
Personal Dislike Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"You don't get to see someone fall just because you don't like them, even if they did nothing wrong."
"I'm not sure why I have this hate campaign against High Jump."
"Cooking is so hard, that's why I hate the holidays. It's always just so stressful being in the kitchen."
"What is wrong with Boie? I try not to talk about him."
"I love sh**ting on streamers because I hate streamers."
"I don't like when people censor themselves. That's something that I truly don't like."
"There's nothing I hate more in this business than the edit."
"This is not why they dislike President Trump they dislike President Trump because President Trump does not agree with them on politics."
"He disliked office culture, posh word drinks, flash car competitions, and the rat race."
"Pride and ego is getting away. Who's the player that you have beef with that you still can respect their ability? But you like, 'Real talk, I don't like them as a person, but they still know how to get buckets though.'"
"Someone doesn't like you, they just don't like themselves."
"Personality is now, I don't like Boris Johnson. I don't think he should be the Prime Minister."
"We are very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait. I hate him passionately." - Tucker Carlson
"I hate drama like this, I don't think it's worth it."
"I don't like him. He's bad. I don't like him at all."
"I realized now I really don't like meet and greets because there's always like a time limit and I feel, oh yeah, I hate the whole life yeah."
"Leapfrog memories, yes! Cheerio juice, I actually hate that. I hate when, oh my goodness, when you have cereal and milk and then the milk gets all like disgusting."
"This is a nightmare room, I don't like the nightmare room."
"He's a [__] dude, I want to already punch him in his face."
"Drogba was sort of a bit like Lampard and Terry I couldn't stand them because they were a threat."
"That's when you know the beef is real, that's when you know two people just don't like each other. They find a way when they're not even being mentioned to just end up as The Conversation Piece."
"This is so freaking pretty. I literally hate landscaping with all of my heart."
"Oh no, not the fog - I hate not having visibility for this."
"Avoid being bitten by snakes because I hate being bitten by snakes I don't enjoy it at all."
"I don't like it. I don't like that type of behavior."
"I just don't like slimy people trying to take advantage of others."
"Hate is a strong word, Zatanna, and it's not even close to strong enough to describe what I think of you."
"You remind me of some guy that I don't like very much, but you got good taste."
"I hate jungle with a burning passion, so how appropriate that the jungle is now burning."
"I don't like that player. What are you doing? What is this nation? My shack, don't touch!"
"I absolutely despise soulmate Aus I'm a hater from the bottom of my heart."
"I've got a real hatred for him, a real ya real hatred for him."
"The stakes were raised and you definitely saw like people who genuinely dislike one another."
"I know a lot of you don't like me personality-wise, but man, that guy knows real estate."
"God hates bullies. I hate bullies. I don't. Bullies are just awful."
"I don't really like Tauruses. I think I realized I don't like Tauruses."
"Oh my god, I hate this dude. I hate this man. Oh my god, dude, someone just keeps time stopping over and over."
"I hate so much about the things that you choose to be."
"Nope, nope, nope. One part of that, no thank you."
"I absolutely despise this film and every fiber of its being."
"Last question: what is one thing you absolutely hate about me?"
"I ain't mad at Kenya, if I don't like you and I'm in the same room with you, I might be rolling my eyes too."
"Snape is going in the best tier as well he had a great Redemption but I still despise Snape."
"Walking around is seriously the worst thing ever."
"He was just a petty never... He didn't like the run inside."
"David Fincher has pretty much disavowed this movie completely. It's a movie that I hate, fair enough, right?"
"Ignatius is a Democrat with a simmering loathing of Trump."
"Some men just like some women hate for a good damn reason."
"Yes, I can do it, but I absolutely hate the process of doing it. No reason to feel ashamed there's something like that especially if you know it's your weakness."
"Look out, here comes Tom Bong Badil. He stays here for six months. He's thorough, he's very annoying, he's an awful man."
"I didn't really like the whole rabbit thing. I think I'm on a journey here."
"No matter how much people hate you, they will never hate you as much as the WoW Community hates me."
"I fuckin' hate this guy, he's just weird and I—he's right next to me."
"Nobody can convince me that there is a worse chore than washing bedding."
"The president hates zombies because of her past."
"I hate you, right? Everybody else we can have fun, I don't like you."
"I absolutely hate snakes, they scare me."
"I'm going to tell you directly to your face: No, I don't like you."