
Affection Expression Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I love you. Text, appreciate your leadership, your love."
"It's been a wild last 3 days, everybody. I love you."
"I love each and every one of you to the moon and back."
"Someone wrote, 'I assume you guys are literally soul mates and have the perfect life.' Also, I love you."
"I purple you, now what the hell does that mean?"
"Your laugh is my favorite sound in the whole world."
"Am I the for wanting to give my special girl her special bear?"
"My love language is being mean to the people that I love."
"Thank y'all so much. Yeah, I'm done, y'all. I love y'all."
"If nobody told you they love you today, don't forget I love you."
"Kiss her more and hug her without trying to initiate sex."
"I love my guys, she deserves her me time, my big guy."
"I love you, I will say that's almost a standard."
"I want to kiss you before the sun goes down, it's what you do."
"I just wish someone loved me as much as this cat loves strawberries."
"This is why we love you so much, Erica. The reframed brain."
"Text your loved ones. Tell them that you love them."
"I love you all so much I had so much fun, and I'll see you next time, bye bye everyone."
"I love it! Well, she already did, but you know what I'm saying."
"I love you all more than you could ever imagine and I'm wishing you the best."
"I love you guys, I hope you guys have a great day."
"I love my family, you know I'm a family man."
"I hope you're having an amazing week, I love you."
"I love you guys so much more than you know, like maybe even more than bubble waffles. Please don't forget that because that's a pretty freaking huge deal."
"Thank you all for your incredible support. I love you."
"A love call coming in. Someone expresses love."
"Love you guys, you're the high point of my week."
"That's Rosa for me. Shout out to Rosa, baby. If you're watching, I love you. I'm about to go to your house right now, so open the door!"
"We love you guys, we appreciate you, we missed you, and peace."
"Look how freaking cute you are and you're so sweet!"
"Exercise, discipline, and affection. Every time you challenge the body and the mind at the same time, that is affection."
"On the count of three I want you guys to say 'I love you' as loud as you can."
"I love you so much, Ocean, thanks for helping me sleep."
"You're more beautiful now than the first day I met you." - Joe
"Somebody is coming towards you with a cup of love, Queen of Cups energy."
"Love you a lot. See all of you in the morning. Please share the video. And, well, that's it."
"Everybody thinks therapy is just to go dump your problems. Therapy is also like maintenance."
"Once I kiss him, I'm like, 'Oh yes, I'm kissing my crush!'"
"This person just wants to love you and push you, already on a pedestal."
"Happy Valentine's Day everyone and to my lovey! Happy Valentine's Day lovey! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!"
"Sending all my love to you through the only way that I know how, which is the finger guns."
"I should probably tell my friends I love them more often."
"I love that I can just talk and give you advice. Actually, I hope it's good advice. Sometimes I'm not the best at talking but I really love you guys."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, there's no one I love more than you."
"I love you a lot please know that you matter."
"I love you, I appreciate you, and I'll see you in the next video."
"And we love you, thank you, we love you, goodbye."
"I love you heaps, I have a great day and I will catch you all in my next video."
"You're looking very good today. Love you, baby boy."
"Go talk to someone that you haven't spoken to today, for a while, that you miss, that you love, and spread love."
"Tell your family, tell your loved ones that you love them, because you just never know."
"I think gift wrapping is almost more of my love language than gift giving."
"I love that, an unexpected dinner."
"I love you. Have a beautiful holiday season."
"Dogs use their tongues to lick their owners to show they love them."
"We love you, don't say you ain't know, we love you."
"We love you guys so much. I mean, I know like we don't tell you every day, but we feel like in here every single day."
"Joking is my way of showing love."
"I loved Charlie. Love, love, love, love, love, love."