
Inspirational Figure Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"He was a defender of skateboarding and what it meant and what it can mean."
"Sophie Green: Doing everything with her feet, inspiring us all."
"Wow, what a great character. What an amazing person."
"She earned her degrees through hard work and pure grit. She's an inspiration to me, to her students, and to Americans across the country."
"You're the modern day Martin Luther King. You're just about there."
"Gabby Petito loved life, loved people, and loved experiences. She was the bright light in everyone's life that knew her."
"Canada desperately needs a lot more leaders like him and so does the rest of the world."
"You are a beacon of light, of love, of healing, a voice to be heard."
"Despite all of his controversies, Jay is a successful entrepreneur, an artist, and a role model for a lot of people."
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is truly gifted... one of the most talented people on the planet right now... literally."
"Tupac was passionate and poetic with his words, he knew how to inspire people especially communities of color."
"Steve Irwin, on the other hand, inspired a generation of nature enthusiasts."
"This incredible man who essentially brought people together from all over the world."
"Janice Dickinson's trailblazing career as a supermodel and her contributions to the fashion industry continue to inspire generations of models and fans alike."
"We respect what he has done and the path that he paved for others to follow, putting Schwarzenegger at a legendary status beyond legendary."
"I believe Muhammad Ali wasn't just the greatest boxer, but one of the greatest human beings."
"Helena pic's Legacy as a Trailblazer in speed skating and a mentor to many will continue to inspire generations to come."
"Teresa meant many things: order, kindness, intelligence, humility, faith, hope, and common sense."
"Robert Downey Jr. is gone from rock bottom to the top of the Hollywood mountains with a heart of gold in a suit of iron."
"Betty White was 17 days from being a hundred but she lived through more than 17 leap years so those extra days count to me. She made it, you're damn right Betty White made it."
"Chadwick Boseman was an immensely talented actor and an inspirational individual."
"What Elon Musk has done for the American space program is he has brought vision and inspiration."
"The real hero to aspire to is easily Batman."
"I think the best feeling was going back to the village where I came from, now the whole country is looking up to me because I'm building a school."
"He's a kind of I'd said Prince and if I wanted to go further I would say a kind of Messiah."
"I want to be the guy like what Pacquiao was to the Philippines, you know? When he fights, the whole country shuts down, crime drops, everything."
"For the people here, even for the young kids, you know, I think probably many of the parents they tell them, 'Look at him, also a kid from here, studied, fought for his life, for his success.' And I feel some responsibility."
"She was just so ahead of her time. She was an inspiration." - Mariska Hargitay
"The example of his life and death did much to lift the stigma on werewolves."
"A true fighter, Chadwick persevered through it all."
"JJ Rutkoski: His drive and discipline for not just shooting but life is incredibly infectious."
"Kahlo was physically disabled her entire adult life, and yet she loved herself enough to be her own muse."
"The loss of Grant Thompson for me is the loss of a friend, an inspiration, and the hardest-working person I've ever known."
"Britney Spears was such an inspiration, but the struggle she had behind it and is overcoming is even more inspiring."
"He embodies a lot of what I want an English manager to be, a man that I can get behind who represents me and my country."
"Ferris Bueller is more than a man, he's an attitude, a way of life, and a mindset we could all learn something from."
"Here's a man who lost both of his arms and yet competes as a drift car racer."
"This person was just a young teen trying to make it big on YouTube, a manifestation of the YouTube dream that once existed before the age of corporations, an inspiration if you ask me."
"I want to be someone who's an inspiration, a statesman."
"She is one courageous young woman, and I applaud her."
"He just radiated positivity and this joy... Gilchrist is went above and beyond to me my son's final months."
"He was a legend of a man, what a legend of a man."
"When the word hero comes to mind, I now will think of this man."
"They see you as the star, you really give them a sense of hope."
"No one in wrestling has overachieved as much as DDP."
"They see you as this like fount of inspiration and wisdom."
"Gerrard was our hero growing up, not just because he was a good football player, but for the man that he was."
"Thank you for being such an inspiration. I want to personally thank you for putting your life, your safety, and personal well-being on the line for 43 years for the truth." - Beck
"He is more than just a boxer, he is a living force, the embodiment of greatness and determination."
"Natalia Kovalevo likely be an inspiration to anyone who has ever had a childhood similar to hers or faced any naysayers who said they couldn't or shouldn't do something."
"When you see Bahar Nabiva's incredibly muscular legs and developed frame, it's hard to imagine that she wasn't always like that."
"What a legend, what a man, a figure of wisdom and mindfulness and power."
"If Malcolm X became al Hajj Malik Shabazz in three months, then you can do it too."
"If I can serve as a beacon for a young generation of makers, then that's a life well spent."
"Her Legacy is not just in the charity she found but in the lives she touched and the societal change she advocated for."
"You can quit your job and start farming. Here's Joel Salatin, the master himself, for some inspiration and know-how."
"He was such a symbol of hope and inspiration."
"Jushin Thunder liger leaves behind an incredible legacy as a wrestler of all seasons and all eras on the measuring stick for the juniors who follow him to look up at in wonder."
"In the face of adversity, Dixon exhibited tremendous courage and perseverance, leaving an enduring legacy both on and off the field."
"If you want to learn anything from that guy, he's a winner."
"You're not a hero just in fact people. He's a hero to America and to Americans and to the world."
"Even at the age of 37, Chad Reed's determination has never wavered, his persistence has never let time dictate his story."
"He's like Brady, like a fine wine. He's only getting better with age."
"Wim Hof might be the closest thing to a real-life superhero."
"Embrace the visions of the future, be like Paul."
"This is the story of Louis Zamperini, and what would come to be known as the Miracle on the Pacific."
"Damn, Woods is such a badass, even in a wheelchair, he speaks like he controls the room."
"Just look at the poise and warrior spirit this man embodies to accomplish all these incredible feats."
"Bravery resides in the heart of Barack Obama. Time and time again I witnessed him summon it."
"This is the most impressive young man you will ever hear from."
"I find you as a huge inspiration. I think your authenticity, your ability as an athlete, and your charisma as well, is just excellent."
"Every dog has his day... I think that Katie Taylor is a very exceptional fighter."
"He exemplified ambition, love, and compassion."
"A.I. was really connected to the people, you know what I mean? When you can make people put down guns, people that really wasn't thinking about they could make it, he gave them hope."
"You look at Booker T. Washington and you see the results."
"And Jacine is a really inspiring example of this."
"He is a hero and the world needs to know his story."
"You are an amazing amazing inspirational like streamer person YouTuber all the things content creator."
"His is a name that will ring down through the generations. His bravery will inspire millions for years to come."
"You're the definition of booked and busy, anointed and appointed, yet you're still shining and inspiring."
"Despite being 62 years old, she still maintains her beauty and youthful presence."
"Serves as a role model for embracing oneself and aging gracefully."
"Slocum is more than the inspiration; he's the man who did it."
"You're such an inspiration, you display more wisdom, compassion, empathy, and concern than most."
"If you want to look up to someone and choose someone as your hero, I would say Justin from LankyBox is a great hero to have in your life."
"Larry is one of the strongest human beings to ever exist. I'm not even anywhere close to him."
"Larry is one of the strongest human beings to ever exist. God bless."
"Mary Jackson's journey and work has inspired countless women across the country and the world who fight every day to defy odds and break barriers."
"Mary Jackson's contributions proved to me that I too could achieve excellence in aeronautics research."
"Elon Musk is truly one of the most inspirational living legends of the day, like hands down."
"Ayrton Senna was a true gift to the world of Formula One."
"The ancient Greeks would have seen Prometheus as an inspiration for future revolutionaries, standing up against oppressors."
"Their visionary nature has earned him his place in history and still inspires architects today."
"Eddie Guerrero's legacy is one of a wrestler who inspired millions on two fronts one through his enthralling work as an entertainer and two for his resilience and resolve outside of the ring."
"She dedicated her life to helping others and we should all be proud of her positive impact on vulnerable patients."
"How can you not want to see a black man that beat all odds and made a billion dollars, goddamn it I've made a billion dollars."
"Her kindness, strength, humility, passion, and drive gives off more radiation than the Sun and has more gravitational pull than the moon."
"Obama was like a prophet in the wilderness, an accuser in chief, pointing out the system's corruption."
"Elon Musk is far from perfect, but he builds spaceships. We need people who do inspirational things to make us strive to be better."
"The spirit of Elias, that's the preparer of the way."
"She is a living breathing source of hope, her power over the spirit keeps the alliance going day after day after day."
"For us, Fatima Zahra is not just an Arab personality or a female in Medina. For us, she is the axis of the teachings."
"Iron Mouse didn't just defy the odds, she shattered them."
"In a world of doubts, Elise was a beacon of certainty."
"Jennifer is so inspirational for women because they can see that a curvy fuller body is beautiful and the sexiest thing."
"Polly Klass left behind a legacy to save other lives."
"She represented good in this world, living a life of honor, a life dedicated to service, dedicated to bettering the lives of others."
"Her holiness and her fortitude, that's courage."
"He was everything, so he is an inspiration for everybody on different levels of society and for people of different ages, different roles, different problems."
"To be that calm under that kind of duress, dude, he's a superhero."
"Annie Oakley: shooting for the stars and hitting the bullseye of success."
"You're really the face that the world needs right now."
"Jesus was selfless, he tried to help people, he tried to build people."
"I don't think there's an American living that is more honored, more representative of the great values of this nation, of the hope of this nation, than you."
"You are a leader and must be the beacon others look to when the night is darkest."
"What a freedom fighter, Alex, you're a born leader."
"The spirit of the era was personified by a new hero: Neil Patrick, at just 17."
"Every African should look up to Nelson Mandela."
"Matt Hughes remains an inspiration for his unwavering determination and perseverance in the face of adversity."
"Shout out to Sir Charles Barkley man God damn I [ __ ] love that guy man he made it he made a kid's dream come true being able to just hang with him like this."
"He's a man of light who chasing the light all his life."
"I'm actually a motivational speaker and a speaker for children at elementary school."
"I'm a woman phenomenally phenomenal woman that's my mother and all your mothers."
"She is a charismatic negotiator, astute, appealing, a liberator, breaker of chains."
"Travis Hunter was enamored with Deion Sanders. He saw the beautiful energy, the greatness of being around his own."
"I mean I could see the hope in her eyes with a determination... she's so inspiring."
"Leader and evangelist, mystic and prophet, to this day, Mary Magdalene continues to inspire both veneration and controversy."
"He's a symbol of the transformation that's sweeping India."
"His impact on Cinema and his commitment to Environmental Conservation continue to inspire audiences and filmmakers worldwide"
"Technoblade is the coolest [__] person I've ever known... he was and always will be my hero."
"Astronaut Sally Ride was the first American woman in space, in 1983, becoming a true role model."
"Julian’s magisterial charisma induced the disgraced cataphractarii into turning their mounts around and returning to battle."
"What I need to do, just like Superman, is come up with an alter ego."
"If you want to see a model of success, take a look at Tom Joyner. I think he's a great example of that."
"She's a perfect example of someone that had a dream, had a desire, and really went after it."
"Losing his arms didn't stop Shanks from becoming one of the greatest pirates."
"You're truly a role model for many of us that struggle, especially the new generation."
"I just want everyone to remember, great people, Vlad."
"Her Legacy as a pioneering artist and influential cultural figure will continue to inspire and resonate within the hearts of many."
"Arriving at Elbaf right now, they would just have a huge party. Straw Hats meeting Shanks for the first time, Luffy's just like, 'This is Shanks, he inspired me to be a pirate.'"
"His parents' tragic fate pushed Neville to be the best he could, and he became an incredible person that his parents would be very proud to call their son."
"This guy is truly a gift to this planet, to human society."
"He's truly our inspiration, he's a man that thought out of the box."
"Nikola Tesla symbolizes a unifying force and inspiration for all nations in the name of peace and science."
"He sounds like a fantastic person, like a very accomplished man, very intelligent, overcame a lot, like an actual hero. He deserves that Nobel Prize."
"God bless that guy, he's an inspiration for sure."
"She was an exceptional and gifted human being in good times and bad."
"She's my idol, and I'm very, very proud to be her mother."
"The Samaritan arrives abruptly in Astro City, ending their dark age; he is their beacon hero."
"Our boy's on the road to becoming... the hero. PCO is the hero, not only in that he's the strongest player, but also that he saves just about everyone from their miserable state of affairs."
"They could see you as an angel, pure source energy."
"She wanted to bring about a new and better world."
"Kathy Freeman's the sporting moment that really changed how I thought about sport."
"That's like the time where you need everyone to leave you alone, but I just think this is awesome. I think that he's showing so much strength, and I think that he's a wonderful role model to teenagers, adults, kids all over the world."
"She was known to many as the giant slayer, we watched her inspire and give hope to so many of us."
"She showed enormous poise and courage in the wake of tragedy."
"Nobody can take away from what has been done over the last uh you know two decades you know I think it's always nice having someone you can look up to."
"Johnny Ericson Tata she's really a National Treasure."
"From science breaking World Records to inspiring a whole generation of people to jump into ice cold water, Wim Hof is somewhat of a modern day spiritual leader."
"He wrote his name upon his soldiers' hearts as the bravest of the brave."
"The effect Special K had on the city of Newcastle upon Tyne seemed to touch everyone."
"If a shining example of a true sportsman lives anywhere in the world, it lives in your heart."
"What an incredibly brave woman she is."
"You truly are inspirational, and I hope I can meet a man my age like you."
"Virginia Apgar is a superhero of science."
"Most people who learn about Khalif's story may view him as a victim, but he was actually an inspiration, a catalyst for change."
"I am inspired and continue to be inspired by Prefontaine."
"As church music is a way to sing to God, he wishes to be a sort of hero for the music world or a patron saint."
"It was encouraging to me early on to see Dr. White out here ministering in this kind of a place."
"You are a fantastic not only story but hopefully a legend that we'll learn about for a long, long time."
"Because he is the reason that I'm standing here today. I'm so proud to be your daughter, Dad."
"He was truly the 'Father of His Country' and he remains the guiding spirit of a nation."
"He's been saving England like in real life, not just in the movies."
"They believe that Luffy and his story will come one day to be the dawn and lead the dawn."
"She was somebody that was not only a companion but she was a source of personal strength for the messenger of Allah."
"You're an inspiration, man. A legend."
"To those she loved, Missy was a beacon of brightness."
"Harvey represents the very best that life in golf can offer."
"He had an innate ability to gain others' trust and exemplifying leadership that apparently cannot be emulated."
"She's truly a role model for every single one of us."
"For he was endowed with the special grace that made him tower above other men."
"Muhammad Ali put boxing on the map; I want to do the same for wheelchair boxing."
"Elvia was a light in everyone's life and she was definitely a light in her students' lives."
"Everything Bishop Robert Barron does is amazing."
"He was a leader because he lived a life worth following."
"Muhammad Al Shabagi, like, is just showing what a true champion he really is."
"He represents the very best in us."
"I want to say I am in awe of him."
"She wasn't intelligent, ambitious, and capable ruler who could inspire loyalty among the people, clergy, and the Army."
"He's a once in a generation guy who can live on in the community forever."
"You are a true queen and goddess, and thank you."
"Griffith's legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of fans around the world."
"She's truly gonna fix the world and make the world a better place."