
Modern Communication Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Social media is the new resume. Social media is an intrinsic part of our life."
"There's more speech now than ever before. It's not that you can't say; it's that when you say it, look, the internet has democratized criticism."
"While this war is being waged by conventional means, this generation is finding a new way to keep people informed and reminding us there's still hope for the future."
"I want to know in today's age of social media when we're filming everything and now TikTok is a huge app why is there no TikToks of this type of [ __ ] happening?"
"I was glued to my phone, I can't stop refreshing my computer."
"People are using Twitter and Facebook as their news feed; it's quicker, more diverse."
"I found something John, oh you're tick-tocking over there."
"Mobile is more important now more than ever."
"You're absolutely correct, the cell phone modernizes the way we told our story and will forever modernize the way we tell our story."
"We hear a lot of dumb stuff and we scream at our phones but we never get to say anything."
"Your Instagram, your YouTube, everything, that's your own network. It's a TV show, it's a channel."
"We have to start from the recognition that these things constitute the public square in the 21st century."
"The language that the boys speak is the language that people recognize everyday."
"The fourth wave selfie flattens the boundaries of time and space."
"It's so weird to even be talking about that, bro."
"I speak in emojis almost every single day." - Dom
"I think it's easier and that you're connected to more people today than anybody could have ever been connected to in the past."
"Now that phone or computer you have is a printing press itself, able to effortlessly arrange infinite movable type."
"We just live in the world now man where anybody could say anything."
"Thank you for joining me for today's livestream. It's the future 2024!"
"President Trump had a more thoughtful and modern approach to interacting with the world."
"No one likes being treated like a human google service"
"Wait, what? Let me get my phone out. Just kidding, [__] you."
"The goodbye is scary and we're locked in our home but now we have big microphones so you can relax."
"It's worth knowing the phrase, but honestly, I don't think it's used that much anymore."
"Uh, as you ponder that question and try to make heads or tails of what you've just seen, your phone buzzes again."
"Nowadays our news isn't... given in little sound bites... we most of us now don't really trust much the mainstream news."
"We live in incredible times. You know, man, look, we could FaceTime each other if we need to."
"This is what connecting in 2021 looks like and you know what I'm here for it."
"It's one of those things, it's like, why would you do that? Why would you just get on Twitter?"
"Meeting people online and even developing close friendships and relationships with them is more than commonplace in our day and age than ever before in history."
"I want the connection to be bigger, not just through the internet."
"Social media right now could make or break relationships."
"But where oh where do we find an accurate sample of the american people i think you know the answer to that question already it's discord"
"In today's society, many modern women ardently advocate for open and honest communication and relationships, insisting that it's the Cornerstone of trust and understanding."
"People tend to be very locked down in the way information comes to them, but the information age has expanded the human mind."
"Social media, they are all dating applications."
"Young people these days have so much more, Kat and Chandler talked on the phone, they texted, chatted through Snapchat messages, and used Facetime on a regular basis."
"Yo, spongebob just asked me can we call? I mean, yeah, sure, but like why?"
"The video essay is one of the more important mediums of media right now."
"Modern conversations sometimes feel like two people apologizing to each other and explaining why they did so."
"Is this the new norm? Disputes unfolding on social media?"
"It's just amazing how social media is such a real thing."
"It's just like getting broken up with over a text message. It just stings that much more."
"Call him. Just call the guy. Who's 2023, bro? Just call him."
"The movie begins like many a social interaction in 2020, with a Zoom call."
"Let's end on a high note before our phone dies."
"We've never met in person, everything we do has been online."
"A wise man once said the internet is a dumpster fire."
"Social media has become like a new version of music, shaping culture in real time."
"The best way to ask me out is to send me this video."
"I feel like our world has gotten very fast with social media where people want to have an opinion real quick."
"Why does everyone feel the need to tell me that they're on the toilet?"
"So we had a FaceTime sleepover last night."
"I've never been held hostage, but I have been in a group text."
"First and foremost, nice to meet you, because we haven't technically met face to face, but this counts, right? Especially in this day and age."
"We are now living so much of our lives in cyberspace... it's where we educate, it's where we communicate, it's where we find our next date, it's where we find our spouse, it's where we do our business, it's where we get our news, it's where we produce our news."
"We can hang out without really hanging out."
"Whenever people nowadays ask you 'What are you doing, babe', just say 'I miss you'."
"I answered the call with my elbow."
"Telephones aren't just for calling home anymore; they're for accessing databanks containing every conceivable kind of information."
"Social media is king. It's kind of like a popularity barometer."
"An extraordinarily inspirational leader in taking the traditions of our people and the joys of being Jewish and communicating it in a very modern context throughout America, throughout the world."
"The power of social media is crazy."