
Negative Behavior Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The human being child that they're raising needs better than this; this is vengeful, this is spiteful, this is selfish. This is not okay parenting."
"It's like I can get attention and likes for being horrible."
"She was abrasive, she was rude, she was nasty, she was indeed racist."
"Bullying or shit-talking or like harassing people is never going anywhere in the community."
"Why somebody would never be interested in Sonic? Unfortunately, most of the people saying that are just being assholes."
"The hate is all in bad faith, it's basically trolling."
"Creating a mob mentality is never a good idea."
"Anybody that has the time to sit there and hate on somebody else, they're insecure."
"That's not a bridezilla, that's just a terrible person."
"Elon Musk's Twitter takeover has already sparked a full-scale return of unchecked misogyny, racism, and anti-Semitism to the platform."
"Joining her on this little self-delete run is her poorly dispositioned sister Jade, just in case she needs someone to treat other people like garbage."
"If you want to be a successful asshole, there are certain things you should do."
"Sports and maybe music are the only two things that give you that emotional connection."
"Late Night Shoppers are a class all on their own; they're a class of customer that will arrive to purchase something just when the shop is about to close."
"The Ravagers are some of the most foulest members of the public to enter shops."
"Just incredibly sad how jealousy can make people do such terrible, evil things."
"He bombarded Sandra with pages and pages of sickening texts."
"It emboldened Matthew to continue such predatory behavior."
"Negativity is the #1 thing guys do to show they might be a beta male."
"Do something and do it. Don't forget to be spiteful or Vendetta."
"I think they are mischievous, I think they are destructive, I think they are a complete disgrace."
"You guys shouldn't want to be friends with someone that makes everything a competition."
"The Internet will turn people into monsters, man."
"I also think it's absolutely insane and crazy that people chime in with copycat transmissions and pranks. I just don't understand that kind of mentality and that kind of lack of awareness of the consequences of their actions."
"Everybody doing this demon and low vibrational talk but there's real repercussions for that in life."
"If you're overly willful and thereby you behave in a way that is 'I want, I need, grab, grab,' there's not enough, someone is going to retaliate."
"It's okay to be a fan of a platform but when you start acting like the person we're gonna take a look at here today, you're really doing something wrong with your life."
"Being negative to your teammates is not an appropriate way to deal with frustration."
"You can't tell me that you love someone if you're just gonna trash them all day long you know that's not love."
"It's all about control with this woman and it's vile."
"A bad GM will destroy a group regardless of the situation and oftentimes that happens not because of the GM's inexperience but because the GM is just a dick."
"You guys give men a bad name. You guys should be ashamed of yourself."
"She's freaking being so evil, what the hell guys, this is really scary."
"I am [ __ ] bad yeah when I drink in the [ __ ] champs."
"Review bombing stuff, that's what it's about."
"I really don't understand why someone would go out of their way to spray-paint such a vulgar and honestly a dumb message on the pavement."
"If you're motivated to go and write something negative about someone, it's quite weird."
"Platforms like TikTok... breeding grounds for people to do the most absolutely stupid and [] maniacal [] possible."
"It's almost like a power trip to them or some sort of grim trophy."
"That's a bad thing, okay? That's a very bad thing."
"They've done horrible things to their families, they've done horrible things to members of staff. They just don't seem particularly nice people."
"Their biggest weapon is they mobilize these vulgar, disgusting netizens who go out there and incense it's insensitively attack nipple docks people harass people."
"When people start to behave negatively, it's because they're hurt. The most amazing gift you can give is forgiveness and compassion."
"That is horrible, vindictive, petty, and the height of scumbaggery."
"She's very unpopular. LS are disgusted with her behavior."
"Wow, she just sounds like a terrible person and now it's not hard to see why so many vendors had such an awful experience."
"These [__] are trash, bro, they try to go steal the bike and they end up killing this man's brother, like, y'all [__] ain't [__] so anyways, Michi and Takamichi meet and they decide to work together."
"It's giving that you're gross and it's giving predatory vibes."
"Bullying is about shutting people down."