
Historical Relevance Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"We don't listen to [the Founding Fathers] about anything. Why the [expletive] would we listen to them about an ectopic pregnancy and whether that's something that should be punishable by law?"
"The Arsenal ship is certainly a very, very visionary concept in naval warfare; it stands as the nexus of historical precedents and cutting-edge technology and innovation for its time."
"Sophia Coppola was shaking us out of experiencing the past as past and forcing the story back into the present."
"It appears that the Bible is actually enriched with facts and may very well be historically accurate."
"The iPhone 10 though is the best iPhone ever made."
"You just look around and you see all the things that are attached to you that hold such a place in the zeitgeist and in cultural history."
"Their titles could be scrapped, their medals could be scrapped, no one will care about the centurions anymore."
"Throughout human history, infectious diseases were the problem and suddenly today it is again."
"From where I'm standing, it doesn't matter what the historical context is... what matters is clinical outcomes."
"Abraham was a migrant. Moses was a migrant. Jesus was a migrant. Muhammad was a migrant."
"What exactly happened, and why is it still relevant today?"
"An antique is generally something that's old and valuable; an artifact is something that's old and not necessarily valuable but tells a story."
"Trump's reference to the Insurrection act isn't just a throwback to an old law; it's a reminder of the enduring relevance of our founding principles."
"Lincoln is relevant to the present because his presidency I believe offers the most vivid model of a leader of leadership."
"His story is important because it raises questions that dominate our own times."
"The 1911 has somehow remained relevant through all these years."
"The Passover and exodus story relates to us even today."
"The Book of Revelation is as vital to us today as it was to the early church."
"It was all an interaction with people and to go back to that same bet the reason you lost that bet is cuz what Jesus offers and what he did on a cross and the moment before and after is still just as appealing today."
"Thank you very much for coming on to talk about your new book entitled, it's so relevant, 'The Peacemaker: Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, and the world on the brink.'"
"Making history come to life which is the coolest thing about video games and why I think they're so important."
"World War Two gave us two primary mechanisms to destroy a carrier, both of which remain to a greater or lesser extent relevant today."
"Hey great-great grandpa did something is not news it was news like 1855 it is not news in 2019"
"It's funny you should ask, I have a video all about sulfur and the fact that it's an important ancient hair growth aid as well as its modern application as an external and internal supplement."
"This match had me more excited for Guilty Gear Strive than I think any gameplay footage I've seen so far."
"This is not simply a story from our history, this is a story we live inside of today."
"You honor a founder by talking about them in a present-day context."
"Prophet Muhammad said these things over a thousand years ago and they're happening today."
"This might be the best time in history to deliver that message."
"It's the warning that's relevant today as it was 26 years ago when this movie was made."
"It contains elements that are symbolic as well as historical."
"The principles that Adam Smith enunciated, the philosophy that Thomas Jefferson enunciated, are every bit as valid today as they were then."
"Anti-graffiti paint: preventing graffiti from adhering to surfaces, despite graffiti's historical significance."
"The story of Robert Oppenheimer is a story for our time."
"The Spanish Civil War is one of the most relevant events in recent history."
"Precision trumps mass, and historically this has been the case."
"Black lines have always mattered. Why is all of a sudden that black lives matter?"
"The health laws were just practical health laws that are still true today."
"This conversation is almost more relevant now than it even was back when this happened."
"I wanna show you a story that feels unique to our time in history."
"Would you believe me if I told you that SpongeBob SquarePants: Super Sponge is one of the most chronicled games out there?"
"So as you've probably been out of tell from the description of this video I'm gonna be talking about Foam swords the pros and cons and where they fit into historical swords in the ship and the fact that I like him I like him a lot."
"The Iron Giant is a bearer of history, paralleling Riley from Saboteur. His awakening could reveal something crucial about the missing history."
"They capitalized off a perfect opportunity to be on the correct quote-unquote side of history."
"Old glories? Well, they're fine for dinner tales, but I have plans to rebuild a stronger Coptic state."
"The claim for one second that I or any person in history can't be awe inspiring because I don't look like them or live at the same period of time is just obscene."
"I think it's time they simply fade away into history."
"It isn't history you read, but something that could have happened yesterday."
"History only matters when it informs decisions being made today."
"When I go listen to a lot of his speech, looking around like is this the 60s or 2021 because the same [__] is still going on now."
"What does this story truly mean and how does it impact us today?"
"Being the plague doctor is probably a very accurate 2020 costume."
"Emmett Till's story continues to resonate in 2022."
"Plumbing will always be a viable career option. It was in the ancient world and it is now."
"It is the original tactical carbine... still awesome, still functioning."
"When I read those words that reminds us that the messages is ageless this is a letter that was written a very long time ago but the message stands true today."
"The classical world still matters to people."
"Tradition is the solution to a set of problems that we forgot that we had."
"The Des Moines class, although arriving late, had a very useful role to play in the early Cold War."
"An examiner confirmed that the wood found by Rowdy Foreman was part of the same chair that Dan Short was taped to."
"The Bible has been addressing this for since the Torah, since Deuteronomy."
"The words of wisdom have survived from the past to the modern day."
"It's not just crazy creation stories; they're based on true things that actually happened, and more research today has been proving that out."
"Questions of empire are not distant or abstract or academic, and they're not only questions about the past either."
"This means that the ancient weapons, despite being weapons, are likely what is needed to bring the dawn of the world."
"The A-10, popularly called the Warthog by its pilots, has a special mission in the Desert Storm air war."
"We must not think of it as an old phenomenon of interest only to church historians. Pashendi is a text that could have been written today."
"She tells us a story from the past with such a conscience of our present that she's not a representation of the style of the 18th century. She puts that 18th century in our real today."
"The power of the propaganda machine is such that even the late 18th-century propaganda against that woman still has potency today."
"The lessons, the example that he taught 2,000 years ago about how to confront social injustice, how to confront the gatekeepers of salvation and the powers that be, is an example that is as resonant today as it was back then."
"I got a ton of requests for Doug Hepburn's programs... He was incredibly strong in a way that still holds up today."
"The issues of Haight-Ashbury are very much part of our daily lives."
"The problems of the church are the same as they were at Corinth 1900 years ago."
"Nat Turner's skull was recently turned over to the family... So this is not a history that's old. It's still here."
"The Gamble House is as relevant today as when it was built."
"To question the enduring relevance of Sardar Patel to India today is like questioning the relevance of the sun to the solar system."
"There are all kinds of resonances with the world that we live in today."
"Gustav Le Bon... wrote a book... called 'The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind'... its ideas... are still extremely validated by the events in our modern day."
"Things that were written 70 years ago have retained their not only their relevance but their immediacy for our time."
"History throws up public figures who for one reason or another are very relevant to and of their times."
"This really isn't ancient history... that legacy is alive right now."
"30 years after he died, the Maxwell name is back in the news."
"The early Islamic model of Medina is much more relevant today than it was ever before in the medieval period."
"They're not erasing history, they're just trying to make things more relevant to the times."
"The history the understanding of the past is really going to be something where what you've lived through is going to feel much more immediate than anything before that."
"One could even argue that by dint of his sustained relevance over four decades and the long life of Ptolemaic Egypt, that Ptolemy was in fact the greatest of the successors."
"It's very interesting to think of a character from 500 years ago that made sense today."
"As history unfolds around us, Mahler's music becomes ever more relevant and ever more prescient of times of which he couldn't possibly have ever known."
"The computer applications were telling me this was a part of mathematics that I really could have learned if it hadn't faded out of history."
"There's something still there for today's world and it's very important."
"Each of these letters has the power to talk to a specific church in its day and the power to reveal what the history of the church will look like over time."
"History is alive and relevant; history is indeed a story."
"The Word of God is more established, more sure than most of the historical references that we referred to."