
Wealth Comparison Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"A man of wealth has many enemies, while a man of knowledge has many friends. Hence, knowledge is better."
"You'd have more liquid cash than most billionaires."
"Well, guess what? $5 million to Oprah Winfrey is like 500 to us!"
"Roth contributors actually had 400,000 more in spendable dollars at retirement."
"But how wild is that throughout Luffy's entire career he has actually owned the equivalent of just over what Shanks is worth as an emperor of the sea."
"You only need $1,400 to be richer than the average millennial."
"You can find somebody probably that age or younger with more money."
"Even if you have one dollar to your name right now you are still richer than the majority of the world who are either in debt or have absolutely nothing."
"What would you rather have, a hundred thousand USD or five bitcoin?"
"It's been a great run for America's richest people, with nearly all of them wealthier than they were a year ago."
"Two million dollars isn't even one percent of what his net worth is."
"Health is wealth. All the money in the world, but if you're sick, you can't do anything."
"Conor doesn't care. He's got a failing business. He could have 10 failing businesses right now and still be worth double what Jake Paul is." - Unknown
"Don't ever invest money with somebody who's got less money than you."
"California alone has a higher... has more money basically is crazy."
"I have a good heart and soul. So what do you have, if you don't have seven million dollars worth of [ __ ]? Then what do you have?"
"Knowledge is a supreme value... more valuable than money, more valuable than all the military arms."
"The person next to you has more money, it's not because they're more moral, it's because they're a better manager."
"I don't think about it, I'm not stressed about money and that's something that again I kind of remind myself of because I know so many rich people who have more money than I am but they're still stressed about it."
"Wow, the three richest people in America combined!"
"Someone somewhere is always going to be making more money than somebody else... unless you're Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates."
"She is more precious than rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand and her left hand riches and honor." - Proverbs 3:15-16.
"Being broke sucks, and being rich is a lot better."
"But my sister just married a Rothschild, so I'm the poor sister now."
"Health is wealth. No amount of money can replace health."
"Being prosperous in time is far more significant than being prosperous in money."
"Health is wealth, okay, and so there's a lot more than just saving and there's a lot more than just earning there's also the other sides of life."
"The GDP per capita of the United States is around 65 thousand US dollars, which is huge. It makes the average citizen of the United States today wealthier than nobilities and royalty not more than two centuries ago."
"Take your health as seriously as you take your wealth."
"Health is wealth. Definitely more important."
"But the entire point act rate for me is comparable to the effective tax rate for people who make billions of dollars."
"Richer than the Vanderbilts, the Gettys, or the Rockefellers."
"The truth is more important than wealth to me."
"Human beings are happier when they have a greater social network than being rich and not having any genuine friends."
"There's levels to this [ __ ] man there's levels to all this stuff man you're rich to some but then you're poor to others."
"At the end of the day health is wealth what do you say."
"Maximizing personal happiness versus personal wealth."
"Health is wealth, they say. If you lose your health, what's the use of money? If you lose your dignity and your honor, what do you have for money? Nothing, basically."
"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies."
"The price of wisdom is above rubies."
"A broken heart is worth a million times more than a heart that is happy and full of wealth."
"These people aren't wealthy, and you're not doing bad in comparison."
"We're all living better than John D. Rockefeller Sr. was, who was the richest person in the world during my early years."
"Even with all the money in the world or all the fame in the world, if you do not have your health, then you have nothing."
"Health is more important than money."
"The long-term investors are the people that will make more money over the long-term period over Traders."
"Would you rather be given $50,000 straight into your bank account or $500,000 in pennies?"
"The most richest feeling in the world, more money than any money in the bank, is being happy and being in love."
"Health and good state of body are above all gold, and a strong body above infinite wealth."
"Wealth means nothing if you don't have health."
"The truth is more precious than a million dollars."