
Philosophical Outlook Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"We're here for no reason, you know that? People try to make it that there's a greater purpose, a secret meaning, that it all means something, and it doesn't."
"Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will."
"I never really believed in endless progress. I always thought it was all up for grabs."
"Humanism is an attitude and outlook but it is a wonderfully resourced one."
"It's better to have sunlight than it is to have Darkness."
"Who knows the end? What has risen may sink and what has sunk may rise."
"Wisdom changes because, look, you do not want to fit into this world because this is the world of suffering and violence."
"There's only one end, and that's a good life."
"There's no such thing as a contradiction that can't be overcome."
"You can't win, you can't break even, and you can't get out of the game."
"Everything is already okay, but it's your perception of reality that makes you feel like it's not."
"In my world, everything is connected and everything is part of an elaborate, beautiful picture."
"Things don't really get old, they just get better."
"Understanding our great potential as human beings."
"Survival is not the priority but living and living well and flourishing really needs to be our priority."
"You solve tragedy with life. Life is what solves tragedy."
"Optimistic nihilism allows us to experience the universe in our own unique ways, finding peace with the life we have."
"I've always been telling people look we live in a time where you cannot be ignorant of your faith. You have got to be studying it because otherwise you're just going to end up falling into error."
"Life is about energy. That is the basis of all life."
"Every part of it, the challenge, the difficulty, it's all part of life and in its own way perfect."
"Whatever happens, it's for the best reason, even if it's a disappointment, it's a blessing. And many of you may need to hear that."
"Life is tough enough when everything is good."
"Maybe the world will never be free of disaster, but there is good in the world too. Even the darkest hearts have room for those they cherish. Also true."
"Ultimately the future is completely unknown."
"However messy the world may be, it is still worth playing in and trying to make the most of."
"I'm put here that's a way of seeing life that will set you free from the need to understand all of the events as they're happening."
"I think that humanity is fundamentally good."
"There's no real ending of something, there's only new beginnings."
"Our bodies are our space suits, and we're on a journeying through eternity."
"I believe that the future is not set, it's actually up for us to create."
"History and facts were fundamentally unknowable... concentrate on making your own reality as you wanted it."
"Whatever is ailing you or hurting you in this world, if you're suffering, I can almost guarantee the root cause of that suffering is humanity's departure from what is natural."
"Live life on the edge, you can't disagree with that logic."
"If things go up and then they go down, then that actually means that things are always going to go up again."
"Existence is something more than what meets the eye."
"Freedom entails a certain amount of unfairness, and being a big boy and a big girl is understanding that unfairness and acting yourself in the fairest way possible."
"Success is rooted in our faith that nothing is wasted."
"Beauty is everywhere. You only have to look to see it."
"But if it's meant to be, it'll be. And if it's not meant to be, it won't be. There's no point in going on like, 'Oh, can he win? Yes, no, yes, no.' Whatever this, it's all about what's meant to be in life and what's for you won't go by you."
"All of life is an illusion, but you still have a purpose."
"Everyone has a right to freedom, everyone has a right to understand how to find freedom."
"There's nothing evil about our reality, there's nothing bad about where we are."
"Slowly and surely you will and you'll transcend to the new version of you and leave your old self behind just as a snake leaves behind its old skin this is what's happening in the world today and I think it's beautiful."
"The light and the goodness always wins out because remember what they say and this is a fact: light extinguishes darkness."
"Happiness lies always in the future, where else in the past and the present may be compared to a small dark cloud, driven by the wind over the sunny plain."
"I love humanity so much that I would rather it die than it become less than, than it become inhuman, then it become empty."
"Death is a transformative energy, a portal to what's next; dream, plan, inspire yourself."
"You win some, you lose some, you cop some, you miss some, it is what it is."
"So would you call yourself overall an optimist or a pessimist? I think of myself as a realist trying to see the world as it really is and not the way I'd like it to be."
"There's no such thing as missed opportunities, only opportunities that were never meant for you."
"The strength of truth, knowledge, goodness, and honor will inherit the earth."
"I don't criticize those that have beliefs vastly different from mine. It's better to believe in something rather than nothing at all."
"Lay Shen always believed there was some higher goal."
"Van steps in saying it means less to regret circumstances or what kind of talent one is born with, it's important to be able to adapt to the environment and live what was given to one by fate."
"The most important decision that every human being has to make is to decide whether or not the universe is in fact friendly."
"It's more just like if you spread positivity in the world, the world in general will be a more positive place."
"They made it clear from the beginning that they were going to reach into the expanded universe."
"There's beauty everywhere if you have the eyes to see it. These are guys who are developing a moral imagination."
"What I can do in the meantime is be optimistic that the truth is out there."
"The wheel will turn as it should and as it needs to."
"Death is not a positive or a negative, it is a zero."
"Everything that happened on the face of this planet is for the greater good of those who were chosen."
"Money, material possessions, none of that matters."
"All is as it should be, as it ever was, as it always will be."
"It's not about destroying what you hate, it's about saving what you love."
"Rust adopts philosophical pessimism as well as a cynical and nihilistic perspective."
"We're here on the planet not to just chill like we're here to a weekend we're here to heal."
"Despite all the craziness, there's an advantage. The world is so gross and crazy that you recognize this can't be my home."
"We are all members of the same race... whether you like it or not." - Jane Elliott
"What if that's what it's all about then that's not so bad."
"You're not going forward with the rest of the species if you maintain the idea that humans are a naturally evolving creature here on this planet of this planet absent their technology."
"I decided that those people didn't just die in the lake, they lived in it too."
"We live in a world of abundance... a universe of abundance."
"The injustices of the world are like grains of dust against the mountain, they have no impact."
"Speed and efficiency and convenience is not where the best qualities of life come from."
"Life is a tragedy and life is good."
"When you deal with life as a temporal mode, things will be better."
"We're not trying to end things, we're not trying to come up with total complete perfect answers for all eternity because he says that's pointless anyway, that's outside the realm of human capacity."
"There is no such thing as negativity with the universe."
"God's philosophy of life: the world has fallen, make the best of a bad situation, love God and keep His commandments."