
Personal Appreciation Quotes

There are 351 quotes

"I love you. Text, appreciate your leadership, your love."
"Thanks for having me, it meant so much for me to be here. I'll see you next time. Bye!"
"Thank you so much for being a wonderful person."
"Thank you for a lifetime of love and support."
"No matter how many times I see a sunset, I will always find it beautiful. It's like, I don't think I ever see a sunset as a whatever. It's just always beautiful."
"Thank you to everyone who has sent me love and support."
"He's the sweetest guy, the sweetest guy in the world."
"I think you're special, and I thought that was wonderful."
"Write down 10 things that you love about yourself."
"I appreciate the fact that so many people are interested in what I do."
"Thank you so unbelievably much you guys are going to see me wearing this watch a lot more often now."
"Sadie, you're an expert communicator and a gem of a human."
"Truth and love wins. Awesome. Thanks so much Lance. I really appreciate you and all your work."
"I'm really happy for him because he's honestly one of the nicest, most sincere guys I've ever met in this business."
"You know what, that's what I love about you man."
"Thank you for your generosity, thank you for your prayers, thank you for your love."
"My friend ordered me McDonald's and I've never been so touched."
"I feel so lucky to play this game right now."
"It's such a privilege, such a gift, to be able to go there."
"A lot of you guys really go hard for me and really support me heavy."
"One of my favorite things about you other than the obvious, like, you're super hot and talented and amazing, I love your little projects."
"Your Instagram account is fire. I never say that about anything."
"Stephanie, Stephanie, you are amazing, you've been so nice this whole stream. Thank you so much!"
"I love you because you're valuable and amazing."
"He was just a guy who could make anything work, and I always appreciated that."
"Destiny, thank you for being who you are and always holding fast to your principles. I enjoy seeing you on efap."
"It's always a blessing to see your support. Thank you for that."
"Thank y'all always so much for your love, support, comments, all the things. Y'all know I love you."
"As someone who has an amazing support system behind them and family and friends who have understood my journey, it means a bunch when you have people who support you."
"It's frustrating relearning everything, correct? Anyway, that's how I found your videos, and I'm glad I did because it was loads of help and enjoyable to listen to."
"Be grateful for what you have, be grateful for what your community has actually given you."
"Thank you so much to Beaude for being so so so generous."
"You're a good man. Dude, appreciate you as well."
"I just want to say first and foremost, I love meeting my fans, the best experience ever."
"Gratitude to you, thank you so much, man, I really appreciate that."
"I think Connie is a beautiful woman, you feel me."
"They backed me from day one... it's been great for me."
"My classes were amazing. There's a school behind me at SCA, I love my teacher."
"Thanks for all the support guys, it means the world to me."
"I wish there were more people like Sean Copeland. Keep it up, bud."
"Congrats on your engagement from TF1 end. Thank you TF1 end, I really do appreciate that."
"I love you interact with family." - Alvaro Nito
"Thank you for helping me finding my favorite anime of all time."
"Thank you for supporting me... if I could say each one of your names one by one I would but thank you for supporting me."
"Well done, Scarlett. Your efficiency literally amazes me. We love that for you and nobody saw."
"Thank you for being you, a [ __ ] love this."
"Thank you, Veronica Gomez. We really appreciate you."
"There ain't no one else that does the things that you do."
"I would love for people to hear his voice at that, 'cause I've heard things of it where I'm like, oh, he's got a pretty strong voice."
"I'm so excited for her. I'm so very proud just the role model that she is." - Michelle Williams
"I think that's always a great way to lead, is saying that I, hey, like I really loved seeing you in this or I loved watching you do this."
"Thank you for being one of the few real souls in the modern-day era."
"Haley is TCB... I love her videos she's very well-spoken and I love all of her favorites..."
"Absolute legend of the community, and I hope he knows that. Absolute legend."
"Stay positive, keep a smile on your face, and just know that I appreciate each and every one of you."
"It's all good, you know, as like a person, as like a person. It's all good, you know what I mean? Thank you, do appreciate that."
"Thank you all once again for your support. You guys are the best."
"Thank you, guys. I appreciate it being here on Friday."
"Thank you so much for your support. I really do appreciate it."
"They want you to know they admire everything about you."
"Thank you, Amina, I love you so much because you are the definition of just what it means to bridge the gap."
"We wouldn't be here without all of you and it really means so much to us personally."
"You need to go see sway so that's that what you've done for our station man it's just incredible so if I never had a chance to thank you for that I'm thanking you right now freeze tag man I appreciate it man thank you."
"I appreciate someone admitting that you're like scared, you know. Thank you for talking about that. I don't know, it's comforting."
"Yo yo she is she's art like she's a masterpiece like this is amazing Lake I love it I love it."
"Yo, Jessica, shout out to you, you're the best."
"Thank you so much for having an amazing ability to make me feel seen."
"Ultimately, I always appreciate straight shooter Ryan."
"He is one of the kindest souls I've met and I am so thankful."
"Your work will be really appreciated, but who you are will be appreciated."
"I leave it right there. You're kind of my MVP and they can fight over it."
"You're a gift to the world my friend... just the way that you walk your talk."
"Thanks for what you're doing too... for me and for everybody."
"When you watch people in the flesh and you see how good they're on the flesh then you appreciate them a bit more."
"Aaronsolo is actually a former tag partner of mines and may I add, a black belt in karate. Yes, karate, and I am a fan of Aaron Solo, and I'm not a fan of many people."
"They think you're really sweet, really kind, and very beautiful."
"Having people who just want to be a part of it really means a lot to me."
"Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my story to watch this whole video I love you so much and I appreciate you and I want the best for you."
"Shout out to Holly, she did a great job, great job."
"You are the best person I've ever met in my whole life."
"Alyssa absolutely nailed that gift, that is about as thoughtful as gift giving gets."
"That's why I love movies so much. That's why I love storytelling because you get a chance to see life through somebody else's eyes for once and really empathize, you know what I mean?"
"I don't dress up for my show anymore but I dress up for you. Thank you."
"Nobody in America has done more for the right to vote than Stacy. Stacy, you're changing Georgia, you've changed America, and I want to personally thank you again."
"Shout out to my parents, they got me this air fryer."
"I actually liked your videos and your vibe. I thought they were really freaking funny."
"One thing I appreciate is being able to be in music for that long."
"Thank you for your work. You're an asset to democracy."
"I've been fortunate enough to receive so many types of mail from you guys, and moments like these I realize how fortunate I am."
"I finally appreciate how much you've done for me."
"I don't want to see that person go because I enjoy my times with you."
"A lot to me, thank you to Igor for that. This is awesome." - Stephen
"He is always authentically himself and I got to tell you I just love that about him."
"When you appreciate what it is that he does, you're not only appreciating what he's creating, you're also appreciating him as an individual."
"Thank you to everyone who thumbs up, I will personally thank you so much. I will go up to your face and say thank you."
"Thank you for being you thank you for being beautiful and uh to end as I always do I hope you all and I truly mean this live long and prosper."
"What's amazing about this, first of all, it's CJ."
"What I heard is amazing. I'm very, very grateful."
"I always enjoyed Joe Hagman's contributions on the show."
"Kaide is one of the most incredible human beings I've ever met. Her content is brilliant, and if you disagree, you're just wrong."
"They're just so incredible. It's the luckiest thing, the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Thank you so much for your guys's support for watching. I've met so many of you here in Atlanta and it just... makes me feel so special."
"You sir are an outstanding example of a human being."
"Thank you for your support. I feel like I have one of the best jobs in the world."
"Your contribution to the challenges means the world to me."
"Just wanted to say I love your channel so much, my girlfriend is from the Philippines and hasn't seen hardly any Western films."
"There's no words to express how grateful I am."
"I'm a really big fan of my smile so I don't know anything about your smile."
"I love the bit Squad, love all you guys, you guys all mean the world to me."
"Just so much love to you, and yeah, I am blown away by all of you and the way you are navigating your lives."
"You always say how it is, thank you. You got me on your sarcasm earlier and I respect that."
"Your message is phenomenal, I absolutely loved it."
"For those that go the opposite direction and go out of their way to help, I just really, uh, thank you and appreciate you guys."
"The gut stuff who are part of the TV show they have amazing resources on their website in terms of gut health."
"You weren't on a team that supported you, loved you, or had the systems. I love that."
"Oh my gosh, that looks so good, bro! You nailed it."
"Ryan, thank you man. That's incredibly generous of you."
"Thank you so much, Mom and Dad, that peach iced tea syrup and actually the Taylor Swift bracelet are some of my favorite things that I got for Christmas."
"What I loved about Les is that he really, really, uh, loved the Earth, loved the subject matter, and was able to retain information because he cared about it."
"I think they're one of the best things about the human experience."
"You make everything sound amazing, from movies, games, music to phone calls to Nana."
"Thank you Wayne it really it really meant a lot that you took that time out of your day to reach out to me and talk to me."
"Could we all just send some love to Mrs. Hogue? Absolutely!"
"Each of you are my favorites in your own way."
"What you do is great and I greatly respect it I greatly respect you... even if we disagree."
"But at the end of the day, all of you guys are amazing."
"I love the attitude, I love him as a person, I love him as the top contender."
"I'm legit obsessed with you, stay classy, Queen. Thank you so much, Jade, I appreciate that."
"Rose is one of the best; she's always going to be there."
"Thank you, Kathy. I appreciate that very much. This has been a huge treat for me. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I love you and peaches. Peaches, thank you, peaches. Goodbye, Samuels. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye."
"I see the special value in these players, man."
"Thank God for Jan Winner personally because that's pretty great."
"You are a phenomenal person and have a huge heart... love and hugs from West Virginia."
"Thank you for calling me, a lot of people call me perfect."
"Good show Tony, we miss you on Saturday afternoon."
"Thank you guys for always rocking with me no matter what. I appreciate it."
"Your letters, your comments, they just genuinely make me feel happy during times when I really, really need to feel happy." - Alexi
"This might complete the collection. This is so incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much, Hunter." - Alexi
"I love every single one of you all around the world, peace, love, and a high five."
"Leonhart has the biggest heart the most genuine person I know and anytime he calls to ask about anything I say yes so um yeah he's I feel so incredibly lucky to know him and honored to be a part of this extraordinary event."
"It really warms my heart that many of you do like me."
"I [expletive] love you guys and just know that I read it and it means like the world to me."
"My mom. She's been my greatest sidekick and I love her dearly."
"Thank you guys so much for supporting me and loving me. It truly means the world."
"My stepfather was basically the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"And RobTop, in the off chance that you're watching this... Thank you."
"Kaylee couldn't have had a better granddad. I couldn't have had a better father."
"It's good if you're part of the experience though, it's so pretty."
"Heading back to Tucson tomorrow, again thank you guys for your patience, I appreciate the conversation, I've really enjoyed it."
"Honestly, I enjoy this a lot, and thank you for what you've done over the past year."
"Self-love is important. Something I really like about myself is my waist."
"Karen has been the shining star in my world for over 13 years."
"An amazing day. I can't thank you enough for having me out."
"Having you in someone's life is a real blessing that people would just love to have, to see you around them, to have a conversation with you, or even just to pass you in the elevator kind of inspires them to look deeper."
"I just love that about you as well and that's the way I've lived my life."
"Honestly, from the bottom of my heart thank you so so much."
"The only thing prettier than this game is my girlfriend."
"If this is where we are, you know, crossing, parting ways, I just want to say I love you. Thank you so much for being here."
"I just wanted to say Jordan, I appreciate the fact that you sung 'Revenge' for my prank."
"I always get so much support and so much love from around the world."
"I just really love the idea of appreciating the year that's just passed."
"Smart, you loyal, you're grateful, I appreciate that."
"I love you guys more than anything and thank you for allowing me to stand on my own two feet."
"You know when it's your birthday and you get a delivery to your door, and it's like wow, this person really thought of me?"
"Forget about everything negative today. Think about all that you love about your life right now."
"Thank you for your witness, your strength, your... what you're working and sailing in a different way and soaring in a different way."
"The biggest undeniable in my life without a doubt is my wife, you know, is Aaron. She's the woman of my dreams."
"I'm just so grateful man I wasn't expecting to get all this like sweet feedback and notes and stuff it means a lot."
"Thank you for serving me but Beryl. You were a pretty swell guy."
"Thank you so much hyperx and this thank you so much."
"Monet... she's the highlight of the year... I love Monet down."
"Felix... he's a highlight of the year... I'm a fan of Felix."
"You're not liked by everybody, you're not appreciated by your teammates in the moment."
"Ethan especially, we were just saying this before we started rolling, gotta be probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. I think so, I think he might be number one."
"I genuinely appreciate it because at least somebody looking out for me child because you know be a lot looking out for yourself all the time."
"Your loyalty is founded on empirical data. I can appreciate that."
"This was a surprise. I didn't know about this, and I'm in love."
"You're always looking out for others, let me do something for you."
"You're clearly a good person who's good at communicating."
"I love what I do. I love all of you. I love this industry."
"From the bottom of my heart... you're the best."
"There are so many perks to being single and we need to learn to appreciate them."
"Just going up to somebody and saying thank you, I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart."
"I really seem to like you a lot. Thanks so much for being a courageous guy."
"Just know that I'm always here for you guys I love you so much."
"Yuki had the self-indulgence that her fellow special grades had the self-indulgence of the strongest but in her case it was simply paradoxical and this trait of Yuki is what I liked most about her."
"Happy birthday John thanks for making all the bad news tolerable to here-ish we'll love you guys."
"I cannot believe this, seriously, thank you so much, thank you thank you thank you." - Brian Campbell
"I'm glad to be a part of this community, it means the world to me."
"Thank you so much, thank you. I appreciate, I really enjoyed it."
"Well done Ruby, you really are my little gem, Nana."
"No one's ever done anything like that for me, ever."
"Thank you so much for watching, thank you so much for the support that you've sent me on this and thank you so much for the support that you've sent the Elmquist family."
"I'll never forget what you did for me today."
"I loved having you on, pal. Keep up the great work."
"I think he's the perfect person to cap off our season."
"I really like you man thank you Winnie that is a a compliment can you tell it's great riffs it's gonna respect you I like you"
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
"You're a phenomenal voice, I'm so grateful for you in this space."
"I really do appreciate you guys supporting me."