
Casual Approach Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"A very important part of this collaborative is that we none of us take this at all serious. It is the most unserious collab ever."
"Just have fun and that is the end of this very long and hopefully very helpful video."
"Having a drink in your hand makes cooking fun, no matter how bad you are at it."
"I realized, 'Well, that's one or the other. It's definitely gonna be Casual Explained.'"
"Those shows are more fun for a way because I get to like [ __ ] around, you know, and not take it as like seriously. These shows have been great."
"This is the type of movie we're probably just gonna have to go in and watch."
"Let's do Murlocs. I mean, I'm sure it's good. I guess I'll do Murlocs. Whatever, I've never done it. Let's do Murlocs."
"We don't take ourselves very seriously, this is entertainment, this is for fun."
"Guys, nobody is taking this seriously. It's an experimental fun thing for sure. Just let it be fun."
"I'm hoping for a lot of them because it's kind of fun anyways."
"Life is really just a game and it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's an interesting thought to ponder."
"I just put on this hoodie and then put on the hat and then your dress code is like I'm not gonna take any of this seriously and then you cover serious topics not taking them seriously that's the best way to cover drama."
"The Eucharist is sometimes received like a guy grabbing a beer from a vendor at a minor league baseball game."
"There's something refreshing about them just being like, 'Yeah, oh yeah, we're doing that.'"
"If you're one of those who likes faffing with knobs when you're mixing, this is not the worst thing that's happened all day."
"Keep it easy breezy and beautiful hashtag not sponsored."
"Stop taking it so seriously. It's just a game."
"It's just been a chill, fun campaign, you know, not taking it too seriously."
"He's just gonna come out and have a good time."
"I'm going to just plant orange trees all over my farm and never pick them. Can you do that? Say less, I'm doing that."
"Flying by the seat of their pants, dude. That's how they've always been."
"That's an easy mistake. Okay, I'm going to make this a spa."
"If you're having fun with it... don't get so attached."
"No time limit, no move, that's how we like to do it."
"All you gotta do is have fun, you don't actually have to work hard for anything."
"I'm just out here to have a good time, you know? Here for a good time, not a lockdown."
"Let's go ahead and finish this... we could buy stuff to accelerate things if we really wanted to but I'm not too concerned about that right now."
"Let's switch this over to the coral samples, we should probably just drink this water."
"I was navigating that situation in a very loose kind of way, I go out just like place identities on situations."
"But again, as long as we're having fun, who cares?"
"Just came in today and decided to have fun, and it's just not good for Optic."
"I love filming fragrance videos even though I know nothing about like the technical stuff but I just love telling you guys about what I like smelling like."
"Let's just watch Kyle and see how it all works out for him."
"I'm just a guy that owns 10 microphones and wants to have fun."
"Anyone can be a hero; Saitama wasn't really obsessed on being a hero but he was determined."
"Wait out here and just chill, I'm gonna go in and take a look."
"Before the race, everyone is chill and cool-headed, and it feels like in some ways no one cares."
"It's not that serious. That's what we gotta get back to."
"Enjoy some of this stuff just for the entertainment value."
"Welcome to hiring for Tomb Raider. What's Tomb Raider? You're hired."
"If you just play and just click do what you're doing, you'll probably have a reasonably fun time."
"I'm only joking, but I'm just gonna, like, chill out."
"So, these numbers are total I'm winging it, right?"
"Honestly all I'm saying is just don't take shit so seriously."
"The most important takeaway is that they have fun. It's not about the actual post."
"We tend to do things pretty chill here on the channel."
"Not everything has to be serious and political."
"Could she mix all of this together, put it in a plastic container, and then not worry about it?"
"I don't even get to see the hit. I don't care. I just wanted to shoot the cannon."
"You weren't gonna go for it, you were just skating and doing your thing."
"Let's just keep on focusing, I play this game when I don't watch."
"I show up for a couple of hours and just joke around."
"Anyway, what's the plan for the day? A bit of breaky and then, yeah, might do some exploring, see what happens, who knows?"
"When I see him, I'm gonna be so chill, like I'm not even calling him Drake, I'm like Aubrey."
"It's a Friday night, deploy some code, deploy to production."
"Our principal was pretty mellow about it; he addressed the students pretty bro-like too."
"I'm literally just doing this for the fun of it."
"I just always like starting my vlogs in my car; I don't know what it is, I just feel like it's very casual, I like it."
"I'm basically just gonna wing it, see how things go."
"I'm going to fly by the seat of our pants because that's how we roll sometimes."