
Visionary Thinking Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Dexter was before his time... he had a vision to build something that would bring my father to life through technology."
"You've got to think bigger than that as we go forward."
"Nigeria has been destroyed, it has to be rebuilt and you have to reimagine it."
"The legacy of Nikola Tesla is not just in his inventions but also in his vision for the future."
"I'm working on a 200-year plan... it's a different way to think."
"I have so many ideas, I could fix everything starting with myself. But that's just the beginning, I promise you. It would all be so beautiful."
"A great leader in any case understands the circumstances and has the vision to carry that forward..."
"Your vision is valid and the enterprise that you're birthing right now will birth a billion dollar enterprise."
"I'm here to point a light in the direction of the future."
"Where are the visionaries in this damn world?"
"If we are prepared to imagine a different future, we can bring about that future."
"Make it about a bigger cause, the world is depending on you to think big."
"It's time for us to start envisioning paradise on earth."
"I dream when I'm wide awake. I see it, I feel it, I touch it, and I know I can have it."
"The job future is not something conjured up out of anybody's imagination."
"Elon Musk has a different vision for the future of underground travel."
"Think about how ridiculously visionary he was."
"Transformative change is possible - envisioning cities with ecology as a priority, where citizens thrive."
"He not only gave the idea and the thought, he also gave a method to go there."
"We need to do Tesla. I know, we just need to like fucking start over."
"When you start by wrapping your arms around this powerful Vision, literally everything is possible."
"The further and deeper we contemplate the future, the greater our capacity to shape it."
"He's the one who has pontificated on becoming an interplanetary species."
"You need to take a long-term point of view. Plan for the great expansive time ahead of you."
"You are birthing new creations, dreaming a new world into being."
"Together we are going to change the priorities of this country... think big, not small."
"Tesla's Visionary ideas were decades ahead of their time and officials likely feared the implications of premature release."
"How do we construct our own vision of the future to put against that vision of the future?"
"For it is only through hopes and dreams that we may create a better world."
"They're literally talking about transforming the world."
"Every great moment in our history began with a dream."
"Vision helps you to focus on the possibilities that await you in your future."
"Visionary: channel your creativity into action."
"We need to build a bridge to the 13th century."
"The artists, the writers are the thinkers, they are the people who are often the visionaries, they think outside of the box very often."
"If I could project on a screen from my mind the things that I've seen with my own eyes this world would be would be changed overnight."
"Ultimately, to fix all this, we need a new consciousness, a new humanity, a new earth."
"People that are white light white hats they could get together and discuss these plans over generation and generation and generation with higher intentions for humanity."
"Victory is coming, see clearly and be a visionary."
"What if we said, 'Let's put people to work and let's build'?"
"Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures."
"I believe that what will make this generation fight capitalism is the idea that a vision of what comes after it."
"You have the blessed gifts to see past the current situation and envision the amazing possibilities."
"Foresight without execution is just a hallucination."
"Once we break free of that mindset, we'll be able to see new opportunities and possibilities that we just can't even imagine right now."
"We are going to create a way better world than this that's going to be loving, healing, compassion, etc."
"Every successful journey begins with a vision!"
"Tesla's got the brain. People aren't understanding that the brain is what really matters."
"The SR-72's journey began not as a blueprint, but as a vision, a mixture of creativity emerged from these initial sparks of imagination."
"Total victory is imagining the future looking at the present like its past."
"Write down your dreams; even the craziest ones have started revolutions."
"When you have this vision, when you think 'I'm gonna be there,' I'm gonna go there."
"If this world changes to meet our standard or our frequency or our vibration, all of a sudden you don't need to blast off and go to some other place."
"We are literally creating an energetic hologram of love that is going forward to create that new world."
"It is also absolutely vital to imagine, and work, and dream, of a world that is different."
"Our mind is limitless and a visionary plans with imagination and wisdom."
"It's about organizing, helping as many people as possible to imagine things don't have to be this way."
"We've managed to change the course of humanity in ways our ancestors never dreamed."
"Vision allows you to see tomorrow even when you're stuck in today."
"What's more important than knowing the how is the vision. Don't underestimate how powerful a strong, juicy vision is for moving you towards something. If you have a strong enough vision and you're committed to it, the how will solve itself."
"Thinking small is a prescription for disaster. We have to think big."
"Dream lofty dreams and as you dream so shall you become."
"Sight is for people who live in the present. We have vision."
"Vision is the ability to look into the invisible and to create and to see that which does not exist."
"A vision without a plan is actually a fantasy."
"All you need is a large vision. You have the drive, you have the energy, and you have the mind to pursue it."
"One of the things that I learned about is the power of vision."
"This is from Simeon, probably seems strange to you, trying to build a better world, a world radically different from the one that most of us grew up in."
"Men must live above life, constantly looking to the future for vision."
"You have to see it in your mind before you can see it in your reality. You have to be a visionary."
"Imagining a future that's different is brave."
"Our job is to be cosmic cowboys and cowgirls... we need to ride those waves, think cosmically, act locally."
"Vision is the space between what is and what's supposed to be."
"Dare to dream, this is about thinking bigger, this is about seeing the bigger picture."
"Let no one ever again say that we dreamed too small."
"This year I've called the year of revelations and revolutions that's how I really believe it's going to be."
"Powerful just means you can close your eyes, imagine a world, a better world than the one that we have today, you can then open your eyes and actually create that world."
"Sometimes building a plan is about the grit and tenacity to dream up the world that you want and pushing it into existence and making it come true."
"This is what it truly means to invest and own the culture of tomorrow."
"We need to change man at the level of his biological needs...to need a fundamentally different kind of world to live in." - A call to remake humanity for a new societal order.
"Tesla had the vision and the foresight to see and do things a different way."
"Dissatisfaction with the current state, a vision of a better state, and a path to get there... that's what we need."
"We can do so much better. Why are we settling with how things are day in and day out?"
"When you envision a solution, all the particulars of a problem will fade away. They will be solved. This is what the relationship is about."
"Your attitude refuses to be pushed by your problems; you should be led by the vision of your future and the dreams that God has given you."
"Birthing new creations, dreaming a new world into being."
"Hardcore boxers need to be visionaries, don't just stick to the traditional way."
"Capacity to envision what is not yet conceivable to others, this is your gift."
"Dream a new world into being, hold your mind open, and try not to worry about what others think."
"You're a big thinker, and that's a blessing."
"Intjs and infjs are more likely to have a vision for their relationship."
"You are the creator, the alchemist, the dreamer who's going to dream it into being."
"Imagine and dream with me a minimum of 10,000 young people in every one of those big large rooms."
"Science fiction today, science fact tomorrow."
"Elon Musk is not looking at tomorrow, he's looking at the future."
"Innovators are prophetic because they have this uncanny ability to peer into the future and convince us of what's to come."
"You are a Visionary and your thoughts are becoming things."
"Dream big because anything that you're imagining right now you're going to be very successful."
"I want to help us dream in ways that give us permission to believe that's even possible."
"We're planting ideas and visions and new thoughts, and that's it's a beautiful time."
"But he was so far ahead of the game that things he said from 25 years ago resonate right now."
"If we can picture it, we can imagine a world, a future that looks brighter and then I believe more of us will work hard to achieve it."
"We humans are becoming the cells in the brain of Earth."
"And to look back, the original Comdex speech that Bill Gates laid out, a plan that seemed like science fiction, but if technology's progress is hot as anything, it's that sometimes that science fiction leads to fact."
"There will come a time when it's your job to seed some other civilization in some other far away place and give birth to compassionate action in other places of this galaxy."
"Execute on your vision with the two of wands."
"I'm about what can you do post the collapse... creating a system that is coming from a higher place."
"Create the world around you you envision and then watch what happens to the universe."
"You've come to kind of bring, introduce the future before it's happened."
"A visionary has the strength to call those things that are not as though they already were."
"Essentially here Pisces, you're stepping into a new position of authority as a friend, as a team player, as an acquaintance, as a future planner, and as a visionary."
"Have you ever thought about that? Bitcoin fixes this."
"When we completely disconnect our survival from the system, that's when we start creating New Earth."
"Build the future, have that dream, and follow it with resolve."
"Let the market catch up to what's in your head."
"The most important thing is knowledge and a vision."
"We have an opportunity like never before to design the world that we want to live in."
"We are meant to see the reality what is and to actively bring about what we want to have be the reality what we want this causes not only expansion for ourselves but also the people around us human society the world and the universe at large."
"To live the life God intended, we need a vision."
"Shopify is Amazon before 2010. Everybody was looking at it and they're like this kind of seems like it's the future."
"Just about any vision can be realized, and especially when we trust divine timing."
"Their visionary thinking allows them to see possibilities beyond what others may perceive, inspiring them to pursue goals that align with their values and desire for meaningful change."
"You're a visionary. You see this before it comes."
"God is daring us to think big, to dream big and to imagine big."
"They tend to focus on goals, and dreams, and visions that are very self-actualized."
"We're living in the possibility of the impossible."
"I'm a visionary more than I'm a dreamer."
"Predict the future or create the future? Definitely create the future."
"I'm just ahead of my time, a visionary if you will."
"Every great move begins with a dream, a desire to be part of something historic, to do something unforgettable."