
Social Conflict Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"You have embarrassed me to no end; you've made a fool out of me."
"It's kind of like a class war is happening on top of an actual war or something."
"To fight the way this system works, they needed the power of workers to counter the power of the employer."
"Many will be offended and betray one another and will hate one another."
"There's nothing quite so effective at making neighbors hate each other as a good old fashioned boundary dispute."
"This whole preferred pronoun thing is nothing more than passive-aggressive manipulation, a power play by attention-starved egomaniacs."
"It's very dangerous when a lot of people identify another group as the enemy."
"The conflict makes the country a better place."
"People keep attacking each other for way too much."
"Metropolis is the story of a conflict between the suffering workers and the pampered ruling class."
"As an American and as an army veteran, it's sad to see us attacked by our fellow citizens."
"White supremacy is at war with us, and we're at war with their propaganda organ, the media."
"The ecological crisis, if it is allowed to materialize in the way the trajectories show, between climate change, between the water scarcity... it will just create that much more class antagonism."
"All it takes is if you see the mob of antifa in any location, if someone points at you and says Nazi, they'll start running and screaming towards you."
"People in videos are seen harassing locals telling them we know where you live."
"Most of the major movements in American history have started at the grassroots level and at some point have turned into direct conflict with American government. So remember your history before you judge."
"Never bend the knee. These people are not going to accept it regardless."
"So what, y'all just mad 'cause half of y'all mammas been in his inbox, and now y'all mad because y'all tryna [__] get back."
"I thought we settled this 60 years ago with the election of John F. Kennedy... fighting any religion, fighting Catholicism is just incredible."
"Protesters heckle a Brooklyn taqueria after Chauvin verdict as white demonstrator leads chants telling white owners to get the F out of New York."
"Religion will literally never unify us, it is the most divisive force in human history."
"It's a fight between individualism and identity politics."
"The fight is top to bottom right now in America. It's not left to right."
"Our country is divided into two camps and the wall is a giant wall, it's a chasm."
"It turns people against each other by sowing hatred and division is the primary means by which communism corrupts society."
"Every dog has his day... This is a war that we will win."
"To those telling me to move on or stop dragging it out, I'll move on once I stop receiving thousands of hate messages daily. You move on first, you freaking weirdos."
"Stop attacking people that try to have this conversation."
"It's not fun being boycotted by these people; it's not fun not having them give you salams."
"We need to recover the language of class warfare to grasp what is happening to us."
"People cannot agree to disagree anymore. It's immediate like, 'You disagree with me, you're a bad person, I hate you.'"
"When you start to enforce your political or social opinions through violence, that's when there's a problem."
"I think the goal has just been push push push push push, spit in the face of everybody that disagrees, call them bigots."
"I'm just so sick of Ayla and Ashley and their whole bullying stick."
"I have been physically assaulted, lost friendships, received death threats, and hate emails."
"There's a class war going on... People on top have the money, they have the power."
"It's not just we the people in America, this is we the people all over the entire world. This is the battle between the tiny tiny portion of really bad people at top and the rest of us at the bottom."
"An amalgamation of all that is Karen, just trying to cause as many problems as possible."
"The idea is when you frame the debate from a social discourse as one of starting from white privilege... you have people saying how dare you complain... so shut up and sit down."
"It's not about progressivism versus conservatism. It's about civilization versus anarchy."
"Dive deep into the chaotic Realms of Karen's from Karen got beat up after throwing racial slurs at the wrong black woman."
"The walls mark the division of Protestant or Unionist and Catholic or Nationalist communities."
"It wasn't burnt down because people were mad at the police, it was burned down because the police were mad at the people."
"The struggle of the people against the elite... is the essence of populism."
"I'm like dude right now we are seeing you see these videos right where the woman's sitting at the table and they're screaming black lives matter and they get in her face and they hold their fists to her face like it is it is psychotic mob."
"They'd rather see the boat sink than see you sailing."
"We're going to make everything political in a fight."
"She does have a long history of fabricating attacks against innocent people."
"It came as something of a shock to find myself being aggressively accused of transphobia, of creating a risk to other people's health and safety simply for wanting to have a discussion."
"If working Americans are too busy fighting with one another, we'll never address the very real problems our country faces."
"If they gonna keep harming us, we gonna take some with us."
"Am I the jerk for making a scene when my son refused to dance with me?"
"What did she do that was so bad that you all had to jump her like that? I feel that she's a beautiful girl it was some hating going on there for whatever reason it was some definite hate going on."
"Inside of this crash, we're gonna see it intensify because we've seen for the past 45 years a class war on labor."
"Didn't we kick off a bar fight once with Joe grabbing a table and throwing it out of guys?"
"We as a people are sitting here fighting each other, literally fighting each other in the streets over an ideology that does not even exist."
"And when you point it out, they call you a liar and say you're making it up."
"Critical race theory is not going to prevail against the church."
"The vast majority of people who are protesting... were neo-nazis, klansmen, alt-righters."
"Gentrification is a form of violence and displacement."
"Positive progress was flushed down the toilet when people violently attacked Mike."
"The house is burning and you're arguing with people about the color of the furniture."
"The reason why people don't like you is because you went up against Kenya, their favorite person."
"Fighting hate with hate, fighting discrimination with discrimination."
"Through the violent tribalism that had arisen as a result of the labor dispute, Roger saw his victims as treacherous turncoats. They betrayed their cause, turned their backs on their brother miners, and in doing so, had forfeited their very lives."
"Realize that not only is the country under siege, but we're on the sieges of people."
"We're already in a situation where we're being racially targeted."
"This is going to cause a lot of friction and division in our society."
"There's absolutely no reason that saying, 'Oh, you believe in a god, yeah I don't,' should be the reason for dividing families, should be the reason for wars and battles and fights and wasting time."
"Am I the [__] for getting mad at a guy for sending my girlfriend 500 flowers for her birthday?"
"The hatred for people who oppose them politically, it's unbelievable."
"Is it too much to ask that we get along? You know it's all these people around, just hate, hate, anger, anger, anger, hate, hate, anger, anger, anger, you know."
"Gigi is very upset that Damien brought Francesca to the party especially because it's been two years since he jilted her at the altar."
"It was a crazy time, the country was torn apart by how people felt about Vietnam."
"Imagine waking up and not knowing why everyone is upset with you."
"By many accounts, members of antifa and related far-left groups engaged in worse conduct and, in fact, instigated much of the violence."
"Leftists are trying to undermine the celebration."
"They double down in this type of divisive hateful rhetoric."
"Are you within your rights yes should the guy have moved on yes are you an a-hole for collapsing a tent on a toddler yes."
"Our political power is pretty terrible, and we have a looming peasant strike, but this will all be resolved very quickly once we get the king."
"It's the battle of the entitled versus the innocent, the rude versus the adorable."
"Some of y'all could be feminine, you know, and you got like a masculine that's literally competing with you, that's hating on you."
"It's important to not let this die when the other side is viciously attacking this woman trying to get her fired from her job."
"This is where this gets real because he, him and Micah, are hated by their community, they are hated by the world in general."
"Cultural war for me is generally understood as backlash against the struggles of women and minorities for their rights acceptance security dignity."
"Roe v Wade being overruled, yes, it's worth celebrating a thousand percent but it really began new battles, new frontiers of the war."
"Anyone who challenges the progressive left gets labeled a Nazi."
"There's almost kind of a civil conflict within the United States around this."
"He's bullying me with his audience. I would very much like you to support me in this effort to vote cartoons out."
"Some of y'all, and y'all come whatever you're gonna do, what you're gonna do. Whatever. Okay? You'll be mad at someone else tomorrow. But you are hurting your queen with this nonsense."
"We're rushing to tribalism, political partisanship, and woke rage."
"I'm sorry that your girlfriends like me more."
"They want to bully me out of my own town, out of my own city."
"Open dialogue and open conversation usually fixes that because the truth always prevails in an environment where you can speak to each other."
"What happens when the police walk into a cafe and start shaking down the cafe owner and locals are getting angry and they're yelling 'get out' to the cops and the cops say no?"
"The left...peace and love...unless you're Republican...then they want blood."
"He's a fascist and this is textbook fascism you know assists against fair supremacist is gonna lose do this absolutely the premises or the news Fox then white woman the areas then white biker gangs ain't [ __ ] the police ain't bullshittin."
"We're in a war, a war for the 99 versus the one percent."
"This is a class war by the government against working-class people."
"The real war is with the people on the fence, our neighbors."
"Some of the fights that you want to pick are with the billionaire Elite Class."
"It's the left and the enemies try to use our sin to silence us."
"There's an issue of self-expression and Freedom... but you actually see... it's triggering."
"These accusations against him only go on to divide the fandom."
"The issues that divide black and white people are grounded in real and material conditions, with justifications having an element of rationality to them."
"You're gonna get 8.3 million people to fight me."
"People forgive you for being wrong but they will never forgive you for being right, especially when you being right proves them wrong."
"The struggle to lay claim to the labor, the land, and the wealth of society... is called class struggle."
"Refuse to allow yourself to become a foot soldier in this war that is asking you, demanding that you dehumanize people who disagree with you."
"The entire situation was just so unfortunate and created a ton of vitriol."
"If you're not against those zic you're against them conspiracy theorist."
"That's what's shaping up in our world, there is an entire group of people 1.2 billion of them who at the core of their belief system believe in the inferiority, the destruction of, and resist in every way the Jewish people."
"You just need one little scuffle and they can delete you."
"This is a battle between the workers and the capitalists."
"You're a hater, a loser, and you're mad and jealous."
"There is a time we can't Harbor these uncivilized mutts any longer. They're making the fight too hard, the fight is too extended, they got to go."
"Between these troubles with finding a host and the coordinated efforts from pro-choice internet users, this is all proving to be a lot less easy than the anti-abortion people probably thought originally."
"It's like being in the water surrounded by sharks circling underneath you, and then you just sort of give yourself a little nick and allow yourself to bleed into the water a little. That's basically what an apology is when it comes to SJWs."
"How can there be healing when the left wants millions removed from society?"
"I'm defending this [ __ ] I'm losing friends over this [ __ ] I'm literally doing everything I can to make this [ __ ] happy."
"They want to take away your history. That's why the monuments and the statues, they want to knock them down."
"I think we are headed toward a serious, bitter struggle in America." - Newt Gingrich
"The real conflict in Spain is between those born between the 1960s... and those born since the 1980s."
"Eventually, somebody is going to push it too far. There's going to be legal action and ****'s going to get real."
"Apologies are one thing, but when you are attacked and bullied for your health issues, you can't close that door once it's opened."
"When you start attacking and bullying people's health issues, you can't close that door."
"There's tons of people who believe false things... and they're still seeking to railroad and legally lynch if they can get away with it."
"The thing is the fan the fandom is so so broken and it got [__] ugly."
"This struggle that appears as a struggle between nations in fact masks the fact that it's a struggle between classes."
"They want you divided. They call us names, censor, lie, project, cheat, steal, harm. They are sick, they are evil."
"Disagreement escalates into dehumanization too often."
"My wife repeatedly asked them to give it back but they started laughing and recording."
"Now you have people literally holding on to the old guard by any means necessary, whether that means violence, whether that means going and trying to tear down the capital."
"He showed up at a riot and he was trying to help protect local businesses." - "He went with a gun to protect private property as a counter-protest to a Black Lives Matter protest."
"One woman that I'd known my whole life here... screamed at me that I shouldn't be there... just really kind other people not so much."
"During the 1980s Margaret Thatcher's government used the economic necessity of restructuring the coal field as a pretext to pursue their vindictive battle against the British coal miners."
"Marx predicted that the struggle between classes results in one winning or the common ruin and I am afraid we are in the early stages of the common ruin."
"I can't believe Katie did that. That is so messed up."
"You're not the a-hole and screw them."
"If you have economic polarity and you have a downturn in the economy, you're likely to have a conflict."
"How is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy, hatred, and the social warfare?"
"Am I the [__] for canceling my sister's bachelorette party?"
"We're all just fighting the wrong people, bro."
"The whole country broke into pieces. Everyone is fighting with each other for local power, and it's anybody's game."
"All that interconnectedness leads often and paradoxically to more distance, conflict, but also other unexpected places."
"The biggest struggle in the world has to be the class struggle."
"The competition that exists between the ruling class and the middle class is a potential for conflict."
"The tendency is to go further and further and people will rally around the figure who is most against that other side."