of fallout 4 a little more immersive."
"The game just radiates this mysterious aura that's fun to immerse yourself in."
"Psychonauts 2 took me to a place I wasn't sure I could go any longer, having become so deeply entrenched in examining the medium, but I found that magic in this game."
"The world is absolutely beautiful, stunning, and completely unlike anything I've ever seen in The Sims 4 so far."
"Audio Overhaul 2 aims to make the soundscape more immersive, clear, responsive, impactful, and ultimately fun."
"It gives us a cohesive style for everything that's very clean well animated and all that jazz which helps the game feel immersive."
"That's just what the game is lacking is those little immersive qualities."
"You see posters for figures plastered all over the city but you never really get a sense that they existed they're plasmids and splicing were a really."
"NPCs are instrumental to game design because they're the best way of inducing a sense of immersion."
"The thing about the game's music that stood out to me the most is how often it dynamically adapts to fit the situation."
"How big and epic is Minecraft? 64,000 kilometers, dude."
"It functions really well as an earlier game shotgun and to me it feels very Fallout."
"The characters are so full of life, conviction, and personality. They're incredible and I loved them."
"It adds a level of strategic depth and immersion."
"It sucks you in immediately, you forget how fun the game is."
"By far the most effective tool this game has is its sound design."
"The game feels truly alive and it seems like all of these villagers would continue to live their lives even if you weren't there."
"Try to drive the Chimera? You completely lost your senses."
"I feel very immersed in the theme when I play it."
"The immersion in Gothic 3 is strong due to detailed NPC schedules and behaviors."
"It's immersive Sim like they showed things in the environment interacting, the footage showed everything that you had the right to be excited about."
"This game makes me like Space Marines in the Imperium."
"There's something truly magical about the game, an understated quest for enlightenment incorporating real-world mysticism, symbology, and philosophy."
"There's always something new to hear and it even dynamically reacts with what you're doing in the game."
"Even just the audio design is really impressive across the board and it goes a long way in reinforcing that you're in the absolute last places that anyone would want to find themselves in with hell again being the prime example."
"I will be very happy once we get loot populating areas, finding items in the verse to keep will just feel great."
"Metroid Dread showcases just how important the actual sound design truly is - it might just be one of the best showcases for audio in 2021."
"Persona 5 transforms this alienating setting into a world you never want to leave, the player meets many more people as social links and party members all relatable as outcasts and rebels with conviction and hope for a better world."
"It really does breathe a lot of life into Calradia."
"This feels like a video game in all the right ways."
"Nothing will ever get as cool as cutting through hordes of Flood with an Ultra Commando or watching an Ascetic Zealot just unleash itself on a pack of Brutes with a sword."
"It's crazy how actually, like, if I did not have a Black Ops 3 gun and HUD in this, you literally would never know that this is like Black Call of Duty."
"Music in ESO sets the mood. It's epic and immersive."
"The visual effects and dark atmosphere of everything makes this game feel a lot more immersive."
"The music of Grand Theft Auto is a vital part of the series' success. Without the radio stations and iconic music, there would be no way to capture the culture of each respective game."
"As an actor, the games you're in, I'm not gonna say they're ruined for you but the experience is distinctly different."
"There's a quick wake-up call that this is no Minecraft at all when you climb out of your pod."
"I mean, it wasn't so much the game that got me into it, it was the manual."
"It's like when you play Oblivion or Skyrim, and you want to read all the little in-game books."
"The role-playing side of WoW is huge, way bigger than you'd think."
"In Ether Fields, you'll plunge yourself into a hauntingly bizarre world of dreams thick as treacle and murky as a 6am cup of coffee."
"The lack of towns in Legends Arceus didn't bother me but it felt so alive."
"Immersion might not be as important or essential as a good combat system, but it is probably the thing Dead Space does best."
"Making a good character and entering the world that the DM has made I think is super important."
"If Mario sits on a chair, Cappy will sit on the other."
"The game just feels more alive... it just feels alive."
"The creatures around the world... it makes the world feel more alive and I really freaking like that."
"Your protagonists' relative lack of power means you never feel out of place during the smaller quests."
"The music is actually programmed to get louder or more complex the closer you get to solving the puzzle."
"Benefit from having mounts that level with you and that you really have to take care of them. It really adds to the immersion of the game."
"The lighting is impressive and the weather system and day-night cycle work in tandem to make the world feel alive."
"You're immersed in an ecosystem that automatically generates these missions."
"It's so relaxing playing it while listening to an audiobook."