
Teaching Strategy Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"It's important to have a standard because you have to have a clear vision or goal of where you are going and what it is that you expect for your students."
"Your job as an educator is to design an experience where they will start to care."
"An educator's primary goal is to teach students to think."
"You need to prepare knowing that all the work you're putting into your preparation you might only use 20% of it when you're up in front of the class and you have to be ok with that because there's no way for you to know."
"Teach them as young as they could possibly understand."
"Serve them what they want to learn. Don't sell them what you want to teach."
"This applies to teaching your sales guys, this applies to kids, this applies for yourself."
"I always say to my students read the tasks first, then go to the stimulus. Read the information about the stimulus first, so in this case it's an image, so that would be read the title and then read the caption first and then actually look at the image."
"...start collecting like really great lessons for things that you have coming up and try them out and you can always like tweak them next year and try them again or switch them out..."
"Having some sort of reset activity is huge for my classroom management."
"I think the biggest thing we can teach our kids in terms of these scenarios is the whole concept of the advantage. Once we have an advantage, don't lose the advantage. Keep attacking, keep attacking, keep attacking."
"When I teach from home, I just have a nap at lunchtime and that energizes me again."
"...so once deciding on my topic, I usually start my class with some type of warm-up or motivation activity to pique the student's interest."
"It's better to teach through adaptive learning."
"A curriculum is more than just good teaching; it's more than just having clear objectives or ensuring that a skill is mastered. A curriculum is really how the pieces are put together."
"Behavior is information that we as professional educators can use to fine-tune our instruction."
"Your lesson plan should have unity, a unified segment of instruction."
"If you're supposed to teach, turn the noise down, draw the attention, bring everybody on the same page, and then go after the lecture."
"It's probably easier to get good results if you instruct students based on their interests and specialties."
"You're not going to want to use his very favorite thing for teaching him these trading games."
"That's the most important thing that I've learned in all my teaching, we've got to use variability training if you want to learn fast."
"Instructors can help students believe that they can succeed by attributing successes and failures to internal controllable causes."
"Language learning is a multi-faceted system, so it would be wise to have multiple viewpoints in order to provide better balance."
"I need to make a whole video about how I build a culture of fun and learning in my classroom."
"This is just one way to set up your lesson plan spread."
"Well-planned, engaging lessons will decrease student behavior problems."
"Teach students math concepts conceptually instead of procedurally."
"It's your job to think about the most creative way to teach that topic."
"We walk through and I model exactly what every little part of the writing block is going to look like."
"This is such a good strategy that paragraph shrinking where they are trying to say that main idea in 10 words or less."
"I hope you can see from most of them that you can really differentiate based on the needs of your students."
"One of the best things about using a ten frame is that it really helps students think about numbers flexibly."
"Teaching is about engagement and designing learning opportunities and environments that focus on what students can do with what they learn."
"It's important for you to ask students to explain their thinking."
"Being able to decompose these numbers is going to help students compute both addition and subtraction problems way faster."
"The mini lesson is the time where we're introducing a skill or vocabulary or a strategy, but we're really going to get to practice it and dig deep soon."
"The important thing about questioning is to plan the question, ask it, and then to be quiet for at least three seconds."
"Frontloading, spending more time before they actually engage with the text, is a very, very important strategy for teachers to use."
"Game-centered approach is challenging, it's putting to establish the context of what we have just done."
"A good teacher will attend to the issue of forgetting and daily review."
"Engaging students in comparative thinking had the greatest impact on student achievement."
"Curriculum planning has stages. We observe, we reflect, we document, we interpret."
"It's important teachers are clear and precise about the knowledge and skills you want students to learn, not what you want them to do."
"If I had to extend the time for any stage in my listening lesson, it would be the feedback because this is where the real learning happens."
"We want to make sure that the things that we do are purposeful and intentional."
"Differentiated instruction can increase engagement."
"You talk about what they do have, not about what they don't."
"In three days, you can take a classroom that's really struggling and you can see a big improvement."