
Bold Actions Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Be bold, be brave, take action in that direction, and let the magic begin."
"You must boldly attack the things that scare you and make you feel uncomfortable."
"We have a moral responsibility to act and act boldly and to do that yes it is going to be expensive."
"A good leader does those kind of bold things."
"Go big or go home, that's the way I like to ride my life."
"Don't let those people stop you from making a bit a bold move."
"He's unafraid to just smash it all to bits so that there can be this revitalization of the Christian America."
"Let's be bold, make some noise... Especially when it comes to your career planning."
"I'm ready to sign a big beautiful stimulus, you saw the other day I said go big or go home."
"That's the guy that's gonna kick the status quo in the nuts."
"Big things, we're just gonna go and do big things, play or go home."
"We are going to take bold action not timid solutions."
"There will be some big risks you want to take and be bold and brave."
"We must do something that this old identity would have never done."
"It was an incredibly brave move that risked taking England to war with its Roman Catholic neighbors in Europe."
"Oh my gosh, you're such a Savage! Oh my gosh, you did it, you did it!"
"This is your year and like the Scorpios with Jupiter in their sign and you having your Saturn in your sign it is empowering you to make bold moves."
"Robinhood basically looked at the game board, flipped it over, and then flipped off all the competitors."
"Be yourself, and if no one likes you for who you are and [expletive] it, go [expletive] drive a race car or something."
"Dave Chappelle just wagged the biggest pair of balls I feel like I've ever seen from any celebrity."
"I was like oh he was gangster for that but that's when you're the champ you know."
"Fuck it, let's go for broke man, let's do this."
"Rise up, Mr. President, hew the ox in half, send the pieces out to the people."
"If you're gonna do something, why not do it big?"
"If he had any balls and believed what he said at all, he would remove all troops."
"Nevertheless, when he proposed at the table, I was really turned on and struck by his directness."
"When he was 14, Michelangelo went one step too far."
"Mess around and find out. Not what y'all gonna do now, what y'all... I mean, if you wanted smoke, Merrick Garland brought the whole fire."
"Serendipity: the good things that almost always happen to a person following a bold course of action."
"Moving your career into a spiritual warriorship, an alchemically magical place: It's like authentic fortunate action, courage, and boldness connected to Neptune."
"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia give the middle finger to the United States."
"Never be afraid to just scorch the earth again."
"It's one of the most gangster things anybody's done in the tale."
"The ballsiness, the audacity of the whole thing."
"If you're gonna go out, you go out doing what you wanted to do."
"Tap into the energy of courage; it's time to act boldly in matters of the heart."
"It's a bold move but it works extremely well."
"Now you have to have a kind of grudging respect for that brazenness, for that audacity."
"Do something radical. I dare you. Do something wild."
"And this is how they pull it off, stay dangerous."
"We might have to do something pretty crazy to make sure we're impossible to ignore."
"This person is ready to make a bold move towards you here, alright, when it comes to this connection."
"Triple H needs to take out Vince the way Joaquin Phoenix took out the emperor and Gladiator smother his old ass with a pillow."
"Imagine exposing your ex on SNL. Hail to the queen Halsey."
"Radical confidence is about stepping forward despite fear."
"Put down your tracks, stop handing out tracts and start casting out some demons."
"You're gonna be making a big bold declaration, decision, move in a new direction."
"What do you have to lose? Shoot your mother effing shot!"
"Fortune favors the Bold...sometimes boldness gets you in prison for 25 years."
"It is the front. It is the audacity of what you are trying to do."
"The Ace of Wands indicates transformation, daring to make things happen, being bold, dreaming big, and turning your big dreams and goals into reality."
"I would do things to make money that you would never even dream of."
"It's time to be bold and assertive, take some risks."
"Plunge boldly into your life, into your dreams, into your creative projects."
"She's getting a bunch of blowback for what she did but it was pretty darn bold and pretty darn Brave."
"Anything bold, anything important like moving, selling houses, buying houses, investing, are amazing to do in this brilliant launch period."