
Server Management Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"I pinged my server, and it got really messy, but a lot of people have joined. I am so excited for this."
"This is the proper way to assign a port to your node applications."
"When the server creates a new object or a new resource, you should return that object in the body of the response."
"Discord bots are server-sided applications, so we need to make sure we're using a server-sided environment to actually run the application."
"When running in debug mode, the server automatically updates when you save."
"One day everything's fine, the next day your admin gives the one person you don't want in the server the power to ban everybody."
"I'll be spending the next hundred days trying to help this server before it's too late."
"At this point, you know your server is up and running."
"Fresh BC servers offer a healthier solution."
"I think it's a great idea, Mega servers are what everything should be."
"Prevent spam by turning off the ability to mention everyone in your server."
"Roles allow you to control who has access to what within your server."
"Nat would then leave the server just 8 days after the incident."
"A mixture of official servers and community-run servers is the best way to go."
"We're going to jump to the backend and write some code that's going to be running on our dynamic server."
"Why you guys gotta crush my server? Why you guys gotta crash the server using laptop?"
"Lenode makes it super easy to spin up servers with their one-click app Marketplace and have tons of written guides and YouTube videos on their channel to help you get started."
"Diablo 2 Resurrected: login queue implemented, a good thing."
"Express gives you absolute full control of how you handle your requests to the server and how you respond."
"The most powerful thing that can happen is an absolute ban from the server."
"I hope people still give it a shot and try something outside of their comfort zone."
"Do you need to host your own web server deploy iSCSI drives for fast access block storage to devices on your network how about run a Docker server for containerized services like pie hole or home assistant."
"I just want people to understand that we care about the integrity of our server."
"All these for me were positive changes from the original game which made sense when the server was destined to be seasonal."
"If you triple the size of the map, you probably have to at least double the size of the maximum people that can be on a server."
"Running a server is probably one of the most mind-boggling experiences. I would not recommend running a server, ever, if you wish to maintain sanity."
"The big conspiracy is that the server was essentially stolen from me."
"Man, man, man, you know a Minecraft server is a lot like a girlfriend."
"SSH allows you to interact with the server as if you were sitting right in front of it."
"Configuring your server is like fine-tuning an instrument for the perfect melody of gameplay."
"People have suffered from the server so maybe change something about it."
"Good lesson there, make sure that you understand what you've got running on your servers and look for suspicious traffic."
"So after joining the cluster, you can now see both of your Proxmox servers within the data center view."
"So, now we have a dedicated key for each of the servers that we're going to be connecting to."
"The Cloud Function is a scalable pay-as-you-go function with zero server management."
"Zen Orchestra runs on Linux and is a tool that allows the orchestration and management of all the XCPNG servers and hosts and pools and configuring them, even joining pools together."
"It allows you to go to each and every individual computer... and say okay specifically what kind of communications do I want this server to be able to have."
"Not only is H-top really easy to use, it's something that I consider a must install on your Linux server."
"Essentially what that means is that this is going to run when we enable it and reboot the server, and the last thing the service file is going to do for us is it's going to disable itself."
"...with virtualization I can set up a hypervisor server one server and virtu ize those other servers..."
"Now, I do want to show you how to make it automatically restart the server whenever there is a code change."
"The probability that the server is idle is 1 - (lambda / mu)."
"Greater control and customization over the server environment."
"...if it's not, instead of trying to install it on there, you'll probably want to use something that's already existing on the server."
"Now that we've got our inventory file written properly, we've got our four servers and it went out and pinged all of them."
"You can completely run this for free and never have to pay anything and run all your own servers and host this in your own cloud."
"So what we could do is copy this key over to our Linode."
"Fantastic, now our new server is being created."
"...we can see here that my Hang Fire server is running."
"This has lots and lots of different uses, from testing to running a server."
"It's a great way to be able to actually back things up using snapshots and ZFS replication, making our server bulletproof."
"A darkness that had loomed over the server for over half a year was now trapped deep in the farthest reaches of Pandora's Vault."
"It's always best to put web services behind a proper web server like Apache or Nginx."
"Metal as a Service enables really fast server provisioning in an automated, programmatic way."
"Uptime is not a personal challenge."
"Central management from one single server."
"Basically, the main server will be able to turn this thing on remotely over the network."
"Dev: nodemon server.js - The dev script uses nodemon, which automatically restarts the server whenever you change your code."
"Open the XAMPP control panel and start the MySQL and Apache modules."
"Ansible does everything out-of-the-box, and you don't have to install anything extra on your servers just to use it."
"Can I host my Webflow website on my own server? Yes, for static websites."
"I wrote this because I got sick and tired of people coming and asking me, 'Is the server slow right now or not?'"
"Thinking in a proactive way is much better than a reactive engineer or server administrator."
"By the time this video is over, we should be able to sign in to our Ubuntu 20.04 server with our existing credentials from our Active Directory domain."
"Cloudways is really great for beginners, people who don't want to worry about managing a server."
"System monitor is a Windows tool to measure resource consumption across an entire server, not just databases."
"Security is a benefit because I'm not having to run my own server."
"If you want to run VMs on your server, then you need to have the CPU virtualization settings enabled."
"Let's turn on our server and login to the admin panel."
"The third advantage of Docker is that you can automatically build servers in the cloud."
"This is a really effective way of taking a single address and splitting it out into more than one server."
"We want to be able to accommodate users who don't want to have to worry about maintaining their own servers."
"More number of cheaper servers are actually preferable to fewer number of large servers, as long as your cost stays the same."
"Servers bring pain... Microsoft and their multibillion-dollar data centers can do a much better job managing that hardware than you or I can."
"One of the best things we can do for a file server is add in local redundancy by implementing a high availability server cluster."
"gunicorn tends to be a little bit more stable, a little more robust, better for a production quality program."
"For Blazer server apps, we're adding new APIs so that you can monitor your circuit activity."
"The server does all the security checks, it ensures that the players aren't doing something they're not supposed to."
"The automation module houses a huge pool of options which will allow you to create a set of rules for modules of server inventory based on which appropriate actions would be performed."
"Let's proceed to create our application and deploy it onto our server."
"I'm going to show you how to backup your server, simulate that server failing, and then we'll show you how to restore from your backup to a fully working installation again."
"We're remanufacturing a lot of our servers with recycled components."
"Change the start mode from manual to automatic, so the server starts every day itself."
"For a very obvious reason, most servers are running Linux or Unix-like systems."
"It gives you a nice user interface to help you build and maintain the server."
"Storage virtualization is the abstraction of physical storage from the servers connected to it."
"Make sure that you're going to be using Centos 7, that's the recommended operating system for Control Web Panel."
"If for any reason one of them just dies or the server crashes or whatever, it will be restarted automatically by Kubernetes, which is very nice. That's the whole point."
"You don't want to be in a business of managing servers and capacity. You want to be focusing on your own core business value proposition."
"You can basically say, 'I'm the Apache and my sequel that belongs to the marketing department of company foo get this much.'"
"Instead of installing a full-blown desktop environment on your Linux server, you can install one application and this will allow you to manage pretty much everything from the web."
"You can manage your server from the web, and it's a super cool application, and I employ you guys to actually check it out."
"Mirror supports player hosting and dedicated servers, so depending on your budget and scale, you at least have options."
"Express is a framework that helps us to easily manage our routing, requests, server-side logic, and responses in a much more elegant way."
"What's really cool about this is that we could use this GraphQL server as an orchestration layer around our different data types."
"If you're serious about using computers and doing things on servers and doing things with Docker... you should really get comfortable with the command line."
"For security purposes and for just the ease of knowing that if anything goes wrong with your server, you've got backup somewhere else."
"In order for you to take the status of the Apache web server, whether or not it is running, you can just do service HTTPD status."
"You could end up with a really interesting dynamic app that you can totally control from a server."
"Whenever we run the command npm run devstart, it will automatically start running our server."
"Windows Server is a pretty good tool, and if you've never used it before but are familiar with Windows 10, it might be a better way to interact with a server."
"Always remember to back up your server before doing any work."
"Now luckily, my server has an IPMI or a remote management interface."
"Making sure we could push out updates really quickly and the transparency with our users as our number of servers grew."
"By the end of this, you'll have a fully functioning Discord bot for your server that works with inside of your server, and you'll also understand how it works."
"When caching happens, how does the caching server know that the object which I have cached is still good to go?"
"These are all headers that you can set, you can define on your server... and in doing so, you can make it much more difficult for attackers to compromise your application."
"Another cool thing I'll state about this Adonis serve command is that as you edit your JS files and save them, it's going to restart your server for you automatically."