
Inspirational Advice Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Be bold, be brave, take action in that direction, and let the magic begin."
"Sometimes, courage is the only currency we have."
"Lead with your heart, and that is what will touch people."
"Remember my loves, do all things with kindness and light will always overcome darkness."
"Follow your heart and you will never be led astray."
"Remember to be beautiful both inside and out."
"Remember, you are remarkable. Power should never be dropped on the ground."
"No one can replicate someone else's story, but there's always great tidbits you can give."
"We don't have to be stuck in our current limitations, really the world is at our fingertips at all times."
"Never go back on your word and never give up, Naruto. If that's your ninja way."
"Let's make something for yourself, and if you love it then other people will."
"Be careful what you copy. Listen. I want you to listen like God is talking to you."
"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told her, 'You cannot leave. For the first time, we will be seen as we should be seen every day.'"
"Your answer is inspiration. That is how you will free yourself."
"But our passion is behind, 'Who are you going to be? This world is for you. Go make it your own.'"
"Entrepreneurship: you're going to have highs, you're going to have lows, I promise."
"Should you not try I just think you're a good example for people of how to be a good person."
"You can have a life beyond your wildest dreams."
"Don't ever forget who you are." - Michelle Williams
"Find something that makes your heart and soul sing, the very thing that you were never allowed to do or that you didn't believe you could do, go out and do it."
"In times like this, the darkest of times, it would be wise for the Wizarding population to follow the sage advice of Albus Dumbledore, the man that always reminded us to turn on the light."
"It's incumbent upon you... to find something that orients you toward a north star worth having."
"It's so brilliantly written amazing... if you can ever get the opportunity to meet an author or go to a panel where the author discusses their work drop everything and run."
"Being great is not just winning all the time. Being great is like overcoming adversity."
"Have a vision so big that when you tell it, people think you're stupid."
"Everything's possible if you set your mind in your heart. Don't let people tell you no." - Christian
"The highest appreciation is not about uttering the words, but to live them."
"If you've been able to surmount obstacles and overcome things and work really hard... if you have grit, that's another factor that could be a wow factor."
"Lead with your heart. Be honest at all costs. And trust in the magic that you are." - Olivia Rodrigo
"Personal success will prove far more convincing than all the books that could be written on the subject."
"Each one teach one, we all can grow, one hand watch the other both hands watch the face, let's be great."
"The biggest gift we can give people is the ability to walk away with a story." - Moonlight Swami
"The most expensive real estate in the world is what's between your ears - your mind."
"Focus on spirit spirit will never lead you wrong okay all right this earth angel got us oracle like share and subscribe."
"Come with your crown, don't settle for less."
"You always lead by example rather than by words and meaningless gestures."
"You have taught me to be Who I am not someone else."
"Unexpected opportunities await those who follow their dreams."
"Be the person you needed when you were a kid."
"That old adage of find something you love, you never work a day in your life is remarkably on point."
"Never meet your heroes? Try and meet them because every now and again you're gonna just be bowled over by them."
"The best time to plant an oak tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is right now."
"Work on your mission, even if no one believes in it."
"A wise man once said to leave the world a little better than you found it."
"Keep chasing your dreams, your life is literally about to become very colorful."
"To any young people that dream of accomplishing their goals, I would tell you to dream big and definitely do bigger."
"Your tongue is bringing it forth when you write down a vision and make it plain and you read the vision back it makes you run."
"You have to be willing to walk the path that doesn't exist."
"Let them see your true qualities, your courage."
"If you want to find an extraordinary person, be an extraordinary person."
"Never give up. And he's for coming a Hollywood sensation."
"Follow your heart, find your genius, share it."
"To live as if it's here now that's the most powerful thing you can do in your time."
"I want them to know this guy is character, he has integrity, he has passion."
"If you believe in yourself and work hard, you can literally do whatever you want."
"Do whatever your heart is telling you to do."
"Believe in yourself and project that belief to others."
"If you really passionately believe it, you can get it done."
"The challenge in front of you right now won't last."
"Ideas for how you can take a dream and make it happen in the real world."
"Expect the climb to be hard, but expect it to be worth it."
"Wherever you are, always be the soul of that place."
"Own your age, be the coolest grandfather that America can imagine."
"You are the sun too, so follow your own light, your own north star."
"The least you can do is get out of the way of somebody else's blessings and honor it."
"Just don't stop, just keep going, don't give up. That's inspirational, I am moved."
"Don't speed away the time that you're in... It's just a miracle."
"You're always shooting for the Stars... Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars." - John Campia
"Be the light, just be that lighthouse, stand firm, stand strong."
"Stop putting people on pedestals and stop thinking that you're not whole and complete already."
"Embrace that and kind of go with whatever your instinct is about what you want to create or what you want to work on."
"Don't hesitate to take inspired steps in December."
"Think big, okay? Life is big, you have only one."
"You have to choose to be happy, to be the difference you want to see."
"Set yourself free so you can move forward and inspire others."
"It's all about your passion; follow your passion."
"Live your best life. That's the most important thing. Live your best life."
"Acceptance, very powerful word acceptance. See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential Leo."
"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn to the light."
"Keep going, stay inspired, stay strong, remember that why."
"Believe in yourself believe that anything is possible for you."
"There's somebody telling you that you can't do something; don't listen to them."
"Fill out your dreams. Don't let your future dreams be dreams." - "Just do it."
"Hope. Don't lose hope. The stars are aligning for you to meet somebody new."
"You literally are the one who was like, 'Hey, you should start a YouTube channel.'"
"Dream big, big dreams are better dreams right now."
"Believe that you can accomplish something, and it's for you."
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take one step today."
"Follow your fucking dreams and do your thing because a lot of people don't do well in school that are changing the fucking world."
"Remember everybody to be the change you want to see."
"These are the real reasons why Donald Trump is our president."
"It's your turn now to do something great with your life."
"Try to bring positivity and try to bring love to everybody around you."
"Your time will come. If Mark Ruffalo's time has come, your time will come."
"You have so much more to give than what others have given you."
"Try to realize that you are the equal nay the superior of any world Prince, the son of the king of any world Kingdom."
"Jedi Master Yoda told me: Do or do not, there is no try."
"Some of you have something very important to share with the world."
"People change yourself first if you want to change people. Be the change that people got to see in order for them to change."
"If something comes natural to you, to me that's god's gift, go ahead and go for that and no matter what nobody says."
"All you need in life are three bones: the wishbone to keep you dreaming, the jawbone to help you speak truth to power, and the backbone to keep you standing through it all."
"Changing the world is easier after one learns to change oneself. Become the change you wish to see and watch the world around you shift."
"And uh do yourself a favor go get you some social proof okay go build something sweat blood tears go build it but go back to your community and teach them how you did it that is the only way our communities grow we are out of here peace."
"Don't let people make fun of you. Let your damn light shine."
"Lori Harvey wins because she wins she doesn't value these men more than she values herself and as far as I'm concerned black women will do better to act like Lori Harvey."
"Thank you so much for watching this video please remember that although it's daunting to put yourself out there and to go for your dreams there's a chance we only get one shot at this life so please try and make the most of it."
"You're going to change people's mindsets in a positive way."
"Be free with your substance... even be free with whatever it is that you have that can make other people rich."
"Take care of yourselves, be the person your dog wants you to be."
"I hope it helps you thrive in life and leadership."
"Why, then, do not you apply yourself to the study of wisdom, or, at least, strive that you may hear nothing of an alien nature in your praises?"
"If you have a dream in your heart, go pursue it; it will come true."
"Nice and instructive lines that will hopefully inspire you to start your journey."
"You have the power to manage your life in a beautiful way."
"Your goal is to show maximum creativity, to find the coolest spots, not to rush. The main thing is to be spectacular."